Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2654 Infantry Elite (Part 1)

Before the German soldier with the rare thing in his hand had time to enjoy it, the 5mm heavy barrage that hit his face like a downpour turned it completely into a pool of bloody mist fragments.

The power of the 7-heavy machine gun bullet itself is terrifying enough. It is easy to hit someone with missing arms, legs, or even cut them in half.

If it were changed to 5

Sorry, the effect after switching to 5 can no longer be described as "missing arms and legs". This is to directly restore the maternal settings with one click, beat the person into a pile of bloody mud fragments, collect them and stir them a few times. The kind that can be used directly to stuff sausages.

Those combat engineers who were drenched from head to toe were indeed saved their lives. This was true, but they were still dissatisfied and cursed at this "rescue method", but they still dared not do it here. After lingering too much, he still kept moving his feet and rushed into the building along the gap in the wall that had just been opened.

"Why didn't you order the broken building to be blown down directly? If you fire a few more shots, I think I can definitely get it done. It would be too troublesome for the infantry to rush in and clean it up."

Iushkin's question came from the radio in his ear. Malashenko, who was busy shaking the commander's periscope and continuing to search for enemies, had no time to talk too much, and blurted out the answer without thinking.

"Then why don't you look at how many shells are left in your car? Every building collapsed and there was a whole row of ammunition supply trucks behind you?"


Iushkin, who once again commanded the battle as a commander after many years, was a little excited, or he was so happy that he forgot about everything, even if he was just an acting commander or a part-time gunner.

The IS7 has many advantages, but its shortcomings are also the common faults of the entire Stalin series of heavy tanks.

The ammunition load is very small, so small that it is pitiful compared to your German heavy tank with a lot of abnormal ammunition load.

As the saying goes, you can't have your cake and eat it too. The devastating destructive power of the artillery is obtained at the expense of the huge ammunition volume and the amount of ammunition in the vehicle. You can't be allowed to max out the two attributes of artillery power and ammo reserve. One shot can be so powerful that it would make a Nazi pee his pants, and then add more than a hundred fucking rounds of ammo. You can't. This IS7 ammunition rack is not Doraemon’s pocket, isn’t it?

Because of this, Malashenko, who is well aware of IS7's biggest weakness - its poor protracted combat capability, chooses every shell and every bombardment target carefully in actual combat.

Although it is true that there were 130 grenades used to bombard the German infantry on the street, this seemed to be a very wasteful behavior.

But it was purposeful and not meaningless.

Being able to use the 130mm main gun to blast your German infantry means that Malashenko predicts that the number of enemies this gun can kill in the past will be at least double digits. Moreover, it is still too late to use the machine gun or there will be a fish that slips through the net, allowing more or less German infantry to escape and sneak into the street buildings, which is more difficult and troublesome.

At that time, the German infantrymen who escaped will crawl into the street buildings to mess around with you and make a mess with you. They will not be able to hide in there and will hate you for their lives. In the end, you still have to use a high-explosive grenade to greet them, and with the protection of the building bunker, the strike effect will be reduced, and you may not be able to kill them. It will be even more risky for the infantry to rush to the building in this situation. necessary risks and casualties.

In short, all in all, Malashenko, who counts the use of every artillery shell on his fingers and knows it in his heart, knows that he must not just be quick, as Iushkin said, to give the troops He gave the order "open your mouth and blow every building down for me".

If that were the case, Malashenko estimated that both his and Iushkin's vehicles would have to run out of ammunition before this meat grinder street battle was over. Or simply leave only the armor-piercing shells left, which are like lumps of iron that pierce without exploding and are used to bombard buildings. The low efficiency is no different from running out of artillery shells.

By then, the two big IS7s would have become purely mobile bunkers, and the big machine gun truck and main gun would have become just decorations.

Moreover, in a narrow combat environment such as street fighting, it is more difficult to move and change positions with a really strong weapon like the IS7. This is not a magical world in the tank game where you can fight through the model card with force. The road is only two lanes wide. Pull down the IS7 that has run out of ammunition in the front, and then let the IS7 with ammunition in the back go up and change the formation.

Come on, it sounds troublesome to listen to, but you can tell how nonsense it actually is when you think about it. Besides, this is a battlefield where the Germans on the opposite side are still firing wildly, not a parking lot to move cars.

Iushkin, who was scolded by Malashenko for a few words, became honest and no longer thought about the nonsense of "violent firepower" blasting everything all the way.

One high-explosive grenade is used to break through the wall to open the attack channel, and the other high-explosive grenade directly hits the reinforced machine gun fire point on the second floor to eliminate threats on the charge road and cover the attack.

This is what Malashenko did for Alsim and his brothers. It may not sound like enough, but it did play a very critical effect.

When Alsim led his men into the lobby on the first floor, he realized that the actual destructive effect of the 130mm high-explosive grenade that had just hit the outer wall and opened a gap was far more than just opening an attack channel. .

In the lobby on the first floor, a large amount of construction debris and broken bricks and tiles were scattered everywhere.

Accompanying them were the corpses of Germans who were still warm and lying all over the ground, lying in various directions and lying on their backs.

Most of them were stabbed to death by high-speed shrapnel at the moment of the explosion, crushed to death by the oncoming bricks and rubble, or were shattered by the overpressure shock that followed, causing their internal organs to be shattered and their orifices to bleed violently. shoot.

The corpses lay scattered on the ground. A rough calculation showed that there was at least one squad, which was quite a lot considering the density of troops.

This is only the first floor. It is estimated that the Germans who have just slipped in have not had time to run upstairs. The real main force should be upstairs.

"Damn Russian pig! I'm going to kill you."


Well! ! !

Before he finished speaking, a gunshot roared out instantly. The high-speed 62mm full-power rifle bullet directly penetrated the man who was struggling to sit up from the ground and raised the MP40 submachine gun in his hand. He was about to make the final move. The German squad leader's steel helmet was seriously injured in a single blow.

It is unrealistic to expect Tianling Gai to be able to block something that cannot be stopped by steel.

The Tianling Gai that was blown away by a gun shot directly caused the head of the man to disappear on the spot. The steel helmet that was shot through two holes, shot in the head, and completely penetrated was filled with hot and fresh stuff like a dung spoon. The impact force was directly removed from the missing head, and it rolled to Alsim's feet not far away.

"The snipers of this group of people were very quick to seize the commanding heights. Just as I was about to shoot, my head was snatched."

A bearded combat engineer on the side smiled "honestly and unwillingly" and said that the bullet that killed the German squad leader came from the window next to him.

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