Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2646 The flames rage (Part 1)


"Hit! Two o'clock, basement window!"

"Understood! Watch me blow them up!"

The terrifying steel behemoth with a total fighting weight of 70 tons continued to advance slowly. Although the rocket that directly hit the side armor of the car body successfully detonated, the final effect of the detonation was infinitely close to that of a mosquito tickling it.

Apart from leaving a black stain on the side of the steel behemoth and making the ears of the soldiers who followed the IS7 forward in a coordinated manner of infantry and tanks, the rest of it did nothing, and it did not make any difference. Other effects.

But if you do something wrong, you have to pay the price. Doesn’t it mean that you don’t have to take responsibility if you do something wrong and it doesn’t succeed or have no effect? ​​You still have to go to court for attempted murder, right?

If you dare to provoke this terrifying war beast, you must be prepared to be swallowed whole by the enraged war beast. However, this is just a suggestion to be prepared, nothing more.

Because regardless of whether the nazis who dare to do this are prepared or not, the IS7 heavy tank, which has been angered by the act of "breaking ground on Tai Sui's head", is bound to take revenge. The 130mm giant tank with a huge caliber and a black muzzle brake The cannon will eventually devour the enemy with its furious tongues of fire, just as it does now.


No one cares about what will happen to the unlucky guy who received a 130 grenade head-on.

Whether dead or half-dead, the ruins of the superstructure that have completely collapsed after being hit by a cannon will completely bury any trace of its existence, leaving no trace of a struggle.

"Sokka! This cannon was so powerful that half of the building collapsed."

"Now it's time for the infantry to scold you. If they want to go in and clean up, they have to jump around, and they might even slip and fall."

"Then do you want to do it again? Let's just completely cancel this building so that it doesn't get in the way."

Several comrades in the car were still muttering about the results of the previous shot, but the infantry soldiers following the IS7 had already stepped out one after another, picked up the long guns and short artillery rocket tubes in their hands, and started to attack. Rushing into the half-collapsed building.

Combat experience and battlefield intuition are telling comrades one thing.

Just like when you find a cockroach in your home, the total number of cockroaches in your home is definitely not just that one, but has reached a certain order of magnitude.

In the same way, when you find a German stick in a building, there is absolutely no such thing as the total number of German sticks in the building.

The formation of troops is not a matter of spreading the rain and dew evenly. If the Germans can do such a stupid thing as putting only one soldier in a building and putting people in every building on a street, that would be really outrageous.

"Up, up, up! Rush to the second floor, machine gun cover, hurry!"

"Careful, grenade! Get out of the way!"


Before the soldiers holding various weapons in their hands had time to step onto the stairs, the grenades that suddenly flew out from the corner of the stairwell on the second floor were already spinning around with white smoke and were thrown to everyone's feet.

The comrades around him fell down one after another amid the alarmed reminders, trying their best to stay as far away from this thing as possible to avoid the most serious damage range of the explosion point.

But one soldier did not do this. He was a young soldier who was not too close to the grenade and had a chance to dodge it.

The helmet buckled on the top of his head did not have a hood strap. Almost instantly, the little soldier pulled it off from the top of his head and held it tightly in his hand.

He kicked his right foot suddenly, and his whole body flew out like a spring that was fully loaded, and he rushed straight towards the grenade throwing white smoke on the ground. The helmet he had just taken off from the top of his head was tightly held by his hands. Holding each other, they are already on target.

Time seemed to stand still in this second. The soldiers who flew out and the smoking enemy grenades were very close, and then started to flow in the next second.

When time started to flow again, the smoking M24 long-handled grenade had been tightly clasped by the young soldier with his own helmet, and then he pressed his whole body on it, with his upper body firmly pressing the helmet on it. Underneath, regardless of everything.


The grenade, which was tightly buckled by the helmet and suppressed with all its strength by a weight of more than 100 kilograms, finally exploded as expected. The extremely low probability of misfiring did not happen at this life-or-death moment.

The young soldier lost the helmet that protected his life. Along with his body covered in blood and flesh, and his life like a candle in the wind, he was blown away by the powerful impact of the grenade exploding against his face. His whole body was blown away to the end. Like a broken doll, it was thrown into a corner, life and death unknown.


"Damn! I'll fucking kill these naughties! Sukabu!"

"Stop rushing, don't even go up! Get the flamethrower and burn these scumbags to death! Burn them all!"

In order to prevent uncontrollable urban fires from causing uncontrollable urban fires, Malashenko had given clear instructions to the subordinate units participating in the battle long before the battle began.

If not necessary, try to control the efficiency of high-temperature flame weapons including but not limited to flamethrowers, incendiary bottles, white phosphorus smoke bombs and other high-temperature flame weapons.

The only reason for this was the possibility of an out-of-control fire that would sweep through the city.

As the saying goes, fire and water have no mercy. Malashenko did not want his troops to turn into an arson team. In order to save trouble and enjoy the moment, he would set fires everywhere in the city and transform into a fire demon.

The leadership division is here to be the final conqueror, to personally create and welcome the ultimate victory of the Great Patriotic War, not to be a fire extinguisher to rescue and put out fires in the German capital.

If the city is really captured, Malashenko doesn't know whether the Germans will be captured by the burning, but his own leader will definitely not benefit from this ruthless fire. Not only will the battlefield access be blocked by the flames and fire, but if the fire is bigger, your troops will have to retreat and evacuate to a safe area before making plans if you cannot protect your troops.

This will inevitably affect Malashenko's plan and subsequent offensive. What Malashenko dislikes most is the feeling of being suddenly interfered with by factors that were originally controllable. Therefore, flame weapons have been blocked by Malashenko since the beginning. Rashenko clearly emphasized the need for control.

However, after all, control is control, and control means using it with caution rather than not allowing it to be used. We must correctly understand the spirit and meaning of Comrade Teacher's speech and implement it to the letter.

As long as the situation really requires it, use it. Malashenko will not let his soldiers risk their lives to win the victory just to control a potential fire risk.

As for when it is necessary to use it, it is impossible for Malashenko to sit on the phone and act as an operator to judge and approve applications one by one to judge whether it should be used according to the latest situation on the battlefield.

The authorized use of flame weapons has been delegated to platoon leaders at all levels. This is also the lowest organizational level for individual flamethrowers configured as platoon-level support weapons.

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