Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2731 Common Personality

After patiently listening to what Kovanov said, Malashenko, who was sitting back in the armchair with a calm expression, just shook his eyelids.

"So, you're saying that it was a fourteen-year-old, fifteen-year-old, brainwashed Nazi brat who beat our American reporter to death? A disabled veteran of the U.S. Marine Corps, and a... They are armed for self-defense, right?”

Although he did not hear any displeasure in the words of his comrade, Kovanov, who was confident that he had captured the key words, was still eager to continue explaining.

"David's ears are disabled, comrade division commander. He was shot on the battlefield and was completely deaf in one ear. He can only hear sounds in one direction."

"According to our subsequent analysis, David was shot by a bullet from the side where the sound could not be heard. He was eager to chase the little girl and fell into the trap set by the naughty brat in advance. , he was ambushed and hit as soon as he entered the unfinished cement room."

"In that case, there was no chance to fight back. David couldn't even protect himself. It made no difference whether he had a gun or not. Afterwards, we checked the Thompson submachine gun and found that the bullets were Fully loaded and without any glitches, David was knocked out in a pool of blood without even firing a shot."

"And the most hateful thing is that that naughty little brat stepped forward to make up for it. It should have been the first shot that only knocked David down, but he still had the ability to react and try to fight back, and then he was shot A round of additional shots led to David’s final death.”


Malashenko did not confirm or deny Kovanov's supplementary narration on the spot. He just said "hmm" in a non-committal manner to indicate that he heard it.

But it was this uncertainty of attitude and outcome that made Kovanov, who was already uneasy, even more nervous.

Sometimes, you cannot judge the differences between people based on their level of education, or deny what the two types of people have in common.

Like Kovanov and Alsim.

One of these two people graduated from the military academy with top honors. After joining the army, he rose through the ranks, taking a high-end route and constantly being promoted to the command level. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is a young talent and an outstanding hero among his peers.

On the other hand, Alsim is an uneducated and rough guy from Siberia. He doesn't know a single word and is used to being brutal and cruel to his enemies. He doesn't do anything that has anything to do with being polite. He feels uncomfortable all over when he utters three dirty words. , to put it bluntly, it is the most true portrayal of "poor mountains and bad waters breed unruly people".

However, even though the gap between the two people is as big as a world of difference, they still have amazing similarities and similarities.

Both Kovanov and Arsim have the same human weakness - they care extremely about their evaluation in the mind of their division commander, Malashenko, and act with the goal of gaining the recognition and praise of their division commander.

Although the reasons are different, for example, Kovanov is used to being too good, so good that he rarely has people of the same age walking beside him, let alone leaders who are similar to him in age. He is used to this. A kind of "invincibility is also a kind of loneliness".

Suddenly he met someone like Malashenko, "the top being among the invincible species", whose intensity was almost not on the same level as his own. Kovanov, who was immediately shocked, had already regarded Malashenko as an idol and role model to imitate and learn from without even realizing it.

And he hopes that one day, through his own efforts, he can gain the recognition and praise of this man whose back he can only see from a distance, and thus become someone who can move forward side by side with him.

These twists and turns in the belly of intellectuals are too complicated, and it is much simpler for Alsim, a Siberian old man.

The reason why Alsim fanatically follows and even worships Malashenko is very simple and has only one reason.

This man can use all the means that he can't even imagine, and kill a huge number of Germans on various occasions, at various times and from various angles.

It's like a competition game between top hunters

Alsim always has to risk his own life and lick the blood with the tip of the knife to kill the high-level prey: Nasty three virtues, the division commander can kill tons of Germans just by using his brain. The land filled with their own blood will become fertile soil for the coming spring.

No matter what the name of the German guy you invade is or where he comes from, Malashenko will accept all who come. There is one who will fuck you to death as long as you come, and you will never let your customers leave disappointed. If you dare to come and die, your wishes must be fulfilled.

More importantly, Malashenko is a fierce man who is used to killing Germans with his own hands. This is different from ordinary generals who sit in the command room all day long drawing maps, making phone calls, and shouting at a group of staff officers. There are essential differences.

Although Alsim is a big boss, he still recognizes this.

You can personally lead everyone to kill tons of enemies, charging forward and retreating behind. Wherever you step are mountains of enemy corpses and seas of blood and the victory songs of the Red Army, how can this not make people crazy? Doesn’t it make people’s blood boil? Don’t you let me, Alsim, be willing to follow behind him to witness miracles and go through fire and water?

At least in Alsim's eyes, Comrade Lao Ma is no different from the "living god of war" walking on the battlefield.

To put it bluntly, even if Malashenko rebels tomorrow and stands on his own, Alsim will definitely be the first person to jump out and shout, "I fucking support Malashenko as king." , you may have to add another sentence at the end, "Everyone will worship, or be silent forever, and I will execute it myself."

This person has no faith, let alone honor, in his eyes. In his eyes, the military medals that countless people are feverishly pursuing are not as exciting and exciting as the words of "Well done!" from comrade division commander.

Some German prisoners who had survived Alsim's hands trembled in the prisoner-of-war camp and described everything they had experienced to their companions.

Describing how that "bloodthirsty and violent Russian beast", with his minions like hell's demon soldiers, slaughtered them all in a face-to-face battlefield in less than a meal. Most of his comrades.

If Alsim is really the "bloodthirsty and violent Russian beast", then there is no doubt that Malashenko is the only person holding the reins of this beast.

Malashenko can use orders to let Alsim maintain the bottom line of humanity as a Red Army soldier.

But conversely, Alsim could also use just one fleeting word to completely liberate the devil in his heart, and completely release the primitive wildness that he had bathed in blood since his youth and fought with death all day long.

Whether he is a pervert or a murderous maniac, Alsim's deepest heart longs for the warm touch of his prey's blood flowing through his palms, but he is bound and entangled by the shackles called "Malashenko". Trapped in a cage and unable to break free.

Since meditating on the position of teacher, I have dealt with thousands of people of all kinds on all kinds of occasions all the time.

Today, Malashenko has long been able to measure and judge and accurately grasp various human natures and personalities. Similar to the commonalities and similarities between Alsim and Kovanov, of course Malashenko can also see Get it out, hold it in your hands, and use it for your own use.

Don’t get me wrong, Malashenko has not entrusted his life and trust to his comrades in the past and will not in the future, using them as tools for personal gain.

How to make good use of the weaknesses of human nature that are in your own hands, transform them into a powerful driving force that can prompt your comrades and comrades to truly grow up, and provide correct guidance and assistance.

This is what Malashenko has been doing in the past, and it is no exception now. Even when facing Kovanov, who was restless and uneasy because of his mistake, he still planned to do it.

Thinking of this, Malashenko, who already had a plan in mind, spoke slowly again.

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