Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2737 Two thousand dollars for a life

"What? You want to own 100% of the authorship and copyright of the photo? No, this is absolutely impossible! I don't agree with it!"

In a brightly lit room, a well-dressed young woman who was definitely fashionable in this era was "chatting" with a gentle man with glasses sitting behind the desk in front of her. The atmosphere of the chat was indeed a bit intense. .

"Those photos were not taken by you at all. David risked his life just to complete the task assigned by you. He even lost his life, and now you want to deprive him of his inheritance and his works?"

"Have you ever thought about why David came to do this? It's not because of his mother who is almost blind! Do you know how important a mother is to a man who grew up in a single-parent family?"

"Have you ever thought about how the poor mother will live the rest of her life after losing her only son? She needs the inheritance her son earned for her to survive, and now you want to take it away and turn it into All for yourself! I simply can’t imagine what kind of mentality you have to make such an inhumane decision.”

The young woman who was fashionably dressed and equally good-looking was really angry here. She didn't even care about her own appearance when she spoke and acted. She had already begun spitting fiercely from her lips and teeth. This person who usually pays attention to image She is completely different. You can imagine how excited this beautiful young woman is now. ơɱ

"David is the apprentice I taught him step by step, and I am responsible for him. I don't agree with you doing this. You must at least give David part of the signature rights and copyright. Only in this way can his mother's future life be guaranteed. "

After expressing serious dissatisfaction with the behavior of the gentle man with glasses in front of her, the young woman decisively proposed her own solution.

In her opinion, this was already the lowest minimum requirement that could not be lower. It was to obtain the last bit of deserved benefit for the dead David, and it was also to fulfill David's last wish.

However, the elegant man with glasses sitting behind the desk, Mr. Jefferson, the leader and leader of the American press corps, obviously did not agree with this and had his own set of opinions.

"Mary, you should pay attention to your attitude when talking to me. This is your duty. Of course, I don't need to care about this today, because the focus of our discussion is not here."

"The authorship and copyright belong to me. The price of the price is a one-time deal. This is what David and I have agreed on a long time ago. It is clearly written in black and white. This is a fair contract, a contract, and both parties know it." And you signed it, do you understand what the contract means? "

"No matter what, the authorship and copyright of the photo must belong to me. You have no idea how long I have been waiting, preparing, and brewing for this moment. This time I must be successful and there must be no mistakes! You know what I want How many connections have been involved in organizing this interview group and how much cost it has cost? Do you know how much it costs? You don’t know anything. You should thank me for bringing you here instead of criticizing me here. !”

"Give David a portion of the authorship and copyright? What a joke! What will the world think of me after doing this? Ah, you Jefferson couldn't succeed without the help of others. The other copyright owner is dead, You are still alive, so you must have taken advantage of others to send you to death, right? You are just a maggot lying on the corpse enjoying the fruits."

"I don't have time to argue with these doubters and opponents. What I want is 100% success, not even 99.99%!"

"Look at these films. The angle of view, subject matter, and framing are all superb! This is exactly what I need! With them, I will become famous! I will become a truly top media person!"

"I was finally able to win the damn Pulitzer Prize for the second time and truly by relying on my own ability, instead of relying on our old bastard's relationship and his connections! Why do I look so good in other people's eyes?" Do I have to live in the shadow of that bastard? I must break free at all costs in this life, this is my chance!"

Mary's state was completely different from that of the elegant young woman she usually was. Jefferson, who usually looked gentle, was not much better either. At this moment, he is like a runaway kid who has been poked and sad in adolescence. Whenever he mentions his senator father, it seems that his fuse is lit and he is out of control, even if it is him. The same thing I mentioned.

"You won't understand me, and you won't understand how painful it is for me to live under the shadow of that bastard! I made all kinds of plans and carefully prepared for so long before I got this opportunity. I am one step away from successfully getting rid of him. The shadow has never been so close! I must not give up this time, never! There is no need to talk about this matter, and no one can try to persuade me, and neither will you."


Looking at Jefferson who was not hysterical but not far off, Mary, who was still emotional just now, seemed to be a different person. She just crossed her chest with her left hand and held the cigarette in her mouth with her right hand. After taking a sip, she asked again.

"What about financial compensation? In addition to the basic compensation from the newspaper, David didn't even buy a life insurance. He spent his last cent to treat his mother's illness. You won't give David the copyright and signature. Quan, aren’t you willing to pay even a little more compensation?”

At this point, Mary still hasn't given up, and is still fighting for the final benefits she deserves for her little apprentice who is no longer alive. However, all she gets is an indifferent and outrageous answer from Jefferson behind the table.

"An additional two thousand dollars will be paid in the name of compensation from the newspaper company. I will pay the money privately. The newspaper company's highest compensation standard is this level."

"I will not and cannot give any compensation to David's mother in my personal name. If there is even the slightest financial entanglement with him and his poor family, those sworn enemies will definitely make a fuss about it. , I will not give up until I am defeated. I know very well what my enemies will do, so I have to avoid any possible risks, even if it is higher than the newspaper company's compensation standard."

"Two thousand dollars? Are you fucking making me laugh? Just two thousand fucking dollars for a life!?"

Mary, who was holding a cigarette between her fingertips, could no longer suppress her emotions when she heard this, and blurted out words that were both angry and sarcastic.

"Don't pretend to be confused with me. You and I both know the value of that set of film. The developed photos will make you sleep in a pile of money, and you will become a billionaire! You can use US dollars as a carpet, but you only Compensation for David is two thousand dollars, which is not even enough to treat her mother’s eyes!”

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