Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2647 The flames rage (Part 2)

As long as the platoon leader deems the combat situation necessary, the individual flamethrower as the platoon's supporting firepower can immediately enter the battle. As for how to use insurance and how to ensure that the risk is controllable, it depends on the platoon leader who issued the order to make his own judgment.

After all, it’s a war. If it doesn’t involve some risk, is it still called a war? Even if you play the game, you will be killed by zombies and wild monsters that suddenly appear, let alone a real battlefield.

Malashenko believes that it is acceptable to control use authorization to the platoon level. If it is assigned to the company level, it will do more harm than good and the impact will be too great. This will affect tactical flexibility and pay a bloody price. of.

After all, in street fighting battlefields where the battlefield width is limited and troop input is severely restricted, the company level is already a "very large" force organization. Sometimes the attack on a street may be carried out in company units. At this time, it is obviously inappropriate and too rigid to hand over the authorization to use flame weapons to a house to the company commander.

We can't let the platoon leader in front of us all attack the building. If we want to use flame weapons to attack the building, we have to send people out of the building to ask for instructions from the company commander. After asking for instructions, we can run back to the building to report to the platoon leader. Then the platoon leader gave the order to fuck him again.

Is this interesting? Rigid or not?

So even if he took certain risks, for example, the platoon leader's judgment ability was probably not as good as that of the company commander, and the risk of being impulsive and passionate was even higher, Malashenko still decided to do so.

There is a balance point between risk and rigidity, and grasping this balance point is the key to defeating the enemy.

Malashenko thought this way before and still does it now, and this is what he actually does.

With an order from the platoon leader, one of the two flamethrowers who were following the team immediately stepped out.

He picked up the ignited spray gun in his hand and pointed it at the stairway on the second floor. After pulling the trigger, a powerful recoil force quickly spread to the whole body. The real recoil force of the flamethrower weapon. It’s actually much bigger than many people think.

Thanks to this warrior who carries a full set of flamethrowers and fuel tanks on his back, he is tall and strong, with a typical stereotype of a "fighting nation". When he ripped open his sea soul shirt, he was covered with thick chest hair and The kind of tendon meat.

With his already impressive weight coupled with the heavy weight of the entire set of flamethrowers, this warrior was able to stand up and shoot from the waist with a firm stance under the astonishing thrust and recoil. Flames of death are projected from the second floor.


The fuel sprayed out under pressure went straight to the ceiling of the second floor with a shrill scream of flames. After hitting the wall, it immediately spattered and spread. It was ignited a second time by the open flame that came along, and in the blink of an eye it was destroyed. Most of the entire second floor became a disaster area swept by a fire storm.

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"

The heart-rending screams came almost instantly. The decibel level of the screams and the level of pain were so severe that they were even worse than those of slaughtering pigs alive in a pig killing farm.

A "Burning Man" covered in flames was running down from the second floor with his teeth and claws. If he continued to rampage, he would obviously hurt his own people.

The platoon leader who was leaning against the stairs on the first floor immediately raised his gun. Without saying a word, he raised his hand or even took aim and fired a hail of bullets. The "death flame" that penetrated all over the body shot into the chest that had been roasted by the fire until it was charred, and even the blood on the surface began to boil. A burst of blood spattered and the "flesh fuel" crashed to the ground in the blink of an eye. between.

The screams in front of me stopped suddenly, but the screams further up to the second floor continued.

The column of IS7 heavy tanks and coordinated infantry on the street are still marching. The IS7 heavy tanks with full firepower will roar and fire almost every ten or twenty meters forward.

The efficient and reliable semi-automatic loader brings a huge loading efficiency bonus. The ruthless and destructive killing sends waves of German sticks into the sky and into death purgatory amidst the rumbling explosions.

The infantry soldiers following IS7 are methodical. Every time they reach a suitable distance, they will separate into a group of soldiers. Under the leadership of the squad leader or platoon leader, they will rush towards the high or low, large or small street buildings. , carry out powerful and powerful indoor clearance operations with absolute firepower advantages to ensure the absolute safety of our subsequent passing troops and eliminate future troubles forever.

The German army, which was efficiently suppressed by the devastating heavy firepower, could no longer stand it any longer. No matter how strong their desire to attack was, they were so helpless in front of the IS7 "Iron Curtain" that hit them head-on with their overwhelming aura. .

Morale alone cannot destroy those terrifying steel war beasts. Without weapons at hand, even with great courage, there is nothing that can be done.

This is a crushing battle of absolute strength. Every minute and every second, wailing and screaming flesh and blood bodies are killed in the streets, especially those who are smashed to pieces and drive away without even having time to scream. There are a lot of people, and the close combat where life is at stake is so cruel.



Attracted by the screams that could be clearly heard through the thick armored bulkhead of the turret, Iushkin, whose eyes were still pressed in front of the high-magnification narrow-field gun scope, immediately looked up and moved his sight to the gun scope. Directly above, in front of the gunner's wide-angle periscope, he saw a horrifying scene.

three, four

It could be more

A series of human-shaped fireballs were falling from the second floor of a three-story building facing the street. Iushkin was very sure that each of them was a living person. At least they were still alive at the moment they fell out of the window screaming and wailing. of.

Those human-shaped fireballs fell one after another from the window sill on the second floor. The Red Army soldiers on the street who were attracted by the screams and witnessed this scene immediately hid aside, trying not to be affected by the flames.

The human-shaped fireball that fell to the ground from the second floor was not completely dead. Even here, it still retained its last tenacious vitality and was unwilling to pass away.

"Awwww!!! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"

The humanoid fireball struggled and screamed on the ground, having completely lost the strength to get up from the ground.

The IS7 heavy tanks on the side were still rumbling past on the street. The Red Army soldiers who followed the IS7 and tried to stay as far away as possible also ignored this. They concentrated on the battle in front of them and did not even have the intention to reload their guns. The screams like killing pigs continued until they disappeared.

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