Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2671 Wine and Meat

"Holy shit! It smells so good!"

"You're good, you're good! Leave some for me, why did you put it all into the bowl!?"

"Eat slowly, I told you to eat slowly, slowly."

The vast majority of people in this world can eat slowly and carefully, but there are a few people who can't. It's the kind of people who can't do it for professional reasons. This group of people who are soldiers are one of them.

For soldiers, eating most of the time is not a time to taste delicious food and enjoy life, but to replenish the body's energy needs, restore one's own state, and engage in the next upcoming battle. .

Eating is even a weakness for this group of people many times, a weakness that cannot be inked for too long, let alone exposed for too long.

If the enemy seizes this opportunity to launch a sneak attack, one or two of the big soldiers who are queuing up to receive meals or gathering together to chat and eat may be blown into the sky.

Because of this, it has become a norm for those who have survived long enough on the battlefield to eat quickly enough instead of chewing carefully.

The same is true for Malashenko's No. 177 train crew. Even if it is not in combat mode, it can sit quietly, eat two sips of food and drink two sips of wine. But the two of them ate as fast as if they had a Tyrannosaurus Rex behind them.

The fact that the food on the table is really delicious is certainly one of the reasons, but more of it is because of the habit they have already formed. It is not easy for them to deliberately slow down their eating speed.

"Huh~ Who would have thought of this? A pot of potatoes and vegetables stewed with some meat, some noodles, and some soup. Damn it! I feel like I can eat three more bowls !No joke!"

"Three bowls of shit! You've already eaten two bowls, what are we going to eat if you have three more bowls? You made a mistake, just cool off."

The "greedy" Iushkin was still quarreling with Artyom who was "protecting the food" on the side. Malashenko, who was also hungry, did not wait until he finished eating the food in the bowl in his hand. He shouted happily and temporarily put down his bowl and chopsticks.

"Phew! So cool! Burp - Damn, this is a bit sweet, I need to take a sip."

Malashenko, who had just put down the bowl and chopsticks, started to burp without even having time to wipe the corners of his mouth with oil. He grabbed the wine bowl at hand and raised his head. Without saying a word, he drank it in one gulp. , drank it all.

To say that this good thing was found in the German officers' club, it is really a bit different.

This authentic dark beer gave Malashenko the feeling of being very mellow and mellow, without any industrial taste. He just felt that his taste buds were tumbling in the ocean waves of beer. Each wave was better than the last, and the aftertaste lingered for a long time.

For Malashenko, who is accustomed to drinking later industrial beers, this is as pleasant and surprising as discovering a paradise.

"Good stuff, not bad! Really good stuff! The Germans are much better at making beer than they are at making their expensive tractors."

Seeing Malashenko drinking so well and praising him repeatedly, the brothers who were busy stuffing food into their mouths also followed suit, grabbing the wine bowls at hand and pouring it down their throats.



"I said, it's really delicious, huh?"

"Well, it's not bad. It's much better than the horse urine I found in the beer hall in East Prussia before. It seems that the Germans' wine is divided into high and low. What the bosses drink is what the soldiers below drink. It’s not a thing at all.”

The first round of eating and drinking with beef was pretty much done, and Malashenko, who was probably about to chat and eat, then took the initiative to reach out and pull the bacon plate on the side to the brothers, and put it on the table. The small kerosene lamp used for lighting, which was not too bright, opened the door immediately.

"Come on, try this. The food and wine are all delicious. It's much better than chewing the lard."

Malashenko has never been too fond of the "Salo" thing. How could someone who traveled from the future world get used to chewing lard? Unexpectedly, even though this kid Iushkin is very thin and shows no sign of obesity, his enthusiasm for Salo is almost to the point of obsession. I don’t know that this kid is eating so much that his mouth is full of risks. Where did all the fat that the oil swallowed go?

Rather than chewing Salo raw like Iushkin did, Malashenko still prefers to eat the dishes from his hometown. Even if there are no peanuts, having a plate of bacon with wine is better than chewing the fat Salo.

Malashenko, who had just pulled the plate in front of the brothers, did his part and took the brunt of it, grabbed a piece of sliced ​​bacon and stuffed it into his mouth.

In an instant, this tough but not stubborn chewy, mellow taste with three points of flavor, and a large piece of fat and thin meat, just the right amount of thick meat satisfy

For a moment, Malashenko felt like he was going to fucking cry.

This is the taste, this local taste!

How long have you been wandering alone in this other world? During the days when I was either fighting or on the way to Gansu Degun, how many days did I dream of eating a piece of this hometown dish and "asking for nothing more".

Looking at the vivid expression of "immersed in selflessness and intoxicated" on the face of Malashenko who was chewing meat, Iushkin and others who looked at each other really couldn't imagine what kind of delicacies in the world can be eaten. People are fed like this.

Fortunately, the opportunity is right in front of you. This time you can seek the answer with your own mouth.

"Try it, taste it all."

Pieces of thick meat were stuffed into the mouth with bare hands. This group of veterans who "don't care about life and death and will do it if they don't accept it" never thought about table manners. As long as you can put something in your mouth, the process is not important.

But as soon as the bacon was eaten, the expressions of the Iushkin brothers were not as exaggerated as their comrades, the commander, but they did have "unbelievable" written all over their faces.

"I I don't know how to describe it, but"

"Suka! How is this meat made? How does it get more flavorful the more you chew it???"

"It's delicious! It's really delicious! I'm not telling you, Iushkin, this thing is really much more delicious than the stuff you talk about all day long."


At this point, even Iushkin, no matter how much he played "Saro", had to admit one thing

But before admitting that matter, Iushkin had another thing to do first, which Iushkin could not afford to delay at the moment.

"We'll talk later. Let me put two more pieces of Xianpin in my mouth."

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