Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2670 Comrades, start cooking!


The back of his head was caught off guard and he was hit hard by a big dick. Iushkin's whole body suddenly slid forward. He covered the back of his head and calmed down before looking back.

"Ah, Comrade Commander, when did you stand behind me?"

It was a good thing that Iushkin didn't look back. After receiving a big slap in the face, he looked back and realized that Malashenko, with a "ferocious" look on his face, was standing in front of him, quarreling on his face. The right hand has just finished slapping his big pussy, but it has not yet been completely retracted. The left hand is still holding a plate with unknown contents.

"What? When I stand behind you, do I still need to report to Captain Yiushkin? Do I have to salute you and wish you good health?"


Iushkin was speechless when Malashenko answered the question with a question. Iushkin, who was speechless for a while while rubbing the back of his head, felt awkward here and there.

Iushkin, who originally had a pretty good brain, was so beaten that he didn't come back to his senses for a while, and it wasn't until this moment that he realized what the problem was.

Oh, those guys who were cooperating with me just deliberately tried to trick me into making a fool of myself?

It was fine that he didn't realize this. As soon as Iushkin figured it out, something felt wrong. He immediately turned around and planned to settle the score with the "culprit" Artyom.

"You're a cannonball stuffer! If you dare to trick me, see how I deal with it."

"Shut up! Sit down!! Now!!!"


Being triggered by Malashenko's "one-button triple", Iushkin had a subconscious stress reaction. He pulled up a chair and sat down on the spot. After sitting down, Iushkin realized that he had been fooled again, but it was too late. It's too late.

"Okay, that's enough chit-chat. Let's start dinner now. Bring the wine and glasses."


This authentic dark beer obtained from the German officer's club is indeed very particular. It is packaged in small wooden barrels with the same specifications. Just remove the stopper and pour it out.

With the aroma of wine, all the five people's bowls were filled with beer. Since there were no ready-made draft beer cups, Malashenko and his group were in a Chinese restaurant, so they had to drink from local ingredients and a few ramen bowls they found from the cabinets. beer.

Five bowls of wine were placed on the table like this, hey, don’t say anything.

If two more sticks of incense are placed on the case table, and the five brothers kneel on the ground together, and if we drink this wine after praying tonight, we can go to Liangshan at dawn tomorrow!

Well, at least that's what Malashenko thinks and thinks at the moment.

"Um, Comrade Commander, did you really make all these things? This is too awesome."

It is a good thing to be praised by others, but Malashenko did not take the credit that did not belong to him. At least part of the credit was taken off the shelf.

"Oh, I made the hot stuff. For this plate of things, you have to find Ren Dagui, the Chinese guy who does car repairs and maintenance, our teacher, have you heard about it?"

Seeing the brothers around him all nodding in unison, even Iushkin, Malashenko continued.

"This plate of stuff is called bacon, Northeastern bacon. I don't know how to make this stuff. Ren Dagui made it by himself. This stuff is durable and not easy to break. He made a lot of it at one time and saved it to eat slowly. What about me? Just go to his place and come over."

"You guys, don't underestimate this thing. The current food and wine are very good. Take a few sips of wine, eat a piece of bacon, fuck his Suka, and the pleasure of kicking his ass is nothing more than that."


As for whether the plate of dark-looking things is really as delicious as Comrade Commander said, Iushkin is still skeptical for the time being. This kid still thinks that Salo may have tasted like wine. better.

But one thing he did admit was that the bowl of hot food in front of him was so fragrant that bubbles almost bubbled up his nose. Just smelling it made him almost unbearable.

"Then what is this? Comrade Commander."

"Huh? This? Didn't you say this is "braised German sticks"? If you say so, then that's it."


Pooh hahahaha——

Already choked by Malashenko, speechless for a moment, and then laughed out loud by the brothers around him, Iushkin's whole face visibly turned into a pig. He was pale, even more speechless and choked.

"Okay, okay! It's up to Comrade Commander to take care of you, so that you don't have to bully our brothers all day long, then let's make fun of you, haha!"

"Artyom, do you have to follow me today?"


Again, Malashenko interrupted the second half of his speech before he could finish it. Malashenko, who didn't wait for Iushkin to defend himself, took over the right to speak and spoke directly.

"This thing is called a stew. Well, that's what the Chinese call it. If you put it here, you can imagine that it's a lot of delicious things put together. It's better to make a big pot. It’s just food, that’s what I understand.”


This explanation can only be said to be simple, straightforward, and easy to understand. However, Malashenko was thinking that there were not enough seasonings and seasonings, so after working around the kitchen, he discovered that he could only use the ones he brought with him. Use the condiments and ingredients to make stews.

What else would happen? Do you still plan to use that powdery substance in the kitchen that has been there for more than 20 years, and you don’t know whether it is ash or cumin noodles, to cook?

so funny! If you eat it, it won’t cause cancer, but you’ll still get diarrhea. I’ll have to fight a hammer tomorrow.

Making such a pot of stew is already within Malashenko's ability. Using the ingredients and seasonings collected and prepared in advance before departure, the most complicated Chinese food that can be made cannot be more complicated than this.

Although this dish itself is a very simple one in Chinese food, in this era of scarcity of material life, as long as such a simple Chinese food is prepared, it can still be regarded as the ultimate delicacy in the world.

"To give you a brief introduction, there are potatoes, vegetables, fresh beef, and fried meatballs in it. I also ordered two pieces of butter soup base from Ren Dagui and threw them in. Well, that guy has a lot of delicious food. Oh, by the way, there are noodles in it, which you can put under the vegetables. You can eat some noodles while you are eating the vegetables. It will keep you entertained. "


Malashenko found that before he finished speaking, the sound of swallowing could be heard on the table. It is estimated that if he waited any longer, he would not just swallow but drool.

Malashenko, who did not want to dampen everyone's interest, immediately waved his hand and gave the order with the aura of "the restaurant is like a battlefield".

"Comrades, start cooking!"

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