Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2650 The One Who Slaughters Giant Beasts (Part 1)

After suffering a historic defeat in Stalingrad, the Germans began to wonder what went wrong and why the well-equipped and powerful German army lost to those sweaty workers. A second-rate miscellaneous army composed of mud-legged men who scavenged in the fields.

One of the obvious results of thinking is that De Lao believes that there is a problem with his equipment system.

A very important point is that there is no professional street fighting equipment, especially front-line mobile attack heavy artillery that can break through thick building defenses.

It is diametrically opposed to the Soviet army's development route of caliber being justice. Your German guy's development ideas in armored vehicle artillery have always been to build high calibers instead of large calibers. If you can build fishing rods, I won't build thick noses. . Thick noses are industrial rubbish made by low-class barbarians with no technical skills. I, the great German, should make high-diameter fishing rods to show that German technology is the best in the world.

The idea of ​​​​high caliber cannot be wrong, it can only be said that it is indeed a method, but the derived problem from this is that the penetration depth of your tank gun and anti-tank gun is enough, but the warhead of the high-explosive grenade is equipped What about the dosage? Increasing the artillery barrel diameter ratio can only increase the muzzle velocity and armor penetration depth, but it cannot allow the high-explosive grenade to be fired from the fishing rod with more warhead charges.

In view of this, your German guy immediately took off his pants and started a new research and development route specifically for large-caliber artillery and armored vehicles. And it goes to extremes as soon as it comes up. The medium-sized fully enclosed siege gun vehicle starts with the 150 mm caliber of the Grizzly. As for the heavy-duty ones, it is even more incredible. The Assault Tiger modified from the chassis of the No. 6 Tiger tank can directly carry 380 mm large tube.

Well, that’s right, it’s the same caliber as the main gun of the Persian cat battleship of the Indigo, and the avatar of a certain corgi is also the same.

After De Lao took the small-diameter and high-magnification development route, he started anew and opened an additional large-diameter and low-magnification technology tree. He carried out two lines of design ideas to develop this kind of behavioral art of taking off his pants and farting in parallel. This will give his own research and development and Let’s not talk about the burdensome disadvantages caused by industrial production capacity.

As for the Assault Tiger itself, it is actually a two-way extreme freak.

The firepower is really fierce. The 380mm large tube can't even be considered an ordinary cannon. It should be called a small aerial bomb projector. When a 380mm rocket-propelled grenade hits, the unique howling sound of an old cow going crazy can scare people half to death.

What if you get hit by this thing?

Damn it, let alone an armored combat vehicle, even a fucking three-story building can't withstand such a moment. One shot and it collapsed into half of the building is the only possible result. Even if it's a non-direct hit from a near-missile explosion, it's enough to tear off half of your broken building.

However, this thing is extreme in both directions. It is ridiculously powerful and takes so long to reload that it makes you want to curse. Loading a 380mm rocket-propelled grenade in a vehicle with a fully enclosed fighting room is simply a nightmare, even if there is a mechanical device. The auxiliary or dual loader configuration is still a drop in the bucket.

Of course, this must be a good thing for Malashenko now.

The Assault Tiger fired just once and instantly killed an IS6 plus a squad of infantry.

This is thanks to the fact that the leading division has rich combat experience and has always paid attention to the enemy in tactics. In the street fighting environment, the troops were spread far enough and the formation was dispersed enough. This way, the Germans did not destroy a platoon or even half of it with one shot. What a shame.

The reloading time before the next firing of the German Assault Tiger is Malashenko's only chance to kill this thing and prevent it from spitting on his own side and causing greater casualties.

"Are you done pretending? It's my turn! I'm a fool!"

The Germans have a final trump card that has not been played until now. Correspondingly, if Malashenko doesn't show anything, wouldn't it seem to be not polite enough?

"Loading armor-piercing discarding sabots! Iush grass, no! Gunner aims! Enemy heavy assault gun, prepare to fire!"

Malashenko, who spoke smoothly, called the wrong person out of desperation, and Iushkin's name blurted out instantly.

What makes it even more embarrassing is that before Malashenko could change the channel when he shouted this, Iushkin on the other end of the radio heard what Malashenko said clearly.

"Comrade Commander, I am not in your car. Do you need to update me with additional orders?"

His tone didn't sound very serious but rather teasing. He wanted to rush over and give Iushkin a hard kick in the butt. Malashenko's next words were naturally not good at all.

"Stop talking nonsense! Hurry up and load the armor-piercing sabot, double-shot! Follow me! Get ready!!!"

"No problem, I'm just waiting for your words!"

Although there have been many setbacks and difficulties in materials science on the road to research and development, it is not easy to complete a revolutionary military technological breakthrough during the war years.

However, under the guidance of Malashenko and the painstaking research and development of all the comrades who worked together for this project, there were a series of problems with the early sub-caliber discarding sabots for the 122 mm gun, and in actual combat A series of flaws exposed, especially the lack of accuracy, were eventually solved one by one through hard work day and night.

Even if there are temporary technical bottlenecks that have not been solved, they have at least been significantly upgraded and optimized. Compared with the initial test batch of sub-caliber sabot armor-piercing projectiles for 122 mm guns, there have been essential changes.

And this time, the most powerful tank gun in active service has been upgraded. It is no longer a 122 gun but a transplanted version of the Red Navy's 130 naval gun, which also prompted the research and development team to get it right in one step. It not only solved the existing problems and technical defects, but also used the updated technical patches to complete the development of sub-caliber discarding sabot armor-piercing projectiles for 130 mm guns.

Once the technical bottleneck is broken through, even if it is a partial breakthrough, it is not difficult to directly apply the technology to make another armor-piercing projectile of similar caliber. This is especially easy for a world-class industrial power like the Soviet Union.

Malashenko clearly knows what kind of opponent he is facing

It was based on the chassis of the No. 6 Tiger tank to further enhance the defense, especially the unusually thick and thick German valuables on the main armor belt on the front of the fighting room.

This is not to say that the full-caliber 130mm capped armor-piercing projectile is not enough, but in order to reduce the probability of non-penetration caused by factors such as possible ricochet and incorrect incident angle, Malashenko decided to use this type of armor-piercing projectile in the Battle of Berlin for the sake of safety. Before the battle began, the latest powerful artillery shells were delivered by Kogin personally to resolve the battle.

It was necessary to deal with such a powerful target for the first time. Even Malashenko, who had personally fired a few test rounds before the war and found that the new bomb had indeed been greatly improved, felt a little confused. We can only hope that this thing is not a "shooting range performance bullet" with a silver gun wax head. Whether it is effective in actual combat depends on the next shot!

"It must be effective! Damn it!"

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