Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2651 The one who kills the giant beasts (Part 2)

This shot determines both victory and defeat, as well as life and death.

The Assault Tiger on the opposite side that had just fired a shot was already slowly reversing. It was not far from the nearest street intersection it had just turned out of. According to the visual distance Malashenko observed from the commander's periscope, If I miss this shot, I won't be able to wait for the IS7's reloading speed, which is not long, but definitely not worthy of the lightning speed, to fire the second shot.

You can't fully expect that boy Iushkin to be your substitute. This boy is now both a gunner and a commander. It is inevitable that he will be distracted and unable to concentrate. Malashenko cannot guarantee that Iushkin will be able to serve as his substitute. Definitely not a "carbine", oh no, I should say not a "carbine".

It is better to rely on yourself than to rely on others.

This may sound like a distrust of comrades, but Malashenko's starting point is to pursue the goal of "hitting the target with one hit". It is not so much distrust of comrades as it is not to burden comrades. Closer.

Although it is a temporarily seconded car and a temporarily seconded crew.

But this is still the "royal crew" of Comrade Kulbalov, the brigade commander. How can a crew that can be the brigade commander's partner be any worse? Malashenko also believes that the comrades around him will be able to complete the strike mission. Although the gunners of the Kurbalov crew are not as "evil" as Iushkin, they are still elite. In terms of gunnery skills, they can be ranked among the top five gunners in the entire division. x ̸͍̘̳͂͊̂̊̀͊̕͘.̷̹̦̆̆c̶͙͈͚̽̄̈̎̒͜ó̶̧̧̝̳̠͇͕̺̲̹̔̈́ ́՝͝m̷̗͓̽̂̌̋̌̌



"Loading completed!"

Accompanied by the sound of the metal cartridge case rubbing against the loading slide rail and being pushed into the chamber, a cry of "loading completed" and the dull sound of the breech block closing and impact sounded almost simultaneously.

Malashenko held his breath as the gunner's shout of "aimed" echoed in his ears. The passage of time in the car seemed to have stopped for a second. In an instant, he could even hear and feel his own breathing. After receiving his heartbeat, Malashenko's eyes flashed brightly, and the order he blurted out in an instant was as powerful as the sound of artillery and thunder.




The muzzle roared and the fire was shooting out.

The huge amount of propellant stuffed into the propellant barrel is ignited by electric shock in the gun chamber, and is quickly converted into a violent and hot torrent of chemical energy, which blasts out the projectiles that are close to the front end of the barrel and occupy the full bore.

The projectile shell that tightly covers the armor-piercing body of the bullet core in a hollow state automatically cracks and falls off the moment it exits the chamber. The four shell shells seemed to fall off the rocket's booster, and were quickly left behind by the armor-piercing body of the projectile core that had separated while maintaining a high-speed forward state.

There is no longer the burden of redundant weight, and there is no huge wind resistance caused by redundant covering shells.

This bullet blasted out violently using a real full-charge propellant cartridge, but the actual warhead mass was far lighter than the usual full-caliber armor-piercing bullets. The flight speed of the armor-piercing body of the bullet core was already outrageous. degree.

The muzzle velocity of ordinary 130mm full-caliber armor-piercing projectiles has exceeded the kilometer per second mark, which is at the same level as the long 88 muzzle velocity that the Germans are proud of.

However, the core of this sub-caliber armor-piercing projectile, which is incredibly fast, flies even faster and more abnormally. It was so fast that it rushed straight towards the target that was not too far away like a streak of gray lightning, enough to make any tactical maneuvers that tried to evade it pale and useless.

The accuracy improvement has been proven to be effective, and the flight trajectory stability improvement design specifically designed for the armor-piercing body of the bullet core has been successfully verified by actual combat shooting.

The actual projected area of ​​the front of the warhead was only a fist-like armor-piercing core that accurately hit the target. It hit the main armor belt on the front of the Assault Tiger's combat room with overwhelming impact kinetic energy and struck a solid blow.

At the moment when human nerve consciousness and brain circuit conduction were completely too late to react, in the harsh metal friction scream like a hot knife cutting butter, the heavy armor was mercilessly broken through, and he rushed forward. enter.

Blessings come in pairs, and misfortunes never come alone.

The truths of life summarized by the ancient and wise Chinese are applicable everywhere, including your own land.

Not only was the shot from Malashenko's car pierced and hit the target, but the No. 177 car from Iushkin's temporary acting commander was also hit, as if it was deliberately trying to compete with Malashenko. A corresponding shot hit the other side of the main armor belt on the front of the unlucky Assault Tiger's fighting room.

The Assault Tiger was hit almost simultaneously on the left and right cheeks. No matter which half of the two stocky faces on the left and right it belonged to, they could not stop the violent intrusion of this mysterious and unknown force that had never been seen before.

The seemingly heavy main armor belt on the front of the fighting room was ruthlessly torn apart. The whole process was easier than piercing an A4 paper with a pencil.

The armor-piercing body poured into it did not stop moving forward, but brought along a large number of armor fragments the moment it penetrated the armor. Together with the fragments of the warhead that had begun to fragment, it set off an instantaneous wave of fire in the car. Metal storm, violent roar.

Ding ding, ding, ding, ding, crackle——




The sound of metal fragments hitting each other, the sound of fragments cutting into flesh, the wails of screams caused by the heart-wrenching feeling of tearing flesh apart, and the muffled groans that were heard on the spot before even a scream could be uttered.

Everything happened too fast, from the armor-piercing core of the bullet penetrating the main armor belt on the front to the sudden death of the crew, the whole process was just as fast as lightning, less than a second.

However, this bloody tear is far from over. After the climax, the remaining power of the second half continues to be performed on the stage.

Those German soldiers who were required to follow closely behind the Assault Tiger, escort it on its left and right, and prepare for a counterattack to push back the Russians and retake the front line, would not have thought that their final death would be so outrageous. Rare and miserable.

It broke out from the weak armored belt behind the Assault Tiger fighting room and penetrated the armor twice, causing a "penetration penetration" in the actual sense.

During the two consecutive armor-piercing processes, the warhead, which had been severely distorted by metal friction and kinetic energy impact, was already "out of bullet shape" at this moment.

Compared with its original smooth and streamlined appearance, the warhead at this moment is more like a twisted piece of scrap metal that has been smashed and ironed, but it still retains unimaginable high speed and high energy. Along with the armor fragments that penetrated the armor and set off in an instant, like the spray of a large shotgun, they rushed directly towards the German soldiers who did not even have a chance to be "dumbfounded".

"Ugh!!! My legs! My legs!!!"

"Help, someone come and help me! Help me, help me! I don't want to die!!!"

After a burst of fire and bloody dance, what was left behind the ferocious steel beast corpse of the assault tiger was only a fragment of broken limbs, rotten blood and flesh, and endless wails and screams, but that was all. , nothing else.

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