Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2644 Fierce fighting on the streets (Part 1)

"Iushkin! You stupid bastard dares to steal my car!? I've turned against you!"


Iushkin, who was originally excited, was stunned for a moment when he heard this. ₆₉ₛₕᵤₓ.cₒₘ

There was no doubt that the person on the other end of the radio who was shouting curses at the top of his lungs was the "dear comrade commander" whom he was extremely familiar with.

Although Iushkin boasted that he had long been prepared to be severely criticized by Malashenko, but when everything really hit his head like Thor's hammer, Iushkin was still I was shocked on the spot, and I stammered for a while, not knowing how to answer.

"Listen up! Now follow my orders. The entire crew will adjust their radios to the backup inter-vehicle channel. I will give orders from the backup inter-vehicle channel! You kid, don't mess around. Just listen to whatever I say. I'm not in the car. You have to behave yourself here, understand?"

It’s not that Malashenko is unwilling to give Iushkin a chance to develop his skills and master his true commanding ability.

But now is really not the time.

The Nazi fanatics on the opposite side are still continuing their fierce attack and have no intention of giving up. They are determined not to give up until the Red Army is driven out of this outer city.

Malashenko has no control over how these people seek death, but Malashenko must take care of the Nazis' "physical transcendence."

It's your business if you seek death, and it's my business if I give you physical salvation.

The two things have nothing to do with each other, and we each do our own thing, and Malashenko also wants his troops to be "physically transcended" by the Nazis without causing too much damage.

You are grabbing strong men from everywhere to gather the Tianling Gai army to touch my mace. Your Tianling Gai is worthless, but my life is valuable. We, Comrade Lao Ma, have never done money-losing business, and it will be the same this time.

There is another thing that Malashenko never mentioned on the radio.

The battle has been fought to this point, and it seems that there is only one last step left to victory.

Along the way, the No. 177 crew has lost two comrades who fought side by side through life and death. Malashenko did not want to lose any more brothers from the No. 177 crew at the last moment when the red flag was about to fly over Berlin. , Malashenko hopes that all the remaining members of the No. 177 crew can bring all their parts and live to usher in the moment of final victory.

An adventurous gunner like Iushkin also serves as the commander of the vehicle. When one person is missing from the crew and he is the most important person, his behavior of directly copying this person has greatly increased the risk factor of the entire vehicle, especially For street fighting, the most dangerous moment of close combat. ɱ

It was the first time for Malashenko to control her own tank remotely from another tank. She had never even thought about it, let alone doing it before.

But now that the matter has reached this point, the arrow has to be fired. Malashenko, who has no choice, can only hold his nose and endure it. He has to do it no matter how inconvenient it is, and he must do his best.

"Directly ahead, all vehicle crews are pressing forward! Use the maximum firepower to push the Nazis down, and knock these bastards down for me! Focus on high-value targets first, move forward!"

The German attack was crazy. In just a short time after Malashenko led his team to arrive, he could already see the German sticks on the street opposite like cockroaches that had exploded their nests. At least one company of infantry rushed out. He staggered the cover, danced with bullets as fast as he could, and made tactical moves with all his might. He ran as fast as he could to the nearest bunker at the fastest speed in his life.

As described in earlier intelligence, this German battle group is quite mechanized and highly maneuverable on paved roads in urban areas. It only takes a cursory glance to see its true level and ability, at least. It can be seen that the lower limit of his comprehensive level ability.

Such proficiency and dexterous tactical movements cannot be accomplished by the German civilians who were forcibly recruited into the army to capture young men. In addition, although it is not as good as the leader division, it is considered good in terms of infantry and tank coordination and tactical coordination at an average level. If you don't fight decently in double digits and win most of the games, then you can't even think about it. of.

If Malashenko's prediction is correct, this should be a Wehrmacht force whose lower level is at least no lower than that of the Nazi lunatics on the Zero Highlands, and it is also a genuine field force with considerable combat experience.

There may be other forces that have been dispersed or replenished, but the core force of this German army must be an established and serious field force.

But this is fine, this kind of opponent and this kind of battle scene are exactly what Malashenko expects to encounter now.

It is better to annihilate this group of annoying and heart-wrenching Nazis in the defensive battle in the outer city than to grind them little by little in the in-depth offensive in the city.

Fight morning and night. Malashenko doesn't think you German guy will raise the white flag and surrender before such an elite defensive force is exhausted and all the capital is completely lost to declare the fall of Berlin.

In any case, before the fluttering red flag was finally planted on the top of the Reichstag and fluttered in the wind, this group of capable German troops who could easily become the main force of the city defense forces were bound to die.

Since the battle is unavoidable, it is better to catch a relatively suitable occasion to fight the battle and get things done. At least in the past, there has never been a more suitable time than now. The difficulty level of killing a bunch of naughty people who come to your door to die is much easier than killing a bunch of naughty people hiding in a building.

That is why it is so important to kill the enemy's vitality as much as possible and turn as many German sticks into corpses lying on the streets as possible. Therefore, Malashenko, who was not hiding anything, launched the maximum offensive force as soon as he came up. The arrival of the division commander's team also meant the beginning of the counterattack.

"Good high-explosive bombs!"

"The gunner aims at the half-track in the center of the road directly ahead, fire!"



Without Iushkin by his side, he was inside a strange tank.

In front of the driver's seat, there is no photo of Natalia that he specially used to decorate the interior. Instead, there is a family photo of Kulbalov taking his wife and children together.

All of this made Malashenko feel a little uncomfortable, but only a little.

Malashenko, who called the gunners to project destruction in the name of his duty and quickly entered the state, is still the "steel butcher" and "three good division commanders" who are feared by the enemy and respected by his comrades.

A counterattack that began with more than a dozen IS7s slowly pressing forward has just begun.

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