Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2666 Midnight

Malashenko agreed to get together with his crew members in the evening to keep in touch with the feelings that he had not cared about for a long time, and to carry out his ideological education duties as the commander. .

But, Malashenko doesn’t have time to do it now, he has to wait.

At least there is no rush for dinner right now. Malashenko and his crew have made an appointment to have a late-night snack together around 90 p.m.

Malashenko figured that he would have to wait until that time to finish his busy schedule. If there were any other emergencies, he would have to postpone it. I just hope that my luck will not be that bad, and I will give myself a little private time tonight, which is not much.

"I heard that you are going to get together with Iushkin and the others to have a supper together in the evening?"

After the battle, Malashenko, who must have a lot of things to deal with, temporarily left Berlin and returned to the basement of the church in the center of the town where the division headquarters was located in the town outside the city.

Malashenko, who was busy correcting combat reports and a large number of various documents without ever touching the ground, mainly did so to relieve the worries of his political commissar comrades. Putting the work and responsibilities that you, the division commander, should have done in the past but left to the political commissar comrades to handle in the past, and these responsibilities should be returned to your own shoulders. This will at least make the political commissar comrades less stressed and prevent them from getting sick from overwork. So tired again.

Malashenko, who had just signed "Read" and his name on the casualty report, hadn't had time to put down the pen in his hand and opened another document that was piled up next to him, but he never thought that it was on the other side. The political commissar who was also correcting documents and reports on the table took the initiative to speak.

"Ah? Who told you this? There is indeed such a plan, but I haven't talked about it with anyone else."

Malashenko was a little confused about the source of the news. The political commissar who heard such questions was still busy with the work at hand and just answered without raising his head.

"Iushkin told me that the kid just called me and asked if you have anything else tonight and if you can rush over to make the appointment. He said that they were almost ready, so he waited for you to go and see It should be quite exciting to come out, I’m afraid it won’t be good if you don’t go.”


Of course, Malashenko could understand the meaning of Comrade Political Commissar's words, but after a second thought, he turned back and glanced at the mountains of various documents and reports in his hand.

The establishment of the leadership division is much larger than that of conventional division-level field troops. One of the derivative effects of this is that there are an overwhelming number of various documents submitted to the division headquarters for review and review, especially before and after the launch of a campaign. These two key points after the battle are the most troublesome and busy.

Raising his hands to roll up his sleeves and looking at his watch, Malashenko frowned when he realized that the time had reached half past nine.

I was thinking about what I wanted to do, but I still had so many documents at hand. It would not be good for me to just go and leave all the work to the political commissar comrades. Although it was clear that Comrade Political Commissar wanted him to go, he had to find a way to get the best of both worlds, at least not making Comrade Political Commissar stay up until late at night.

"Hey, that's right! There's a way!"

An idea struck Malashenko and he suddenly thought of a solution. The result of this solution was that Lavrinenko, who had just gone downstairs to inspect the night defense of the troops and had just rushed back to the division headquarters, was killed. Malashenko directly pulled the young man.

"Damn it! Why are you so embarrassed when you go to have a late-night snack in a leisurely and happy way and let me stay here as a cow and horse to work for you?"

Lavrinenko, who had just rushed back to the division headquarters and didn't even have time to sit down or take a sip of water, "complained constantly". When he heard that Malashenko was going to do this, he asked him to do the work for him. , the whole person can be said to be bragging and staring, and he was just short of scolding Comrade Ma for being wicked.

"Oh, please do me a favor. I usually don't ask you, just do me a favor. You also know that no one else can change those things. You are the only one who has the power to review on my behalf or on behalf of the political commissar. I won't ask you for help." Who should I go to? Is there a fourth division commander in the leadership division?"

There are three serious division-level military commanders in the leadership division. Malashenko is the chief, Lavrinenko is the deputy, and the political commissar is the "political deputy commander". Although Comrade Chief of Staff is qualified to read documents, he does not have the authority to pass some core and key reports and documents.

Malashenko also thought that it would be troublesome if his superiors checked it later and found that the chief of staff approved documents that only the military chief had the right to approve.

If there is one less thing to do, then there is one less thing to do. There are ready-made deputy division commanders and comrades who don't need it, so why bother to find potential trouble for yourself?

Although he muttered and seemed reluctant, Lavrinenko still had a deep and deep friendship with Malashenko, and it was just lip service.

"Okay, but I promised you that you owe me a favor. I originally planned to go to bed early tonight, but I let you mess with it again. You have to make it up to me next time."

"Okay, okay, I'll make it up to you. I'll make it up to you if I have the chance. Now please sit down here and start working, okay? Wait, I'll make you some tea. I'll be there soon~"

Looking at Malashenko and Lavrinenko, two living treasures, "acting in skits" across the table, the political commissar comrade sitting at the opposite table who was still busy couldn't help laughing.

"I really hope to see you two go higher and further, but in the end, the future still depends on you."

After bidding farewell to the division headquarters, Malashenko got into the small GAS jeep prepared in the yard. He held the package that had been prepared in his hand and asked the driver and guard to step on the accelerator. He went straight to the city where he and Iushkin had already arrived. Driving to the appointed place.

The night in the suburbs of Berlin is no different from the suburbs of most cities in Germany that Malashenko has visited.

The moonlight tonight is quite bright and clear, and the bright moonlight penetrates the thick night and shines on the battlefield ruins that have gradually cooled down after sunset.

Several construction sites on the outskirts of the city are still busy late at night. They are construction sites for digging death pits. If we look at the details below, they can be divided into two different types.

The German prisoners of war, who were guarded by the soldiers of the Leader Division with guns on guard, were wielding iron pickaxes to dig the graves of their fallen comrades. This would be a good midnight snack for them to satisfy their hunger. prerequisites.

On the other side, the leaders' own soldiers were digging for resting places for their comrades who died during the day. This is also one of the traditions of the leaders.

Digging the resting place for the deceased comrades is the last respect we can do. Even the coffins are not prepared. They are just covered with temporary packages of convenient and easy-to-carry straw mats. The remains of the leading division soldiers are neatly placed together at this moment. Prepare for burial.

There is never an army that is invincible and invulnerable to losses.

The Leader's Division is indeed the strongest and most capable division-level field unit in the entire Red Army. It's true, but this cruel street fighting meat grinder still devoured the lives of a full 182 Leader's Division soldiers in today's battle. life. The lives of one hundred and eighty-two elite warriors who had fought on the battlefield and repeatedly performed extraordinary feats were left outside the enemy's capital city. They could not even return to their hometown and could only hold a simple temporary funeral. , buried on site.

Malashenko, who witnessed this scene with his own eyes, felt a little uncomfortable. This was only the first day of the battle. In the subsequent battles, it is unknown how many soldiers of the leadership division would eventually fail to see the red flag planted on the Capitol Building. That scene.

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