Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2656 Fire Sniper (Part 1)

Sometimes, even in the most basic and simple work, you may not know who you are working with and what work you are working with.

However, this does not mean that it did not happen, just like Boris and Alsim now.

"I knew him a long time ago, when he was still a squad leader. He was rolling in the dead in Stalingrad and looking for food from the smelly Nazi corpses. I saw it more than once in my sniper scope. His skills are really good and can match my skills when I was young.”


The observer Alexey, who was carrying a Mosin-Nagant bolt-action sniper rifle and had a telescope hanging around his neck, was stunned when he heard this. He had been working with this old guy Boris for so long, but he had never heard him mention that there was such a thing in the past. thing.

"Is it true? Are you sure it's him? He has lived from Stalingrad to now, and he is still a front-line infantryman. He is really an amazing and ruthless character."

Boris, who had completed the sniper support mission and moved to change shooting positions again, walked in front, and his companion Alexey walked behind. The two Red Army veterans, one old and one young, were cooperating through the alley after the fierce battle. Whispering quietly but not forgetting to remain vigilant.

"There are many people named Alsim, and there are very few people who came out of Stalingrad alive. I only know of a madman who meets the first two conditions and is so capable of killing. His face and eyes are absolutely fake. .


It is often said that there is a special feeling of "sympathy" between heroes, although neither Alsim nor Boris regard themselves as so-called heroes.

But there is no doubt that the special feeling between the two people is real. When Boris took the initiative to expose the reflection of the sniper scope to say hello, it could be seen in the look Alsim cast.

"To be honest, he is much more capable than me. All I do is long-distance hunting. That kid puts his tongue on the tip of the knife and licks it like candy every day. He is still alive and kicking without missing any arms or legs. It’s just incredible.”

"I once asked about him. This guy didn't live from Stalingrad until now. He lived from when he was fighting the Finns. Can you imagine that a guy who has always been on the front line can start from fighting Finland? Are you still alive now? Apart from him, I have never heard of anyone else, at least none of our leaders. I guess even if there is one elsewhere, it would be one in a million."

Alsim's character is rough and unrestrained. On the battlefield, he is as cold as a howling ice wind blowing in the minus 40-degree weather in the harsh Siberian winter. Any enemy touched by it will be instantly frozen and then shattered.

Boris had no direct dealings with Alsim, but from other people's words and rumors about Alsim, he roughly knew that this "violent killer" from Siberia had a bohemian character and no regard for life or death.

Perhaps it is this kind of character that does not care and is obsessed with killing that allows him to survive until now.

Boris, who is good at thinking and likes summarizing, is accustomed to summing up the advantages of strong and successful people, and then applying what he has learned, or at least trying to apply what he has learned to improve himself.

However, Alsim's summary is an exception. Boris is unlikely to be able to learn this kind of violent murderous aura that overflows from every pore in his body.

Whether he is a sharpshooter or a sniper, Boris doesn't care what others call him, but he knows that what he does is linked to low-key and concealment, which is completely contrary to "successful examples" like Alsim. What I can learn from Alsim, at least for now, is almost nothing.

Holding an AK with a truncated barrel and a folding stock specially designed for tank soldiers' self-defense, he looked through the broken window, jumped into the house and landed on his feet. Boris raised his gun on guard and scanned the surroundings with vigilant eyes.

Boris always had two guns on him, one for distance and one for close range. He didn't like to use those large automatic weapons. Although they were powerful, they were too bulky and it was always inconvenient to carry them on his back when squatting and sniping. . But if it is a player gun, its firepower is too weak.

Once a sniper, a profession that draws a lot of hatred, is exposed and comes into close combat, the enemy's firepower cannot be defended by a small pistol.

In the past, Boris was forced to solve the main contradictions first and put aside the secondary contradictions due to the pressure of survival on the battlefield. He chose a Bobosha that he didn't like so much and always felt it was a bit of a hindrance and carried it on his back until the leader took over the first batch of troops. The time has come for the mass-produced AK-44 assault rifle.

"This gun is good. The stock can be folded and it can fire rifle ammunition. It has a long range and strong firepower. It's a really good gun!"

Boris, who went to the shooting range to teach new recruits how to use guns that day, had just returned from the team and happened to catch up with his company to receive a batch of the latest assault rifles for replacement.

Boris, who was inevitably interested in new guns due to his professional nature, went up to play with them. He quickly picked out the rare and small part of the new guns from the whole box, but both in terms of design ideas and actual practice. The operation feel is refreshing.

When I hold it in my hand and play with it, I can't put it down, and the love shown in my eyes is unmistakable.

"What, you're attracted to it? Do you want one?"

The company commander who happened to be signing the equipment receipt list and completing the handover formalities at the scene came over upon seeing this. He had the No. 1 sniper in his company who was famous throughout the division. Of course, the company commander recognized him and was an acquaintance and a good personal friend.

Upon hearing this, Boris did not show any embarrassment or refusal. On the contrary, he asked in surprise.

"Is that okay? Can you give me one? I don't have many gadgets."

"It's really not much, and strictly speaking it's not distributed to ordinary soldiers."

The company commander, who signed the equipment receipt list and handed it to the quartermaster, suddenly spoke, looking at Boris's slightly confused expression in front of him and then said.

"You also saw that there are a lot of new guns piled here, but there are only two boxes of these in your hand."

"The superiors requested that this new gun with a shortened barrel and a folding stock be distributed to special units, such as tank soldiers. Of course, our infantry company does not have tanks, and this box is distributed to the company's drivers. The space inside the vehicle is small and long guns cannot be deployed, and some vehicles have to be put on the line of fire. This thing just meets their needs. It is said that it was originally developed as a self-defense weapon for tank soldiers, and the space inside is smaller. "


Looking in front of him, Comrade Bao was a little disappointed after hearing that this was an "exclusive weapon for special forces." Comrade Comrade Bao, who knew that this old guy was not very public and didn't like to deal with people, smiled.

"You are an exception. You are the best sniper in our division and the elite of our company. Take this one, I specially approved it. It will be yours from now on."

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