Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2717 Life hangs on a thread

In an already busy field hospital, it is not unusual for someone to suddenly rush in and shout, "Hurry and save someone." At least the busy doctors and nurses in the hospital are used to it.

"Don't get excited, comrade! What happened? Tell me the details first."

A young doctor who was nearest took the initiative to come forward and received the uninvited guest who shouted that he wanted to save people as soon as he entered the door.

The major in front of him was not the only one who rushed into the field hospital. He was accompanied by a whole team of fully armed soldiers, as well as the body of unknown life and death that was carried on a stretcher.

"He has a gunshot wound! Multiple bullets hit the torso, but he is still alive! Rescue him quickly! Hurry!"

He was shot multiple times and all of them were in the torso?

The moment he heard the news, his eyes immediately became uncomfortable.

The young doctor who had no time to say anything else immediately bypassed the major in front of him and came to the stretcher. What he saw at first glance was a chest full of blood.

"Enter the operating room! This way, quickly!"

Time is life, and the final result caused by even a one second time difference may be the difference between life and death.

The young doctor who confirmed the situation did not dare to neglect at all, and immediately called on several nearby nurses to quickly send the person to the operating room. ‘6’ ‘9’ ‘s’ ‘h’ ‘u’ ‘x’ ‘.’ ‘c’ ‘o’ ‘m’

Regardless of whether you are a soldier or someone who treats illnesses and saves people, now everyone who can help can help, and every one of them will rush to the battlefield to help. The young doctor, who seemed to be the leader, did not forget to give orders to a nearby nurse.

"Go and find Anya. I will do the surgery myself, and then ask Dr. Shevalov to come over and help. Hurry!"

The nurse who was given the order hurriedly went to call for help, and the stretcher was rushed into the operating room by everyone. The major and his soldiers, who could not take another step forward after reaching the door of the operating room, had no choice but to send them here. If they had nothing else to do in the rest of the time, they could only wait at the door.

The young doctor at the head hurried over, quickly changed into surgical clothes, and came back not long after. Just as he was about to rush straight into the operating room, he was stopped by the major who was leading the operation.

"Doctor, please save him! This man is not one of ours, he is a reporter from the United States. If he asks you to save him anyway!"

Judging from the major's meaning, it seemed that there were some words that he didn't know how to say, or he didn't know whether he should say them. In the end, he swallowed them back and didn't mention them.

Of course, the young doctor can see this situation, let's not say whether he is curious about it or not, but he really doesn't have time to ask here and there.

At the same time, a figure trotting from behind the major in front of him came into view. The only thing he could say at the moment when the operation was about to begin was a brief sentence.

"We will do our best, this is the only guarantee I can give you."


The major and his soldiers were frozen on the spot and before they could speak, the figure rushing from behind had already passed by.

"Anya, you're here. Let's start now. The patient's condition is very critical."

The major who was left at the door had no chance to say anything else. The door of the operating room was completely closed as the female nurse hurriedly arrived and entered.

The major, who has been so busy all the way here, has only now had time to calm down and think.

Thinking about the intense events that happened not long ago, and what to do if the worst happens in the near future.

"What are you going to do? It won't take long for this matter to be known to many people, especially Comrade Commander. There must be an explanation and explanation for this."

There was also a captain in the team accompanying the major. He seemed to be his deputy and had a good personal relationship with him. After everyone had finished all the things they needed to do and could only "do their best and obey fate", they began to take the initiative to care about the major's personal problems and step forward to ask questions.

"Honestly, I don't know, damn it Sokka! I'm still confused. Everything happened so suddenly! Damn it!"

"If I had realized something was wrong earlier, all this could have been avoided! I had a chance to save him, but in the end it ended up like this. Why did I make a mistake at the most critical time!? I failed. Damn it! The expectations and trust that comrades have in me!”

As the security chief personally appointed by Malashenko, Major Kovanov has never hated himself as much as he does now.

He hated why he slipped up at the critical moment, failed to live up to expectations, missed opportunities, and misjudged the situation, which led to the current situation.

Major Kovanov, who was slowly leaning on the ground with his back against the wall, took off his helmet. His head was already completely wet with sweat, and now all his hair was wet and stuck together. His face was full of decadence and terribleness, and he looked simply inhuman.

The captain on the side can probably understand Major Kovanov's mood at this moment. As a witness to the incident, he certainly understands the whole incident, and he is not willing to just watch his superior and good brother blame himself and become decadent. Then he knelt down, put his hand on his old friend's shoulder, and spoke slowly.

"No one expected that situation would occur at that time, not just you, I didn't expect it at all."

"The situation on the battlefield is urgent, bullets are short-lived, and the situation is changing rapidly. No one can be sure that it will be foolproof. And you are responsible for leading the team. I am the person specifically responsible for implementation. If there is a problem, I will protect you." If you don’t take the big part, you can’t handle this alone.”

"Besides, given the situation at that time, wasn't the Yankee himself primarily responsible? If he had honestly listened to us and done what we said, how could he have ended up like this?"

"If you ask me, let's explain the complete story clearly and tell Comrade Senior Commander everything in detail. I believe Comrade Senior Commander will understand and believe us. Don't worry too much. You can't do anything for a mere Yankee. You all fucked me up, right?"


Major Kovanov, who was sitting against the wall and taking deep breaths, slowly shook his head. If he only cared about these things, he wouldn't be in this situation now.

"That's not what I care about. What I care about is him, the American guy named David himself."

"As you can see, his injuries are too serious. I can't convince myself that he can get off the operating table alive. What I'm afraid of is not taking responsibility, but that a good person shouldn't lose his life here. This The war and everything that happened here had nothing to do with him, so he shouldn't have been involved!"

"But now, it is possible that an already disabled soldier will die in such a way that the beast is used as a tool."

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