Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2720 The magic weapon for winning

"Well, congratulations on your wish. Not many people can have dreams come true like yours these days, or come true unintentionally. You are very lucky."

Although he said so, Kovanov actually knew the specific situation and twists and turns, but it was far from as simple as "good luck" like joking on the surface.

Let's put it this way, the requirements for the leadership division to recruit additional soldiers are not low.

The most basic combatants, top soldiers, and finally a group of well-trained high-quality recruits have arrived at the front line. The front army headquarters will coordinate at the first level to send the best batch, or "the best batch" among them. "Most of them" were packed and sent to the leadership division.

Then, the remaining supplementary troops will be distributed twice, and the other brother guards units will make do with it. After the guards were divided, it was the turn of the ordinary troops without the title of guard to be divided for the third time.

As for the quality of the soldiers when they are assigned for the third time?

Sorry, we, Comrade Ma, don't know, and of course we have no interest or need to know. Anyway, "the leader division will never receive the third round of reinforcements" is certain.

This is true for the recruitment of new recruits. As for the recruitment of higher-level grassroots commanders and political workers, the requirements are even higher than this.

Those newbies who have just graduated from military academies and haven't seen what a battlefield looks like should forget it.

Malashenko had jokingly told Vatutin before that the leadership academy is not a "training place for young masters of the military academy". Novices who want to practice and get a feel for it should find another job as soon as possible. The temple of my leadership academy is too small to accommodate great masters. . As for your ability to memorize textbooks in military schools, I'm sorry, but you really can't master the mechanical synthesis of various arms.

Malashenko makes demands and talks about the status quo. As direct superiors, Vatutin or Zhukov, of course, can also express understanding and recognition from the perspective of considering the actual situation.

Therefore, the most basic top soldiers can also be supplemented by high-quality recruits. This is already the limit under Malashenko's minimum requirements.

As for those grassroots commanders and political workers who sacrificed their lives or were disabled and retreated from the front line, in addition to being promoted and appointed from the leadership division's own reserve cadres, new external replacements must be deployed from experienced serving personnel from other units.

This is not a request made by Malashenko, but the same decision made by Vatutin before him and Zhukov after him.

It is impossible to say that other brotherly troops have no objections to this.

However, the overall level of commanders at the grassroots level is the most critical factor in maintaining the combat effectiveness of an elite force. Its importance is second only to high-level command organs in a field force.

This is actually easy to understand. Grassroots commanders are placed in the pyramid of the command system, which is the position of middle-level command and management, and plays a very critical role in connecting the previous and the following.

If the level of this layer is not up to standard, both the upper and lower teams will suffer.

Not only are the orders issued by superiors not implemented properly, but the performance and tactical application of the next level down to actual combat will also be bad.

On the one hand, they cheated the commander, and on the other hand, they cheated the soldiers.

Precisely because it is so important, it is a key factor in maintaining the high standard of combat effectiveness of the leadership division.

This led to both Vatutin and Zhukov being able to override the opinions of the public and forcefully implement the priority allocation of supplies to the grassroots commanders of the leading division.

Of course, the facts turned out to be very worthwhile. At least as campaign-level commanders, Vatutin and Zhukov both received the results they wanted and sufficient rewards.

The leader's division was marching forward with great ferocity, and its fighting power was as violent as a meat grinder devouring a German stick. This was created by giving priority to the supply of equipment and the supply of high-quality personnel.

Vatutin had previously written this in a report to his loving father, Comrade Stalin:

"The cost of maintaining a large division-level field group like the Leader Division should be three to four times that of a regular Guards Tank Division first-level unit. If compared to an ordinary tank division without a Guards title, Then the maintenance cost will rise further, at least six to seven times.”

"From the perspective of actual combat effects, I personally think that the high standard of combat effectiveness maintained by this high cost is worth it. Malashenko and the leader division organization with him as the core can make good use of the high-quality resources provided by superiors , its battlefield adaptability and diversified combat capabilities are unmatched by any other force of the same type.”

"This may be a development direction for future wars. A fully mechanized synthetic field group of various arms formed by concentrated elite forces will contain powerful offensive energy that exceeds the cost of maintaining its existence and combat effectiveness. Although this The cost may seem high, but the high-standard combat effectiveness it actually translates into is unprecedentedly superior to the current combat model.”

"There are still many issues that need to be studied and discussed regarding the fully mechanized combined combat mode of various arms, and there is still a lot of exploration that needs to be continued in this field. I sincerely ask the leader, Comrade Stalin, and the Red Army General Staff to pay attention to this new If the development of war changes in this era requires my personal cooperation, I will do my best.”

The trend of human historical development tells us that whenever changes occur, there are always a few high-ranking people who can stand at the forefront, assess the situation, accurately seize the opportunities of the changes of the times, and give them positive guidance. , to give full play to its popularity.

Fortunately, the Soviet Red Army of this era is most in need of such people.

There was Vatutin before him and Zhukov after him. Others include Vasilevsky and other young historians who, although they did not cooperate much with Malashenko, had a very close relationship with Vatutin and Zhukov and belonged to the same category. The famous generals who left their names came to help.

Malashenko alone is not enough. The birth of the leader is no accident. The power of one person is far from enough to cause miracles. This is also the core spirit that Malashenko has been instilling in his comrades for a long time and hopes to establish and pass on in the leadership division: collective heroism with unity will always lead to victory. The winning formula.

"Uh, by the way, this person has been pushed to the operating table for a while, right? He hasn't seen any movement yet. I guess he's in trouble. If not, he can really be saved."

Sulovechenko, who was tired from leaning against the wall and felt something, stretched out. Before he finished speaking, Kovanov who was standing beside him had not had time to speak.

At this moment when time seemed to freeze, Kovanov had similar optimistic thoughts and was about to say something.

Accompanied by a sudden sound of brakes outside the door of the field hospital, a series of chaotic footsteps suddenly interrupted the rhythm.

"Comrade division commander!?"

I have been really busy these two days during the Chinese New Year. Here I would like to wish all my brothers good health and happiness to their families. I will probably be able to take some time to add more updates starting from the second day of the new year. I will try my best to update as much as I can. Once again, I wish everyone a happy New Year and all the best.

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