Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2643 Borrowing a car

These IS7 heavy tanks that entered the city early could not help Varosha's Second Brigade in clearing up traffic accidents.

After all, just the reinforcements pouring into the city from outside the city have already occupied all the main traffic roads in one direction. It is unrealistic for you to drive an IS7 "retrogradely" from the city at this time. Before the wreckage of the traffic accident is solved, it will inevitably cause further chaos to the already congested traffic, and the flow of troops will be delayed even more.

In this case, it would be better to move the IS7 along the one-way lane from outside the city and drive into the city along with the large army. In fact, the comrade Malashenko met not long ago did the same.

But it is precisely this situation that the IS7 in the city was not transferred to deal with traffic accidents. Malashenko, who had his car "stolen", could at least find a replacement IS7, and at least there was still a car available.

At least in a sense, this is a "blessing in disguise."

With Malashenko's personal order, Kulbalov's command vehicle arrived quickly.

When the huge Soviet war machine and the accompanying escort vehicles crunched on the road, they drove to the door of the tavern and took up their positions.

With his self-defense AK in his hand, Malashenko, who was already impatient, immediately climbed into the car without saying a word.

Kulbalov, who stayed behind to watch his comrade division commander go out, was in a complicated mood. He wanted to say something, but he didn't know how to speak when the words came to his lips. At the end, he could only make up the last words like the political commissar did. Admonished.

"Comrade Commander, be more careful."

Malashenko, who was in a bad mood just now, seemed to be a little "cloudy and sunny" now. At least he could reply to Kulbalov in a decent manner before getting into the car.

"The thing that can kill me hasn't come out of my mother's womb yet!"

"Everyone is here, target battlefield, let's go!"


"Target destroyed! Next round, high-explosive bomb, keep loading! Quick!"

The huge impact of fire and the roaring and blasting sound tore the unlucky Santuzi into pieces from the front, eventually exploding into a pile of burning scrap metal with its parts falling apart.

Iushkin, who had learned a lot about using 130 naval guns to deal with these scumbags, had a great time killing them. Apart from dealing with thick-skinned and thick-skinned people like King Tiger or Black Panther II, the rest of the Germans of all shapes and sizes There are almost no vehicles that cannot be destroyed by 130 high-explosive grenades.

If there is, then try another 130.

130 is truth and justice. There is no problem that 130 cannot solve. All problems will eventually be solved under the roar of artillery fire.

"Damn it! Iushkin! I tell you that you have gone too far this time! Comrade Senior Commander will not let it go like this. Wait until you clean the toilet!"

Iushkin, the acting commander, is not "absolutely recognized", at least not within our 177 crew.

Seryosha, who is also a first-generation veteran member of the 177 team when it was first established, has seniority and is responsible for driving at the front of the car. He is complaining a lot now. He is holding the joystick tightly in his hand and concentrating on it, while not forgetting " He scolded Iushkin who was messing around a lot.

Facing the "just reprimand" from Seryosha, Iushkin seemed indifferent, or in other words, he had no time or opportunity to care at this juncture.

"Whatever! I have done the work, and I bear the responsibility alone! It has nothing to do with you, I will take care of Comrade Senior!"

"Good high-explosive bombs!"

"Loading complete!"

"Okay! Stop beeping and let's go!"



The 130mm high-explosive grenade projectile with a huge diameter and powerful force once again roared out in the flames of the giant muzzle brake, and rushed straight towards the target with a huge force that seemed to be difficult for anything to bear. , it hit the armor plate firmly in the blink of an eye.

It was a rickety Panther-1 tank that had just driven up behind the blown-up Santuzi before it had time to stop and take aim. To be more precise, it is the Panther F sub-model of the Panther I. It is the final variant of the Panther I and is also the final version of the development of the Panther I. It is equipped with a Panther II configuration turret without thickened armor. , The whole big cart carries the small head.

Iushkin initially thought it was a Panther II, because the basic appearance of the Panther F and the Panther II was almost the same. Except for the different thickness of the armor, the entire appearance configuration was carved from the same mold.

Because of this, Iushkin, who visually locked the target with the gun scope and finally fired, had doubts at the last second before taking action. He doubted whether this 130 high-explosive grenade had the ability to deal with that. As we all know, Black Panther II is thick-skinned and thick-skinned.

After all, it is a thing that can be frontally immune to 122 heirlooms at regular combat distances. The front armor of the turret on the edge of the pig-nosed gun mantlet can be penetrated, but the front projection area is too small, and the small head is completely out of proportion to the huge car body. Too difficult to aim accurately.

However, the actual results will eventually prove everything. Whether it is a good result or a bad result, it is not based on human subjective will, just like the one that is blooming in Iushkin's field of vision. An orange-red flame sparkle.

Well, it's definitely a sparkle, the oversized kind.

A 130mm grenade hit the gun mantlet directly and exploded on the spot. The main armor on the front of the turret, which was protected by a thick mantlet, was indeed not penetrated by the 130mm grenade on the spot, but it was also at the center of the explosion, right next to the gunmant. The hull dome armor below was not so lucky.

The powerful 130mm grenade directly penetrated the dome of the Leopard F's car body. Before the person's consciousness could react, it instantly wrapped up the overpressure with extremely fast impact energy, crushing the driver and co-pilot directly in front of the car body. Add meat sauce and smash into pieces.

The two people at the front of the car burped on the spot, but the destructive aftermath of the chain effect had just begun.

The overpressure of flames that was so rampant in the chassis of the vehicle continued to vent violently. It penetrated into the center of the vehicle body and instantly ignited the 75mm custom shells neatly stacked in the ammunition rack. It also caused the upper half of the body to be trapped inside and below the turret. The three combatants, half of their bodies inside the car, were torn apart and shattered.

The fuel pipes and fuel tanks in the rear power cabin that were finally ignited were the last signs before the ultimate destruction came.


The little head directly transformed into "Deutsche Lufthansa", got on the earth plane, and used the chassis of the car body as the launch pad. It spirally launched into the sky on the spot, with flames and black smoke rising straight into the sky.

Iushkin, who witnessed this spectacular scene of "killing people in spaceflight" with his own eyes, was overjoyed. Just when he was about to shout loudly, he heard the terrible yelling that suddenly came from the radio station and already filled his ears.

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