Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2721 Kovanov’s Biography

Just as Kovanov and Sulovechenko were chatting in a lively manner, they were startled by the sudden "visit" of the division commander at the door of the field hospital.

Seeing that Malashenko had already strode in with people, Kovanov and Sulovechenko looked at each other, staring at each other. When there was no other solution, Sulovechenko could only hold back this sentence.

"You have to come forward now. You must be here to make trouble. But don't worry, I will talk to you next to you. Just mention my name when you think you need it, just like the time you helped me fight in school. You won’t forget, right?”

To put it simply, what Sulovchenko probably means is "sell me as long as the time is right, and don't worry, nothing will happen."

After all, Kovanov, who was an old acquaintance, could certainly understand, but he did not say anything about the suggestion. He seemed to have some thoughts of his own in silence, and did not leave Sulovechenko time to ask questions. Under such circumstances, he got up and went straight to the comrade.

"Damn! Don't do this, kid!"

Sulovechenko, who was feeling bad, did not dare to neglect, and quickly got up and chased after Kovanov. However, Kovanov, who was one step ahead, had already arrived in front of Malashenko and stood at attention to salute.

"Major Kovanov, the security staff officer, is reporting to you. I wish you good health, comrade division commander."

Generally speaking, there is no such position as "guard staff" in the divisional organization of the Red Army field troops.

However, the leadership division is an exception. This is a newly added position created by the political commissar in consideration of the actual needs of the leadership division under the existing combat system.

What are the specific actual needs?

Because the security tasks of the leader division are actually quite complicated, they are not only responsible for the security tasks of the division headquarters, but also specially formulate security plans for the division commanders who are accustomed to personally going into battle and leading the charge.

The guard troops of the company leader's division headquarters are divided into two groups. One group is the guard machine infantry company directly under the division headquarters, and the other group is the guard tank company that is directly responsible to the comrade of the division commander and takes orders.

In a few special circumstances, the political commissar even ordered the mechanized infantry company to be sent to the front line, and mixed with the tank company to form a mechanized company-level combat team, responsible for the field security tasks of the division commander.

The strength of the two reinforced companies may seem small, but in actual dispatch and command, especially when it comes to "two-line operations" on the front line and the rear, it is still necessary to set up dedicated personnel to be responsible for this part of the work.

Such as the daily arrangements of the security forces, the dispatching, reporting and actual implementation of the combat plan, etc. These are things that may seem simple but must not be careless. Comrade political commissar appointing a dedicated person to take charge of this is by no means a trivial matter.

As a result, the first and so far only security staff officer of the Leading Division was Comrade Kovanov, who was personally selected and appointed by Comrade Political Commissar.

When it comes to Kovanov's personal abilities and attitude towards his job, Malashenko certainly can be trusted.

At first, he graduated from the infantry department of a military academy and came from a serious academic background.

Not two years after being assigned to the army, he was given the opportunity to further his studies because of his good performance. He returned to the military academy twice and studied in the Staff Department for another two years.

When he graduated, it was already the second year after the outbreak of the Great Patriotic War. Kovanov was assigned to an infantry division as a combat staff officer for a year, and thus accumulated enough experience and proved his ability and talent. .

Just when it was time for a change in military rank and position, a transfer order flew directly in front of Kovanov.

The famous and legendary leader division in the Red Army became Kovanov's new home. After arriving in the new army, Kovanov has been following Comrade Chief of Staff, doing his job as a combat staff officer.

Among the numerous leaders, elites and masters from all walks of life, Kovanov finally understood the meaning of what the old army chief of staff said on the station platform when he was bidding farewell to him before he left. .

"You are excellent, Kovanov. Your excellence and intelligence are outstanding talents that you should be proud of."

"But when it comes to the leadership division, everything will be different. It is the top ace unit that gathers the best and brightest talents in the entire Red Army. Logically speaking, I shouldn't say depressing words and undermine your confidence at this time, but after thinking about it again and again, I still hope you can remember something."

"If you can't face up to the role you play in the leadership division and the role you should play, then the moment you first arrive at the leadership division may be the pinnacle that you can never surpass in your life. Think about this sentence carefully, I hope It can play its due role, and you can share your joy with me until you become successful.”

When Kovanov actually reported to the leadership division and started working, he was even more shocked by what he saw and heard.

In the old army, I was recognized as a genius, young and promising by the comrades around me. Even the chief of staff, political commissar, division commander and other big figures did not hesitate to praise me: if I work hard, I will definitely be promoted to general, and I will be promoted to the group army. The Chief of Staff is not out of the question.

But in the leadership division, Kovanov feels like an ordinary passerby?

This description may be inappropriate, but at least for a certain period of time, Kovanov really felt like this.

Almost everyone around me has a skill, and most of them have similar experiences to me. Most of them are deployed from experienced old troops or even some elite Guards troops, and many of them take the initiative to submit applications. and those who passed.

If nothing else, just look at the communications director of the division organization who leads the division.

He was originally the chief of staff of a Guards tank brigade. After receiving the transfer order, he immediately packed his bags and led the division to take up his post. He was originally a good-looking chief of staff of the 1st Guards Brigade, but when he arrived at the leadership division, he became the communications director in charge of telegraphs and telephones and field communications.

It would be difficult for most people to accept this, but the director could accept it all calmly and do his work conscientiously and in an orderly manner, leaving people with nothing to fault or say.

This also corresponds to the leader's joke about "the classics are chanted and spread".

However, this joke is basically not circulated within the leadership division, but mainly among other friendly brother units. Specifically, this is said.

"It's best to keep a low profile in the leadership division. There may be a small platoon leader you don't look down on. Not long ago, he wrote an application form and took the initiative to be transferred from the position of company commander of a certain Guards unit."

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