Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2730 Historical Paintings

Sulovechenko had no words to answer, only the little girl shaking her head like a rattle.

"Don't you know where your parents are?"

Sulovechenko was unsure and could only ask tentative questions again to confirm the meaning, but the answer he received was still shaking his head like a rattle and repeating it again.

"You don't want to answer my questions? Is that what you mean?"

The answer was no, and the little girl just shook her head.

"You are, can't you speak?"

It was hard for Sulovechenko to believe that this could be true, but the little girl's subsequent slow nod silently turned the speculation into reality.

"This child cannot speak but can hear. He is only mute but not deaf."

It's true if you think about it carefully.

From the first moment he entered this room until now, Sulovechenko, who quickly traced his memories and thought about it, really didn't find that this little girl had uttered even a single syllable, not even one of his own. Not even a moment passed before the heavy punch knocked the little girl to the ground.

The little girl didn't lie. She was not just making a reasonable analysis based on the actual situation. Sulovechenko, who had looked directly into the little girl's eyes for more than ten seconds, believed that his judgment was not wrong. There was indeed something in those innocent eyes. There is no trace of lies.

"Are we going to let her go? We've already checked and there are no weapons on her. But some soldiers saw her running from the alley at the beginning. She might be a fishing tool."


To be honest, the description "tool" stung Sulovchenko's nerves a bit, and it really was.

Sulovechenko, who has long been a father, has two children, both sons and daughters. The eldest daughter is as old as the little girl in front of him.

Fortunately, the Sulovechenko family, who lived in Irkutsk, was not swept away by the war at the beginning of the war. His wife and two children were quickly transferred and properly resettled because they were the families of military officers.

The war that spread across the motherland did not burn his wife and children. This is what makes Sulovechenko most fortunate. Even though he himself has long been bathed in the red-hot flames of war, it is enough as long as his family is safe. .

Yao thought that her daughter, who was about the same age, could at least go to school and have food to eat. She may not be that beautiful, but at least she had new clothes made by her mother, and she could be with her friends in the safety of the rear, far away from the war. Share a happy childhood.

But the little girl in front of me who can't speak doesn't have any of the above things. Not only does she have nothing, but she may even be used as a tool.

War is cruel, but it should have nothing to do with children.

Sulovechenko did not kill the Nazi kid who was uttering arrogance and whose hands were stained with blood on the spot. This was the greatest kindness.

But for the little girl in front of him, Sulovechenko decided to do as much as he could, even if it was out of personal emotions, it was his own pleasure and it was not against the rules.

"Uncle wants to ask you to help me. I'll give you candies and other delicious things as gifts to thank you. How about that?"

Although he has a son and a daughter, Sulovechenko and his family, who have been in the army all year round, always spend less time together and more time apart. His ability to coax his children is to follow his wife's example and learn to walk in Handan. Even now Just scratched the surface.

But fortunately, although the little girl in front of her could not speak, she did not mean to refuse. Instead, she carefully stretched out her little hand and took the candy bar from Sulovechenko's hand. This was the material distributed by the Red Army lieutenant. Use it to make tea and drink it with water.

Some people like this, but Sulovechenko has not been very interested in sugar since he was a child. He doesn't like sweets and usually carries them in his pocket just to "be prepared."

I always thought that maybe one day I could use it to ask for directions, or give me something to use for convenience. After all, the division commander has repeatedly emphasized that unprovoked violence is not allowed to be used against any civilians in the occupied areas. Once violence is used, it must be done for a reason and an inspection report must be written afterwards.

Therefore, if the problem can be solved with some small things, try not to give verbal warnings and threats. If verbal warnings and threats are effective, try not to use guns. This has become a common practice of the leader division in many matters from large to small in the occupied area.

Judging from actual feedback, this approach, combined with a series of supporting measures implemented by Malashenko in the occupied areas, has indeed been very effective in improving the security situation and greatly reducing the incidence of violence and crime. It has considerable benefits in maintaining an overall safe and stable occupied area, and then focusing on dealing with frontline wars.

I never thought that the candy cubes that I usually carry in my pocket to "prepare for emergencies" would actually be used to comfort children on occasions like today.

The dumbfounded Sulovechenko shook his head and reached out his hand to gently caress the little girl's head. After peeling off the candy wrapper, the candy was stuffed into his mouth, showing a simple and happy smile, and returned the same smile. Sulovchenko responded with a smile before speaking again.

"Let's go and help uncle get more delicious food."

The right hand is holding the AK-44, the most powerful automatic rifle in the world, with the gun belt hanging on the shoulder and the gun body hanging from the waist. The left hand is holding the little girl's hand and walking out of the warehouse together. Against the backdrop of the sky full of war smoke and the devastated background of dilapidated alleys, a photo that has also gone down in history in the history of World War II was sketched out.


Sulovchenko suddenly heard the sound of taking pictures and looked back, only to realize that the squad leader who came with him had taken the photo. He was holding a familiar bloody camera in his hand.

"Is this the Yankee's thing?"

"Huh? Ah, yes, I picked it up at the scene just now. It seemed that Comrade Major was busy rescuing people and didn't care, so I picked it up. I didn't expect that it could still be distributed even if it wasn't broken. Useful."

Listening to the monitor's answer, he took the little girl's hand and continued walking forward. They were almost at the corner of the alley. Sulovechenko looked at the camera with the same relaxed tone as before.

"It's rare that you can still use a Yankee gadget? Is this thing different from our camera? Have you ever learned to take pictures before?"

After hearing the company commander's curious question, the squad leader's next answer was as relaxed as the company commander's and he smiled.

"A camera is just like a gun, Comrade Company Commander. The principle is very similar. I picked it up and studied it for a while before I figured out how to use it. This Yankee's product is better than ours."

"When I first joined the army, I worked as a propagandist in the old army for half a year. I probably learned some photography, but it was definitely not as good as those professionals. It was really good to watch the scene just now, and I was a little touched. I thought I just happened to have a camera and took the photo.”

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