Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2655 Infantry Elite (Part 2)

At this time, Alsim had no time to look out the window, but the man who fired the bullet from the window was looking at the people and everyone inside the window.

Not only was the German squad leader who had just been knocked down by his headshot and killed on the spot, but also Alsim, who could clearly see his face through another window from his own perspective, under the 5x optical magnification of the sniper The sniper who saw the man's face clearly in the mirror just grinned.

"It turns out it's you, the number one hunting dog next to Comrade Division Commander. The corpses you killed can be lined up from the end of the village to the end of the village."

"Is he that powerful? Who is that person? Have you seen him?"

The observer beside him heard the whisper and immediately tried to find the target with the telescope in his hand, but in the end he had no choice but to ask questions.

"That's him. Alsim, the company commander of the combat engineers, can't be wrong. There are few people in the entire division who have more individual kills than me. I remember him, and he ranks first among them. This guy is simply a murderer from Siberia.”

"Is that Alsim? Comrade Lenin is on top, and the naughty guy in that building is finished."

The sniper who didn't have much meaning in staying here decided to change his position. He immediately put away the SVT-40 semi-automatic sniper rifle in his hand, reached out and patted the person lying beside him with the Mosin Nagant sniper rifle on his back and a telescope. The balcony and the observer's shoulder looking back from the street.

"Change places and follow me to the top of the building. Let's go!"

"The roof of the building? Are you sure there is a ladder to go up? This building feels like it is about to collapse.

"Shut up! You can find a way up without a ladder. Come with me."


Alsim didn't know the location of the group of snipers who had just covered him. They were not members of the combat engineer unit.

The combat engineer unit, which specializes in street fighting, meat grinding and frontal close-in assault operations, is not equipped with snipers, a platoon-level support unit in the leader's division. Therefore, the group of snipers who helped just now could only come from the comrades of the mechanized infantry. Alsim didn't take it seriously, and just thought that they were helping out, or stealing someone's head.

"Up! Be careful, squat down with the muzzle pointed upward, and take cover!"

Alsim made a gesture and spoke before he finished speaking, but he didn't expect that the bastards upstairs were so disrespectful to him. Bullets rained down on his head and face, and then they struck like lightning.

Da da da da da——

Crack, crack, bang, bang—

"Damn it, Sokka! These guys are stupid! Load the grenade and throw it up with a delay! Get ready!"

If you don't eat the toast, you will be fined with wine. If you don't eat the soft drink, you will eat the hard drink.

If you want to be civilized to you, you are so fucking shameless, then don’t blame your buddy for giving you a big firecracker.

Click ding click ding——

A crisp sound of metal friction and collision suddenly came. At the entrance of the stairwell on the second floor, he was picking up the STG44 assault rifle in his hand. The German soldier who was firing downwards with the muzzle of the "African Black Uncle Marksmanship" was suddenly startled. Apparently, After he realized something and noticed something was wrong with the sound, he quickly put the gun back, turned around and ran away.

But it was too late in the end. It would be great if the grenades that exploded in the narrow and confined indoor space, especially the Russian Maozi's F1 lemon grenade, were so easy to hide.

Boom boom boom——

There were three loud explosions of grenades almost in a series, making it impossible to tell who was who.

The flames of the explosion had just faded away, and before the smoke and dust that filled the air had settled, a group of sturdy armored men stepped on grenades to explode and rushed forward with violent steps.

As soon as the fully automatic assault rifle in his hand rushed past the stairs, he immediately raised the gun and fired without saying a word.

All the humanoid targets lying or standing within sight, filled with smoke and dust from the explosion, were all spared. They all ate free peanuts. Even if it was already hanging on the floor, it would be whipped twice with a powerful rifle round, which can be called "extreme care".

When the dust settled finally arrived, the scene before Alsim was another pile of corpses lying on the ground. The wounds of many corpses were still bleeding out like clear springs in the mountains, but they had already It's lifeless.

"Search the room and guard the stairs personally to prevent the bastards from the third floor from going down."


Alsim, who was about to change the magazine of the rifle in his hand and gave an order by the way, was mid-sentence when an unexpected sound of kicking the door came from behind. It was just after the battle, before he had time, and to be honest, he didn't. The thought of patronizing and caring for a place.

Cha la la la la la -

A piercing roar like a chainsaw was the sound that Alsim heard immediately after him. At this time, it was too late to turn around and fight back. Alsim jumped up, rolling on the spot like a lazy donkey and immediately dodged to the nearest distance. Behind the entrance to the stairs.

At least, at least the German guy would temporarily lose his target in his sight.

Are you asking whether the wall behind you, which is used as a temporary bunker, can withstand shooting through the wall? To be honest, Alsim didn't know either, but Alsim, who had done everything he could at this moment, obviously had no time to care about this.

"MG42! Cloth tearing machine! It's still alive!!!"

Someone's screams filled his ears, and Alsim, who was clenching his teeth, had already touched the grenade hanging on his waist, intending to risk the risk of accidental damage at close range to kill this bastard, and quickly.

However, a scene that Alsim didn't expect just now happened again.

call out--

Well! ! !


The bullet penetrated the helmet, split the brain, and even hit metal against metal for a moment, causing sparks to fly. The sound of the sonic gun that pierced the sky over the battlefield was only a little slower and worthy of the attack.

The Alsim team was rescued once again at a critical moment. The rescuer who could always seize the critical moment still came from the window, the same group of snipers who had just "robbed the head".

Although there was no direct evidence that it was definitely the same person, Alsim, who believed in his own intuition, believed that the general direction of the two gunshots was the same, not to mention that they were both SVT-40 gunshots, which made Alsim even more convinced. My own intuition determined that it was the "acquaintance" just now.

The tall German machine gunner, who was at least 1.83 meters tall, was killed on the spot.

The drum MG42 that he had just held in his arms and fired violently from the waist, surrounded by hot bullet casings, was now lying in a pool of blood.

There is no point in continuing to look at the half-headed corpse that occasionally kicks its legs and twitches its nerves twice.

Subconsciously turning his head to glance at the direction where the gunshots came from, Alsim realized that the unlucky Nazi machine gunner was next to a bedroom with a wide open door, and the transparent north-south bedroom windows of this apartment were facing At the door, the fatal 62mm full-power rifle bullet was still shot from the window, exactly the same as before.

Perhaps it was the other party's intention. Alsim was sure that his eyesight was not blurred, and he saw mirror reflections flashing on the rooftop of the opposite building. This way of greeting friendly troops is quite unique. Not common.

"You succeeded! Boris, this is the eighteenth today! That Alsim must owe you a big favor this time."

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