Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2736 Gentle Scum

Just as promised to Comrade Division Commander.

Kovanov fulfilled his mission completely and carried out the orders from Malashenko. After taking the people out of the field hospital, he returned to the forward observation post where he had almost quarreled with Jefferson not long ago. Along with the sad news of death and the last relics.

However, what Kovanov didn't expect was.

The seemingly gentle Mr. Jefferson seemed to only care about the thing he just got, the bloody camera, whether it was intact and in good condition at this moment.

For the young man who went through fire and water for his "order" and finally lost his life, but never forgot to return the camera to him until his death, a soldier who retired due to disability and made a contribution to the motherland, it seems that there is no trace of it. Guilt and sadness.

"Don't you care about him at all? David lost his life for this thing in your hand! He never forgot to carry out the order from you until his death, asking me to return it to you, but you are here Do you only care about a cold, lifeless tin box?”


Hearing the words of Major Kovanov, who returned the relics in front of him, with a lot of emotions, Jefferson, who temporarily stopped his movements, just turned his head slightly and spoke softly without shaking his eyelids.

"Based on the security contract we signed with you, we have decided not to pursue the death of David for the time being, but reserve the right to conduct retrospective investigations afterwards. (っ◔◡◔)っ Please convey and express my condolences to General Malashenko on my behalf. Thank you for returning the relics, and I sincerely hope this will not affect our future cooperation. ”


Subconsciously, he almost thought that there was something wrong with his ears and he heard it wrong. After savoring the words that sounded incredible, the only emotion left on Kovanov's face was the anger that was almost ready to burst into flames.

But the matter was not over yet. The gentle Mr. Jefferson not only reminded Kovanov with "kind words" that "it is best not to meddle in other people's business," but also warned, "You are not qualified to talk to me. Only your immediate boss has it." Finally, he emphasized that "it is good for everyone to end with a good cooperative relationship."

He even didn't forget to add a few more sentences, and when Kovanov was already choked and couldn't speak, he added another "additional damage".

"Oh, by the way, the matter of David's remains can be dealt with as soon as possible. Please arrange for cremation as soon as possible. We will bring David's ashes back to China, and it will be Mr. Major Lao."

It is lighter than a feather when it comes, and it is not as heavy as a mountain when it dies.

A life that was originally a hero died in a foreign country without any reason, and became a tool for others to achieve their goals. He died in such a way that people didn't care about it. It was no better than an ant being trampled to death under the soles of his feet, at least in the eyes of others. This is certainly true of those who truly have the authority to define David's death.

Mr. Jefferson, who had no intention of continuing to "entangle" with Kovanov, turned and left. It seemed that the "huge harvest" he had obtained today had dispelled any idea of ​​going out for interviews. Kovanov, who was "put on leave" now, thought about how to "not waste time" during the rest of the day.

For most of the next time, Kovanov spent the whole day thinking and comprehending what happened today, and the unforgettable words from the comrade's teacher were also in his ears. echo.

"Still thinking about what happened during the day? It's already night, are you tired? Let your brain rest for a while, okay? My top student."

Sulovechenko, whose security tasks have not yet been completed and who will still have to go out with the team tomorrow and is temporarily unable to lead the team back to work, quietly came to Kovanov's room.

After seeing that the door was not even closed, but only ajar, I immediately guessed that my old classmate who usually pays attention to details must be absent-minded now.

As for why, it can only be said that it was so simple that he didn't even have to guess. Unable to convince himself that he was relieved, Sulovechenko chose to push the door gently and enter.

"The person has been burned, and the ashes are all put in this box. What's the use of thinking about it now?"

"Firstly, it's not your problem, and secondly, it's Americans. How do they, Americans, have anything to do with us? It would be strange if all the people in such a rotten and stinking place were serious and good people. Wake up, okay. Brother, don’t expect a bunch of rotten people to talk to you about justice and morality, you are just looking for gold in shit, there is no chance.”

Kovanov, who was sitting quietly by the bed and thinking, quietly raised his head after hearing this. There seemed to be some understanding in his deep eyes, but it was not because he cared about what his good brother had just said.

"I'll go and send him there. There's no reason to run away from such a scumbag. The person who should be most ashamed of his conscience is himself."

"Ha, that's right!"

Regardless of whether his words came in handy or not, it was a good thing for Sulovchenko to see such a reaction from his good brother. Now he is just happy.

"The proper attitude is to face such rotten people and disgusting things head-on. If you take control of yourself, you will win. But I guess that scumbag has no conscience at all. He is secretly having fun with that dead camera at the moment. Maybe.”

"Oh, by the way, there's something else."

While praising his good brother for facing the problem and regaining his energy, Sulovechenko suddenly remembered something, and then took out a small object from his pocket and handed it to Kovanov.

"When I went to pick up the ashes, Comrade Dean gave it to me. He said that this thing is a must-have item for American soldiers. It seems to be used as an ID card. What is a military badge called?"

"Anyway, it's just such a piece of iron. Comrade Dean said that this thing is worthy of being given to David's family. It has special meaning to the soldiers. I think since they are all Americans, it should be right. At least they are better than us. We know a lot about each other.”


The metal plate with a chain in his hand was not the same kind of thing that Soviet soldiers had. It was also the first time for Kovanov to see this thing. He just looked at it briefly, then held it in his palm and put it in. in the pocket.

Then he stood up from the bed and picked up the small box that was a living person a few hours ago.

"Don't blame me for being talkative, but don't get angry with that kind of person. Come back and tell me if you have anything, okay?"

Kovanov, who was carrying the urn, had already reached the door. Sulovechenko, who did not intend to follow him, did not forget to add an uneasy remark. All he received was an affirmative gesture from Kovanov without looking back. The departing figure.

It wasn't until Kovanov left and went upstairs that Sulovechenko, who stayed in Kovanov's room waiting for his good brother to come back, couldn't help but shake his head and "sigh" while taking out his cigarette case.

"What a fucking eye-opener, you son of a bitch, hehe."

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