Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2722 Double insurance without insurance

There were many big men and talented people around him, and Kovanov, who increasingly felt that he was "mere" in leadership, completely put away the self-confidence and pride that he had not yet had time to express.

Start "doing things down-to-earth and being an honest person", and the meticulous attitude is no different from that of an outstanding recruit when he first joins the company.

Of course, all this was also seen by the political commissar who was stationed in the division and, in his capacity as political deputy commander, presided over the division's affairs and numerous tasks in the daily absence of Malashenko and Lavrinenko. Here, keep it in mind.

When outstanding young people appear, they will naturally be promoted and entrusted with important responsibilities.

If gold is gold, you have the responsibility to make it shine. This is one of the responsibilities of those in positions of authority. Of course, the political commissar comrades who preside over all matters of the divisional headquarters do the same.

When the idea of ​​"guard staff" was proposed, the first thing the political commissar thought of was Kovanov, who was dedicated to his work and had dual qualifications in "Infantry Section" and "Staff Section".

He is good at managing infantry, and he is also good at coordinating plans and then implementing them.

The important thing is that Kovanov had been working as a security guard a long time ago. It happened after he graduated from the infantry department and joined the army and before he got the opportunity to study in the staff department.

So if we really want to be serious, this can be regarded as returning to the old profession, and there is no problem of saying that the hand is inexperienced.

The only thing he's not good at may be that he's not that professional in the tank profession.

But this is harmless. After all, the guard tank company directly under the division is an exclusive unit commanded by Malashenko himself. You don't have to worry too much about the specific combat command and combat plan. Malashenko will handle it personally.

This newly created security staff position is, at best, responsible for making daily arrangements, logistical maintenance and various coordination and other chores for this special heavy tank security company besides combat. It is really on the table. It's actually not that difficult.

So, after some analysis and evaluation, the political commissar comrade felt that there were basically no foreseeable problems, and immediately handed over this enviable job to Kovanov.

Of course, Kovanov, who was entrusted with the important task, did not disappoint in his performance in his new position.

His outstanding performance was not only noticed and praised by the political commissar comrades, but gradually, Malashenko, who had not paid much attention to Kovanov at first, also noticed such a man who dedicated his life to his guard tank company. Escort talents.

After paying more attention, Malashenko naturally got to know Kovanov.

For Kovanov himself, even if he has caught the eye of comrade division commander, he has made comrade division commander remember his name in the leadership division with many outstanding people. Such an opportunity is rare but not sought after. .

And when Malashenko met such a group of American journalists who suddenly arrived, although he really didn't like it very much, he "had to", and he had to find help for these weaklings who didn't even have the ability to protect themselves. As a "chief nanny".

The first thing Malashenko thought of was Kovanov, who had strong academic qualifications, sufficient management experience, and most importantly, could speak fluent English.

Since you Americans want security, then I will send you a security expert from the headquarters, right?

When I think about it, the security company directly under the division headquarters cannot be easily transferred, and it also has the important position of guarding the division's organs full-time.

Secondly, although the equipment of the guard company directly under the division headquarters is good enough and the personnel are top-notch elites, the guard company is after all a security-oriented unit rather than a combat-oriented unit. Since its formation, it has truly been able to fire at the enemy and fire bullets. The number of times can be counted on one's fingers.

Due to circumstances and reasons, it was not appropriate to transfer the security guards that Kovanov was directly responsible for to the front line for security.

As a result, Malashenko specially assigned another elite field company to Kovanov, a mechanized infantry company from the Second Brigade of Varosha, commanded by Captain Sulovechenko.

It is different from most of the troops in the Second Brigade, which were newly formed when the leader's division was expanded.

More than 30% of the veterans of the company commanded by Sulovechenko were witnesses, survivors, and final victors of the Battle of Stalingrad.

There are very few people who can bring all the parts and come out of Stalingrad alive. This company has more than 30% to nearly 40% of such outstanding people.

It can only be said that this is no longer an ordinary field company. In terms of a battlefield environment such as street fighting, this can indeed be called a "specialized company."

Another bonus is that the commander of this company, Captain Sulovechenko, is Kovanov’s military school classmate and old acquaintance. Malashenko only found out about this after he had selected the company. thing.

If you think about it carefully, isn't that just right? It happened to be convenient for the two of them to cooperate, so the matter was decided happily.

Malashenko seems to have gone to great lengths to do this for a very simple purpose. There is one and only one purpose.

Try to stop these Americans from taking their lives, especially on their own territory.

If the worst-case scenario were to happen, it would actually not be a big problem for Malashenko, who is in his current position. But on the other hand, this thing is really troublesome. It's not a big problem, but it's as disgusting as a toad crawling on your feet.

Maybe Malashenko will have to write the report himself. How can Malashenko, who is too busy to even correct documents on weekdays, have the mind to do this for you? Not to mention the possibility of cooperating with superiors to conduct post-incident investigations.

It's unbearable just to think about these nonsense, so it would be best if we don't have to deal with them. That's why Malashenko sent his trusted personnel and specially mobilized an elite company to jointly handle the matter, in order to be as foolproof and double-insurance as possible.

But Malashenko never expected that the double insurance he specially took would end up being unsafe and causing trouble.

"What? Was he beaten by a German? And shot several times?"

"Turn around immediately and go to the field hospital!"

I originally planned to go to the division headquarters in a small town outside the city to find a comrade in the political commissar to deal with the emergency, but I was almost at the edge of the city when I suddenly encountered this terrible thing.

After learning the news from the car radio, Malashenko immediately ordered the convoy to turn around and headed straight towards the field hospital where he had just left not long ago.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Kovanov coming straight towards him with a strange expression on his face. Malashenko, who had already thought about what to do on the way here, certainly did not start yelling like a shrew as soon as they met.

After thinking calmly, he first looked at the situation at the scene and saw the closed door of the operating room not far behind Kovanov. Malashenko, who roughly guessed the current situation, blurted out the question.

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