Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2653 The violent residual power (Part 2)

"Hmph, you want to hide? There's no door!"

The grinning Malashenko twisted his lips. After seeing clearly that the large number of German soldiers in the commander's periscope could not withstand the firepower that came like a storm, leaving a large number of corpses on the ground, almost the rest They all poured into the nearest street building like sheep entering a sheepfold. ɱ

Malashenko, who had already thought about what to do next and had made up his mind, immediately picked up a radio transmitter in his right hand that was not commonly used.

It is true that this operation is not used very often, but this does not mean that Malashenko does not know how to use it and what to do now.

Malashenko just took the wired phone microphone into his hand and brought it to his mouth. He pressed the switch button and installed an "incoming call reminder" on the back of the car like the old school bell. The bells rang loudly.

"Hey! Can you hear me? This is Malashenko. The infantry is paying attention to capturing the buildings on both sides of the street in front. There are a huge amount of Nazis who have just poured in! The tanks will clear the fire first, and provide cover and infantry. Get ready to attack!"

Malashenko didn't know who could answer his call outside the car at this moment, but no matter who it was, as long as he was an infantry commander outside the car, even if he was just a squad leader, squad deputy or even a soldier, as long as he could carry his words. Once you arrive, tell the nearby infantry unit commander leading the team outside the vehicle and convey the order in place, then the next problem will be much easier to handle.

The key is the inter-service process of sending messages and orders from inside the car to outside the car. In these days of lagging communication methods, the only way to make calls is through wired telephones.

However, what Comrade Ma did not expect was that the person who answered his phone outside the car was actually Alsim, and Malashenko recognized the pure Siberian accent as soon as he opened his mouth.

"Yes, Comrade Division Commander! I saw it too. Let's organize our troops and prepare to attack! My men are already in place, right behind your car. They can kick those naughty bitches off the roof of the building at any time!"

In the past, Malashenko always hid his combat engineers as quick treasures. Before putting them into use on the frontal field battlefield, he would first consider the potential casualties, the strength of the enemy's resistance, and the size of the enemy. Sudden risk factors and a whole bunch of other things before making a decision.

This is simply because they are afraid that the casualties of combat engineers will be too large. Even if they are later added, the actual combat effectiveness will be reduced. This is why Alsim and his group of "war madmen" often feel that "the battle cannot be fought, and I feel uncomfortable all over." "The reason is.

But now, Malashenko has nothing to worry about.

In other words, this scruple has dropped to the lowest level since the establishment of the Leader Division Combat Engineer Corps.

As a witness to the Battle of Stalingrad, Malashenko knows that if there is any battlefield environment specifically designed for combat engineers, it can best display their sturdy and high-tech combat effectiveness.

Then there is no doubt that street fighting is the only answer.

These guys are made for grinding meat.

He became famous for mincing meat in street fights, and also specialized in mincing meat in street fights.

Dreaming back to the Battle of Stalingrad can bring many unforgettable memories. No matter whether the memories are good or bad, they can never be escaped.

Now, it is time for those Nazi remnants who have just escaped from the fear of IS7 to jump into another "nightmare memory" that has been woven for them, and be executed by the most elite combat engineer unit of the leader division. .

"Target, light yellow three-story building at 11 o'clock! Load high-explosive bombs, gunners prepare!"

"Iushkin, you heard me, focus fire on that target with me! Get ready to shoot!"

Two huge IS7 heavy tanks went hand in hand. Their large bodies almost completely occupied the entire street and seemed quite crowded. Even part of the track edge had hit the curb as they advanced.

The width of the roads in this fringe urban area is really too narrow. It is the limit for two IS7s to move side by side, and there is no room for a third tracked armored combat vehicle to go along with them.

After receiving the order from Malashenko, Iushkin quickly controlled the main gun to respond. A division commander's command vehicle and a brigade commander's command vehicle were almost in sync, dancing together, even completing the turret steering, muzzle The moment when you point directly at the target and the moment when the reload is completed are almost the same second.

"Send them on their way!"




The violent roars of the two 130mm cannons were almost connected together, and the order could not be distinguished. The two 130mm high-explosive grenades roaring in resonance went hand in hand towards the common target. Immediately following, amidst the whistling of the wind, was the loud explosion that shook the air.

Splattered masonry and exterior wall debris fell on the street like raindrops, crackling, and large pieces of collapsed bricks and concrete slabs fell straight down like landslides.

Alsim, who witnessed this scene with his own eyes by looking sideways, did not hesitate at all. He followed the tanks advancing slowly and evenly. The target distance was already within a short distance of launching the final charge. He followed closely with a wave of his big hand. Then he gave the order.

"Up, up, up! Rush into the building, machine gun cover! Quick!"

Alsim, who was leading the charge, had already stepped out before the words could fade away. A whole team of fully armed combat engineers, running as fast as flying, immediately rushed towards the target building where the dust had not yet settled.

The charging combat engineer team had just arrived downstairs, stepping on the messy piles of construction debris at their feet, and were about to rush in through the gap in the wall that was blown open by a cannon.

Directly above the head, next to the huge gap in the wall that had just been blown up by another 130 high-explosive grenade, a German guy suddenly rushed out holding an extremely rare thing - an FG42 paratrooper rifle.

This group of reckless bastards didn't care at all that the smoke and dust from the collapsed walls had not dispersed, they just raised their guns condescendingly and wanted to shoot. A downpour of bullets seemed inevitable. Even if everyone in Alsim raised their guns and fired back now, they would inevitably suffer casualties.

But accidents usually do not come alone. It is normal for accidents to happen in pairs and with follow-up, and it is the same now.

Dong dong dong dong dong——

A burst of Godzilla's monster belching and roaring sounds quietly faded away, and the corpse of the German soldier who had been beaten into pieces by 5mm machine gun bullets fell straight down with a splash, and a considerable part of it splashed onto the floor. The faces of the combat engineers who were preparing to rush downstairs were covered with blood.

Iushkin's finger gently released the trigger of the handle and smiled brightly. You said that this coaxial KPV heavy machine gun shooting German sticks is a beautiful thing, right?

It was this unexpected "fresh shower" that I didn't know my fellow combat engineers would like or not.

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