Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2727 Chasing Shadows

"Did you just see that? Did you see that? Sir.

I don’t know if it was subconsciously or deliberately for some reason, but when David spoke again, he directly called Kovanov “sir”, which really made Kovanov stunned and slightly surprised.

Of course, accidents are accidents, and serious matters should not be delayed. For example, Kovanov did also see the "flash of things" mentioned by David.

"If you're talking about the kid who just ran over, then I saw it, indeed."

Kovanov was convinced that he saw it correctly, because in fact he saw the figure appearing at the end of the alley not far away earlier than David, but he was in a daze at the time and could not make a sound.

You asked why you were in a daze? The reason is actually very simple.

Imagine that there is fierce fighting on the streets, artillery fire is flying, bullets and shells of all kinds are in unlimited supply, and the sound of explosions and the scream of projectiles tearing through the air linger in your ears for a long time. Lives are passing away suddenly every moment, whether they are Soviets or Germans, every living life is swallowed up and consumed by the crazy scrolling of the efficient killing machine built by human beings.

In such an environment where even soldiers who are armed to the teeth have a narrow escape, a kid with bare hands, who looks like he is less than ten years old, suddenly appears in front of you in rags and with empty hands. location.

Not to mention Kovanov, a staff officer who did not often go to the battlefield, was stunned. Even David, a member of the first four classes who had participated in the bloody battle on Guadalcanal, had dull eyes, but after a slight daze, he covered his arms. camera inside, making decisions.

"I'm going to find that child. He is more important than all the photos I just took! As long as I find him, my mission will be accomplished! This is the last photo, I promise, sir."

"You, hey! David! Wait a minute!!!"

"We don't have time. The kid is disappearing. We have to catch up quickly!"

Before Kovanov could say anything specific, as soon as Kovanov opened his mouth, he saw an impatient David already holding a Thompson submachine gun in one hand and a camera hanging in his arms, pointing towards the figure of the child just now. He rushed straight away from the end of the disappearing alley, walking as fast as flying.

Kovanov yelled from behind to ask him to wait, but David, who didn't look back, just ran and shouted that there was not much time left. At this moment, his personal safety had been completely forgotten and he didn't care at all. What on earth was Kovanov shouting behind him.

"Sokka! Follow him, hurry! Don't lose him, catch up!"

At this point, he had no choice. Kovanov, whose first goal was to try his best to ensure David's safety, could only immediately summon a security team to follow him.

Sulovechenko, who was in charge of directing the battle, ran forward and asked Kovanov, who was also running beside him.

"Damn it! What kind of evil did that American get?! Did he take the wrong medicine? Suddenly he ran as fast as a thief who was discovered!?"

His old classmate was full of complaints and curses due to the unexpected situation. He was also unhappy but could only suppress it. He knew that it was useless to complain now. What Kovanov cared about was the specific situation ahead.

"Where is the right turn in the alley ahead? Are there any of our people there? Have the enemies been cleared?"

Kovanov asked in an urgent tone, and Sulovechenko, who answered without thinking, was equally impatient.

"You ask me? How the hell do I know?"

"With this situation, how can we have time to guard the surrounding area? We just brought a squad. With one squad, can I cover the entire alley for you?"

It's not that Sulovechenko is unwilling to bring more people, but based on the actual situation of this mission, it is simply impossible to bring more people.

The forward siege team has already invested a sufficient number of troops in the firefighting area. In addition, the width of the entire street is only so small. The actual effect of bringing more troops is very small. It may even be due to the lack of people. There are many reasons to cause chaos and trouble for the siege team.

This is not about going to the market, where the more people there are, the busier it becomes, but rather a brutal street fight that breaks out on the streets with firepower and bloodshed.

Competing on the number of people does not work at all in this situation. It is better to lead only one squad to be responsible for security. The small scale can ensure tactical flexibility. Moreover, one squad to protect one person is absolutely enough from a theoretical point of view.

But the battlefield itself is not a reasonable place. Accidents are the most common "specialties" on the battlefield. They always appear in endless ways in various ways that make you unexpected, such as now.

Kovanov and Sulovechenko, who were running and discussing what to do next, quickly led the security team and ran all the way to the corner at the end of the alley. They followed the people who had been running in front and disappeared here not long ago. David turned around and looked in the direction he was running.

I saw a small warehouse with an open door standing in front of me, and David, with only a trace of his back, just ducked in from the warehouse door and once again disappeared from the sight of everyone in Kovanov.

"Damn! David, stop! Wait for us to pass, don't run anymore!!!"

"Stop fucking shouting, honor student! Not for the life of a Yankee! Can you really guarantee that there is no ambush set by the Germans here, and that there are no black guns waiting for us in the warehouse? Shouting to remind Germany 'Here we come!'?"


After hearing this, Kovanov, who was thinking only about the mission goal, suddenly realized how dangerous his shouting was, and put all his comrades, including himself, into it. In danger.

In terms of staff skills and planning, Kovanov is undoubtedly professional.

But when it comes to battlefield intuition and death-defying skills, Kovanov admits that even if he tries to impress, he still can't keep up with Sulovechenko, who was the "bottom student" in his class back then and is now the captain of the mechanized infantry company. This is why Malashenko transferred Sulovechenko, who was familiar with each other, to partner with Kovanov.

Realizing that it was useless to shout any more and would only increase the risk, Kovanov stopped shouting and just ran. Sulovechenko who was traveling with him also did not stop moving forward quickly.

While running, he raised his left arm that was not used to hold the gun and pull the trigger, and made a "five-fingered knife-turning" gesture to the soldiers who were following behind him.

Even without the support of infantry fighting vehicles and fighting on two legs, the elite soldiers dispersed immediately after reading the order. Under the command of comrade company commander's gestures without any opening of his mouth, they immediately distanced themselves and set up a search formation. Divide into two teams and move to the left and right sides at the same time, preparing to rush inward along both sides of the warehouse door.

However, at this moment, an unexpected surprise suddenly happened again.

Da da da da——

"Two o'clock, hidden!!!"

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