Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2718 This time you will learn from me

There is never a perfect person in this world. Even if a person has many and dazzling advantages, it still does not mean that he is perfect and has no shortcomings.

Major Kovanov is calm, resourceful, has a great sense of justice and is strict with himself. He is additionally bilingual in German and English through self-taught. I never compromise when performing tasks, and I always strive to complete the goal with 100% goal.

It can be said that he possesses most of the excellent qualities that an excellent soldier should possess.

But just like no one is perfect, Kovanov also has his own weaknesses: his battlefield experience is very limited, and he has almost never experienced a truly brutal frontal battlefield battle.

Kovanov, who was promoted through the NKVD line, has always kept a certain distance from the front line of fire due to his position and has never had in-depth and long-term contact and understanding.

This is also the reason why he, who was not originally part of the internal security force, was specially transferred from the field force and took his soldiers to work together with his old friends again. Of course the comrade captain on the side understood this. To put it bluntly, this was to make up for Kovanov's shortcomings.

Moreover, Comrade Captain also knows that such security work close to the firing line, even if it is left to the most experienced field elites, cannot be guaranteed to be foolproof, let alone those who have never seen shells and bullets flying in front of them all day long. Internal Guard Corps.

But no matter what, old friend Kovanov is calm, proficient in communication and coordination, security arrangement and command, coupled with the battle experience and experience of himself and his soldiers. This powerful alliance was supposed to be infinitely close to being foolproof, but in the end it still failed to prevent the accident from happening. This was the most unexpected thing for Comrade Captain himself.

"Then what are you going to do now? Are you going to ask your comrade, the division commander, to come and apologize? Just say that your mission failed, and then you feel that you should bear the responsibility and the blame alone?"

Guessing that continuing to say nice things and persuading him would have no effect, Comrade Captain changed his mind and sat on the floor while talking, leaning against the wall with Kovanov and asking questions.

"I don't know, I haven't thought about it. If you want to know, I can think about it now, but I think your suggestion is not bad. I am serious."


Comrade Captain, who was directly amused by Kovanov's words, grinned. He didn't know whether he was really laughing or speechless. Then he put the AK with the bayonet in his hand on the safety, leaned against the wall and put it next to his hand. They just let their hands fall casually on their raised knees and spoke quietly.

"It's been so long since we graduated from the same class at the military academy and separated now. Tell me, is this the first time you have encountered failure? Or is it the first time you have encountered such a complete failure that makes you deeply ashamed?"


Kovanov said nothing, but his eyes were full of energy. He was not just staring blankly but thinking about something. Seeing this, Comrade Captain understood everything at a glance.

"Sure enough, I got it right, that's what I guessed."

"Think about it, when we were still in the military academy, you were always number one in the class, and you were firmly in the top three in the entire infant class in your class. As for me, I was a bad student who was holding our class back. "

"Fighting, drinking, skipping classes, sleeping in class, and after class, I have to take some time to bring a few hooligans to block the young and beautiful female teachers in the corridor to "ask for advice." People like us should be invincible and die of old age. We're friends with each other, but thanks to you, a good student, you think highly of me and are willing to make me your brother. You also advised me to at least improve my grades to a level that I can graduate from, and gave me a small tutoring program. Now I don't have to go to school in vain. time."

"I'm not saying this to be nostalgic for you, Kovanov. Look at me, a rotten person like me has experienced countless failures and setbacks. I was kicked down as soon as I graduated with the lowest grades. I went to the grassroots level to join the company, but you are different."

"You are the top student among the top students. It's like you have never failed. You are always challenging higher and pushing upwards. You are taking the path of an internal security guard that many people would not envy."

"Back in school, what did those bastards call this? Oh, I remembered, it was called "General Express." I met big shots all day long, and my rank was promoted so fast that others despaired, and I didn't even have to follow A big-time soldier like me goes to the front line to take a shot."

"Except for those nonsense and those who just want to go to the battlefield for excitement, your path is what most people want. Some people use their connections to get gold through the back door, and they can't even ask for such a good job."

Comrade Captain, who paused for a moment, took out a lighter and cigarette case from his pocket, and was thinking of getting one for himself.

Before I even took out the cigarette from the box, I suddenly realized that this place was a field hospital. Now I had no choice but to stuff the cigarette back into the box, and continued to speak in a serious tone.

"But look at you now, the problem is still here."

"You are so good, so good that even if you take this elite route, you rarely make mistakes, and you have never suffered any major setbacks or made any serious mistakes. I remember Comrade Division Commander said something during a conference before, It's called "The higher you climb, the harder you fall." Listen to it, does it fit your current situation? "

"You have never experienced the taste of major failure and setbacks. Of course, you can do this with your ability and hard work. I don't deny this. But this means that once you are suddenly hit by these two things, look, it is now The result: depression, decadence, self-blame, and being unable to extricate myself, feeling like a big hole has been punched in my world.”

"Don't tell me you only care about the American boy's life. Your eyes can't deceive anyone."

"Yes, I admit that you care about him. I didn't say you were hypocritical. That's not what I meant. But at the same time, you are also afraid that you will live up to the trust, expectations and trust of comrade division commander. You are even more afraid of being rejected by him because of it. . Maybe you don’t even realize it, but now that I’ve said it, think about it.”

"Actually, if I really want to talk about it, I think Comrade Senior is actually the same kind of person as you, and far stronger than you. If you are the elite among young people, then he is the top elite among the elite among young people. One in ten thousand or even one in millions.”

"Because of this, your elite routes are essentially the same. I guess you rarely meet the same kind of people, and you hope, or are eager like crazy, to gain recognition and approval from your comrades. He is the top strong man on the line of rare talents like you. How many people like you come to lead the division and come to him. I have heard that there are at least as many as one strengthened platoon. "

"My guess may not be correct, after all, I am not you. But I really want to tell you, stop thinking about these stupid things and act like a little girl who has unrequited love. What has happened has happened. No matter how much you think about it, nothing will change."

"You should learn from me this time. If you fall down on your face like me, even if you have shit in your mouth, you still have to get up, look forward, and think forward! After all, what the hell are you doing? Not dead, still alive, isn’t that enough of a reason? Frustration and failure can’t break people, they can only temper them and make them stronger.”

"Can you learn this lesson well? I'm begging you, top student."

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