Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2665 Misunderstanding

"Is there anything you want to say?"

Malashenko quietly looked at Iushkin who stood up from the ground in front of him, expecting to get the answer he wanted from Iushkin.

"I'm sorry, Comrade Commander, I'm sorry. It's all my fault."

If he just admitted his mistake, it wouldn't really matter. Seeing Iushkin's whole body shaking with tears falling from the corners of his eyes was the key point.

Yes, the boy Iushkin cried. This top gunner, who is usually positive and optimistic and gets excited when fighting, actually cried at this time. This did make Malashenko a little surprised.

But after thinking about it, Malashenko could roughly guess the reason why Iushkin was able to wipe away tears at this time.

"Remember the past?"

Malashenko tentatively asked questions in a soft voice, feeling that he should have made a good guess based on his understanding of Iushkin.


Although there was no cry in his voice, Iushkin, who did have tears streaking at the corners of his eyes, nodded immediately. The words Malashenko said in anger really brought back his memories of those unbearable past events.

Those heart-wrenching scenes that tore open the deep wounds in his heart came to mind again. It was only then that Iushkin realized that the biggest mistake he made was not actually stealing a car.


Malashenko, who felt somewhat speechless, could no longer bear to scold him. Iushkin had realized the problem and adopted a corresponding attitude. In Malashenko's view, this was considered to have achieved his goal, and there was no need to yell and curse in order to vent his anger. After all, Malashenko's purpose from the beginning was not to vent.

"Okay, wipe away your tears. You're crying like a girl. The Germans would laugh to death if they saw you. Wipe your tears away! We will definitely win the war alive, and we must persevere to the end!"

If Malashenko has any specific purpose, then this is it.

To make Iushkin realize that the No. 177 crew is a collective, sharing life and death, and before shouldering the trust of his comrades, he must ensure that what he does is worthy of this trust, and he will not do it because of His own selfish desires or reckless behavior put his comrades in danger.

The battlefield has never been dominated by the superhero-style "individual hero" doctrine like in American blockbusters. The reason why the leader can be invincible and invincible depends on a highly cohesive group of heroes who live and die together, advance and retreat together, and fight in many different situations. Only with the sincere unity and efficient cooperation of the military services can we get where we are today.

A person's growth is to surpass himself yesterday. It doesn't matter if he makes mistakes, let alone young people making mistakes.

The important thing is to be aware of mistakes and know how to correct them. Only those who can surpass themselves yesterday can continue to become stronger. This is what Malashenko learned from Comrade Political Commissar and experienced it personally, which impressed him deeply.

He put his arm around Iushkin's shoulders and gave him a strong touch and encouragement. Iushkin, who could feel the strength and trust of Comrade Commander, finally smiled again at this moment.

"Crying Iushkin has been coaxed. It's time for the crew of No. 177 to celebrate. If you ask me, I can have a bottle of Votkar tonight."

"Just one bottle? How can one bottle be enough? Five people need at least two bottles. Comrade Commander, don't you think so?"

In other words, Malashenko tried to make Iushkin realize his mistake and actively correct it by scolding and coaxing him for a while. Not far away, several other members of the No. 177 crew who were sitting in the tank turret watching the excitement and watching the show also took the initiative to come closer to Malashenko and Iushkin.

Artyom, the main loader who now has the best relationship with Iushkin and has a close personal relationship, was the first to speak, jokingly making fun of Iushkin as usual.

Like Malashenko, Seryosha, the driver who has known Iushkin since 1941, also joked with him after hearing this. He was also the deputy who was the only survivor of Kirill's crew. Sergey, the loader, smiled sheepishly.

"How about we get together tonight. These days we are either at war or on the road to war. Apart from fighting and traveling, we rarely even get together to eat together. I always feel that we should enhance our relationship and eat together. Let’s order food and chat, I’ve been holding back a lot of things to say for a while.”

Sergey, aware of the atmosphere, was the last to speak, and put forward his own suggestions with a simple smile.

But the tears of this naughty boy Iushkin came and went quickly. Just now, he was wiping two drops of pearl tears like a girl. Now, as soon as he heard something good happened, he immediately became energetic and moved toward Mara excitedly. Shenke said.

"Yes, Comrade Commander. You are a very busy person on weekdays. What Sergey just said is right. How about we get together tonight? I guess those Germans have to lick their wounds after being beaten badly. Okay, I guess there won’t be anything big going on tonight.”


Malashenko, who was deep in thought, raised his eyes and glanced at the horizon in the distance. Over the city that was already shrouded in smoke, the last ray of the setting sun remained. This busy and "fucking" day like a wind-up toy robot finally came to an end as the sun sank into the horizon.

"Well, it's been a while since I had any ideological exchanges with you. This is my duty as the commander, and it's my unshirkable responsibility."

"Does that mean you agree? Is this okay?"

Iushkin, who was already excited, was naturally even more excited when he heard Malashenko respond like this. Malashenko, who looked quite helpless, couldn't help but smile bitterly and asked .

"Don't be impatient. How can your face change faster than flipping through a book? Are you really aware of your mistake?"

Although Malashenko's words were in a joking tone, it was undeniable that there was still a bit of seriousness in them. However, as usual, Iushkin answered directly without thinking.

"Well, I realized it. I must have realized it. I'm sure of it. I will definitely not make the same mistake again next time. I will never betray the trust of my comrades and drag the whole car into danger."

"Okay, that's a good answer."

Malashenko, who was muttering silently in his heart, had no intention of continuing to hold on to this matter. At best, it could only be a reminder, and he blurted out the words that got back to the business just now.

"Let's have a try with the 177 crew tonight, but don't drink this Walter. If the political commissar finds out about this, he will have to skin me. Right now, this is the forefront of the enemy's actual control zone, not the rear area. Rest place.”

As soon as these words came out, Iushkin and even Artem looked a little disappointed. Before he finished speaking, Malashenko changed the topic and continued to speak with a mysterious smile.

"But, there is something else."

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