Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2726 Collapse to Death

"Sorry, I didn't get permission. Is that the secret weapon of your Red Army? Can I take a picture? I was afraid of missing this opportunity, so I took the picture first."

One advantage of being a soldier and working in the media is that David has a relatively clear understanding of what is a military secret, what can and cannot be photographed.

The extremely violent Russian war machine just now, with "Destruction" almost stamped on its body, was really too terrifying. A five-story brick and concrete building was ravaged by its terrifying power in less than ten seconds. In time, the walls collapsed and the houses collapsed, turning into a pile of ruins and rubble filled with smoke and dust.

Not to mention seeing this terrifying power, David, who served in the U.S. Marine Corps and experienced the horrors of the bloody battle on Guadalcanal, had never even heard of it.

Recalling the past in a daze, David even felt a little melancholy, and for a moment he was emotionally moved.

If the Marines had fired like this back then, it would have been a destructive machine that could shake mountains and shake mountains. How could the Japanese devils on Guadalcanal have died more than three times as fast? Maybe Bennett, Bruce, and Captain Cole wouldn't have to sacrifice.

History does not repeat itself, and there are no ifs in war.

David, who saw such a terrifying war machine for the first time in this life, besides sighing, was more surprised by the Russians' powerful ability to create steel behemoths. It is even more known that this kind of destruction machine, which has never even heard of a similar concept, is most likely a secret weapon of the Russians, something classified as a military secret.

Although he took the photo first, and Major Kovanov did not stop him on the spot, it is hard to say whether the photo will be confiscated afterwards.

"What I said doesn't count. Someone will check your photos afterwards. If those people say there's nothing wrong with it, then there really is nothing wrong with your photos."

While replying to David beside him in an indifferent tone, he carefully poked his head out a little to observe the situation outside the alley.

A series of mortar shells from the Germans fell, driving away most of the Red Army soldiers on the street who were originally cooperating with infantry and tanks.

Tanks can protect infantry against various flying objects that come directly from them, but they cannot withstand mortar shells from parabolic trajectories.

In a street fighting environment, the only way is to hide in the buildings on both sides of the street. However, the Stalin heavy tanks, which have lost the cover of infantry, can almost ignore the incoming small-caliber mortar shells despite their rough skin and thick flesh. , no need to deliberately avoid it.

But continuing to attack along the streets without the cover of infantry would be tantamount to seeking death. The German infantry can round and flatten tanks with severely limited vision at will. Even if it is a behemoth like the IS7 with rough skin and thick flesh, it is only a matter of time before it is destroyed. No one can stand between the tank and the infantry. .

What is battlefield symbiosis? This is called battlefield symbiosis.

So when the infantrymen entered the buildings on both sides of the street to avoid the artillery fire, the tank detachment that was not affected was also forced to stop at the same time.

The originally well-coordinated and methodical offensive rhythm was suspended by the German's small mortar. The seemingly inconspicuous mortar can do what anti-tank guns and missiles cannot do. Maybe even the Germans themselves did not expect this, and it was a bit of a surprise.

But whether it was a surprise or not, the German's joy was destined not to last long.

The fierce and unreasonable "counter-artillery firepower" of the Russians on the opposite side directly destroyed the most important mortar position on the German side.

Yes, those experienced frontline grassroots commanders of the leadership division did guess right.

Combined with the general direction of the whistling sound of the artillery shell, the time interval from the sound of the whistling sound to the explosion of the artillery shell, the parabolic ballistic pattern of the mortar, and the current actual battlefield environment with numerous buildings.

In the seemingly complicated street fighting, there were not many optional shooting positions that could actually provide the Germans with mortar suppression, and the roof of the red building was the prime target of suspicion.

The German mortar team, which did not dare to underestimate the enemy, had actually moved quickly enough.

They fired a round of rapid fire in a short burst, and under the guidance of the order to retreat first, regardless of the effect of the strike.

The German mortar team, which had several artillery shells flying out of the barrel, did not even have time to wait until it was adjusted to the maximum firing angle and launched on a high trajectory, just to prolong the flight process of the artillery shells as much as possible to buy time for evacuation. The first shell hit the ground and exploded.

At the speed of light, they had packed up the simply arranged mortars and portable ammunition boxes, and hurriedly evacuated along the same route they came from, one or two carrying them on their hands and shoulders.

Past combat experience and lessons taught these German artillerymen: They should be extremely careful when playing with artillery within the range of Russian artillery, because the Russian artillery doctrine is most taboo when someone tries to provoke them in the artillery field.

Even if the evacuation is a little slower, this seemingly solid and reliable building will be at risk of being instantly covered by Russian heavy artillery shells and rockets, and no one will be able to escape.

But the German mortar team, which followed the stairs to the rooftop and then fled frantically downstairs, never expected this.

The offended Russians would retaliate not only with devastating artillery fire, but also with new gadgets they had never seen or even heard of before. A "rocket assault tank" that looks like artillery and is indeed classified as assault artillery in the leadership division, but its actual combat mode is very different from traditional artillery.

When the first 310mm rocket penetrated the wall and entered the building, the German mortar team had just descended to the third floor stairwell and had not yet had time to step on the second floor stairwell.

Dozens of people were not killed in the bombing, at least most of them were not, but were buried alive and crushed to death by the collapsed rubble caused by the complete destruction of the load-bearing structure.

When the heavy support firepower at the division level is directly fired at a direct shooting distance within the visual range, and the effective firepower projection is completed in the shortest strike cycle time, all the running actions are carried out on two legs to risk one's life. They all seem so pale and meaningless.

Watching the soldiers on both sides of the street who had been looking for cover come out again, the temporarily stagnant columns of tanks and infantry fighting vehicles began to get back on the road after receiving cover.

The temporary relief of the crisis made the nervous Kovanov let out a long sigh of relief. He turned to look at David next to him and planned to say something. Unexpectedly, a figure suddenly appeared from the depths of the alley not far away. Enter the eye.

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