Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2732 Consciousness and Reality

"The subjective fault for this matter does not lie with you, Kovanov. Don't blame yourself too much. You performed all your duties to the best of your ability and faithfully performed the tasks I assigned you."

"Even though things have come to this, some results are destined to be irreversible and irreversible. But what I want to say to you remains the same, just as I was prepared to tell you at that time."

"Thank you, Comrade Kovanov, and I hope you will perform better in the future."


Kovanov, who was sitting just a few feet across from Malashenko, was stunned when he heard Malashenko's formal and non-joking words.

He didn't even expect that his comrade, the teacher, would evaluate him like this. He was already prepared to be punished and masturbated, but he never expected that the result would be like this.

"But, Comrade Commander, I didn't complete the mission? Doesn't this count as mission failure?"

"mission failed?"

Malashenko, who had already crossed his legs behind his desk, smiled broadly, calmly and naturally. His words and demeanor did not seem like he was talking about something big or important at all, but just like he was talking about everyday things.

"Okay, let me ask you, what was the task I assigned you? You can retell it to me verbatim. I think this is not difficult for the top student who graduated third in the infant education department in the school. Let me Look at your level.


The comrade division commander asked him to show his abilities. Even if he was not sure for a while what the intention was, he subconsciously did not reject this opportunity, and even Kovanov, who actively catered to him, certainly would not refuse to speak.

"Protect the visiting US press corps, formulate a security plan and organize security personnel to supervise its implementation throughout the process, and report directly to the division commander Comrade Malashenko."

After hearing this short but word-for-word sentence, Malashenko, who was already cheerful behind the table, smiled again.

"Yes, you remembered the written order intact, but did you distill the key points?"


Before Kovanov, who was deep in thought, could answer, Malashenko, who was asking himself questions, spoke first.

“Make plans, implement them, and protect them.”

"I have reviewed your plan. At least from my point of view, I can't find any faults. There are no problems with the implementation. Everything is going according to plan and no problems can be found."

"Did you protect your target? Of course, this is a fact that we all know and can see."

"All three elements of the order have been implemented in place. What problems are there? Or what other problems do you think there should be? You can tell me.

Not only was Malashenko's explanation completely unexpected, at least it was very different from what was expected.

Kovanov, who was still uneasy in his heart, took another look at Malashenko's face and expression, but all he could see was Malashenko's meaningless smile. Kovanov had no other choice. Vanov could only express all the confusion in his heart.

"But I failed to protect the target, and the target died."

"Yes, it is true that the target is dead, but does it say in the mission that the target must be alive?"


Malashenko's rhetorical question once again shocked Kovanov. Yes, it was shocking. Kovanov never expected that the order could be interpreted in this way. However, Malashenko's smile The telling continues.

"Performing necessary security guards and having to survive with certain goals are two completely different concepts."

"First of all, we must do what we should do and maintain a good posture. The problems and blame cannot be shouldered by us. They must and must be placed on the heads of the Americans."

"I, Malashenko, will not exchange my own life for the life of a German. In the same way, the lives of those Americans cannot be equated with the lives of my comrades. There has never been any life in this world. Equality, dignity only exists on the edge of the sword, and it is the truth under power. Human beings are such savage and simple creatures, and I don't expect to sacrifice self-interest in front of those Yankees. They are not worthy of it. Let me do it, Malashenko.”

"How to deal with those Yankees and play the game of black and white without being able to turn your back and deny it. This is the task I am responsible for. That written order is not just for you, Kovanov."

"The growth of a person is to enrich oneself after gaining new understanding, so as to surpass oneself in dealing with the same problem at the last moment. Everything that has happened so far has not exceeded my expectations. Those Yankees are going to where they are. This is a battlefield, not a playground. If you don’t have the consciousness to throw away your life, don’t wander around on the Soviet territory. I am not responsible for taking care of the American giant baby.”

"You have effectively fulfilled your responsibilities and fulfilled your obligations. Do you remember what I told you on the phone? Those ancient but wise Chinese people often say a saying, "Good words can't persuade you to die. "Ghost".

"To a certain extent, I sympathize with the young man named David. This is my subjective consciousness. But his own actions led to his final death. This is an objective fact based on reality."

"The world is material. This is what we, as proletarian revolutionaries, should never forget. It is also the essence of this matter. As for whether those Americans understand and believe it or not, it is none of my business? As long as I can If I put black and white writing on their faces and make them choke until they can’t speak, then my goal will be achieved.”

"And you have indeed done a good job within the scope of my goal. Congratulations, Kovanov. As for what to do next and how to continue the mission, you are a smart person, and I believe you will understand the answer."

Malashenko has high expectations for Kovanov. Malashenko, who is increasingly eager to reserve cadres, felt that Kovanov was a malleable talent long ago. And I believe that with such a smart person’s IQ and understanding, as long as he says everything that needs to be said, he will not be disappointed.

"Thank you, Comrade Commander. I will think carefully about what you just told me and perform the task better."

Kovanov stood up to salute Malashenko and turned to leave. As soon as he opened the door, the figure who was raising his hand to knock on the door directly bumped into Kovanov who was about to leave.

After a brief glance at each other, a look of strict respect immediately appeared on Kovanov's face.

"Hello, Comrade Dean, I wish you good health."

"I also wish you good health, Comrade Major. I may need to talk to Comrade Division Commander, he is available now"

Before Karachev could finish speaking face to face at the door, a rough voice from behind the desk came straight through the air.

"I'm free, but not much. You'd better come in and sit down and talk."

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