"Maybe you are right. From the time of the accident to now, I frankly have never thought about this. Maybe the problem really lies here.

"But I need some time. I will think carefully about the method here. If I come up with any results, I will tell you at that time. Anyway, thank you brother. My poor ability to resist setbacks may be my biggest weakness."

Kovanov's expression was very serious when he said this. At the very least, he had found a possible answer to the problem. He was no longer just wasting time just thinking about it and not being able to figure it out.

Comrade Captain also smiled after seeing this scene. Although his guess may not be accurate, the real answer can only be known by Kovanov himself. But now at least he can cheer up and be able to face himself and think calmly again. From this point of view alone, he is much stronger than the previous state.

"Okay, I have plenty of time. Think about it carefully. When you think about it, I really want to hear your answer, as long as you don't forget to tell me when the time comes."

The atmosphere of chatting between you and me has unconsciously turned into a relaxed and pleasant state.

Deciding not to think about those troublesome things for the time being, it was time to change his mind and clear his mind. Kovanov thought of talking about something else. There were indeed many topics and shared memories to talk about with his old classmates.

"I did hear that you were transferred to the leadership division before, but I have never asked when you came. How did you come to us?"

"Huh? Are you willing to change the topic? Okay, let's talk casually."

It takes some time to recall the past. Captain Sulovechenko, who has been busy fighting in the past few days, is a little confused right now. Being asked so fiercely by Kovanov, it took a little longer to organize the words.

"Let me think about it. Well, it was probably at the end of last year."

"At that time, I was fighting in the direction of East Prussia. Well, in the old army, I was also a captain and company commander just like now. One day during the battle, I accidentally shot a wounded Nazi soldier. I was cleaning the battlefield. . It’s really embarrassing. You can laugh at me, but I think it’s embarrassing.”

"But fortunately, the injury is not serious. The German's 92 bullet hit my arm and pierced the sleeve, flying a small piece of flesh off my arm. There was a lot of blood, but luckily no bones were injured. I thought about it A casual bandage should not affect the battle the next day, but the regiment leader came to me directly and gave me a forced leave. I was still cursing at the time, why did such an unlucky thing happen to me? "

"I was lying in the field hospital changing dressings and recovering from my injuries. Day by day it was like being thrown into a trash can. It must have been like this for about three or four days. I couldn't bear it anymore and wanted to ask when I would be released. Returned to the team. Guess what? Before I could run to ask, Comrade Political Commissar suddenly came to the field hospital, the political commissar of our regiment."

"I thought I was asked to go back and continue working as a nazi, but as soon as we met, the transfer order was thrust into my hand, and the regiment's order was announced along the way."

"There is no reason, and even if there is, I probably wouldn't know it. Comrade Comrade Political Commissar asked me to pack my luggage and get ready on the spot. A car would pick me up before dark and transfer me to other units, along with the transfer documents and documents. My personal files were all pulled out and packed, and a thick package of documents was placed in front of me. I was dumbfounded.”

"What's going on? The old army doesn't want me anymore? Or did I make a mistake? I was puzzled at the time and couldn't figure out why. Is it because I was shot by a wounded Nazi soldier and it embarrassed the regiment? Just kick me out and send me away just for this?”

Generally speaking, bad students with poor academic performance may not have the ability to do serious things, but when it comes to talking nonsense and telling jokes, they are more capable than just talking.

To be honest, not to mention absolutely, at least in most cases, bad students and all kinds of campus second-rates are first-rate in this regard. Just look at Captain Sulovechenko's current state. Know.

"Then are you willing to be a fool who doesn't know anything? Why don't you take the initiative to ask?"

Before Kovanov could finish his words, Sulovechenko, who had an extremely vivid expression on his face, immediately answered.

"How could you not ask? Of course I asked. I don't accept that they drove me away for no reason! Why on earth is this? To be fair, you have to give me an explanation."

"But what do you think the result of asking is? It's useless! When you ask, it's a military secret. Your regiment's political commissar already said it's a military secret. What else can I do? I'll ask again if I should even open the door of the field hospital. If you can’t get out, what should you do if you just take him away?”

"The situation is like this. Even if I don't know anything, I still have to execute the order. You deal with big shots all day long, so you must know more about this than me. Don't ask if you shouldn't ask."

"That night, a car came and took me to the train station and got me on the train. I was absent-minded and annoyed at the time. I didn't care what the people in the car did or what their identities were. As soon as I got on the train, I lay down and fell asleep. Down."

"I didn't know until the next day, Suka! What a surprise, brother! I was actually transferred to the leadership division? Damn it, the most powerful and elite field group in the entire Red Army, just by naming it. Those timid people were so scared that they wet their pants. All the people on the train with me were supplementary soldiers of the leadership division. I only found out after I got off the train."

"I used to tell people that if I could lead a division and fight with General Malashenko, let alone a company commander, I would be a squad leader. I would be willing to do that. Anyway, the squad leader is not I haven’t done it before, it’s just returning to my old career. Compared with this, being able to go to the battlefield with the most powerful comrades and the latest equipment, and fucking, that’s the most important thing!”

Seeing Sulovechenko remembering this, he still has an expression of "excitement and excitement" on his face.

Kovanov can probably understand the reason for this. After all, people like Sulovchenko are not a minority among the leaders.

He was transferred directly without knowing it.

And apart from him, there are countless people in the entire Red Army who have written applications and queued up to get numbers, but they still can't wait to be assigned to the leadership division. This is a precious opportunity that countless people dream of but cannot ask for. If you tell them, it will make a lot of people sad and envious.

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