Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2745 The storm is coming

Malashenko did not have enough time to sleep for too long that night. The shelling, which could be described as devastating and doomsday, had started in the early morning.

After nearly a month of battle planning and preparation, Zhukov, who had great power and could manage both the front and rear, finally managed to launch a war by calling on countless priorities and sending a huge amount of supplies. All the war resources needed for an unprecedented siege.

No matter whether it was Stalingrad or East Prussia, any siege battle that had occurred in the past was destined to be less violent and violent than the battle that Zhukov was now preparing to open up and face.

The generous Zhukov mobilized more than 3,000 artillery pieces and rocket launchers of various types at one time to launch violent bombardments at various transportation hubs, tactical nodes, enemy positions and main offensive blocks that had been marked and proven in Berlin.

However, this is not the full strength of Zhukov's Belarusian First Front, at least not the artillery. Zhukov, who strives to continue bombarding the whole field from beginning to end, is relatively "relaxed" at the beginning.

Yes, that's right, 3,000 artillery pieces pounding the city of Berlin in the middle of the night was just a small battle. It was a small attack by Marshal Zhukov following the orders of leader Comrade Stalin to give the Nazis a small Soviet shock.

Simply put, the "good times" are still to come, and this is just the beginning.

"This artillery fire has been going on for more than two hours. I haven't seen this battle since 1941, not even in my dreams. How long do you think it will be before it's our turn?"

Not only did Malashenko sit in command at the forward command post of the leading division in Berlin, Lavrinenko, who was itching and wanted to see the big battle, also came to the forward command post to enjoy himself.

What? You ask the rear division headquarters what to do?

There are comrades political commissar and chief of staff here, so it doesn’t matter if there is more of me or less of me. This was Lavrinenko’s answer to Malashenko not long ago.

"It's a good thing to fight for a while longer. In this battle, ten artillery shells will kill a Nazi scum. It will save a lot of trouble when I attack later. Problems that can be solved with artillery shells do not need to be solved with blood. You should feel Happiness is."

Malashenko, who put his hands on the table with a pen, ruler and compass in hand and went to draw pictures in person, while studying the battlefield situation and answering Lavrinenko's questions, has now returned to his usual normal state and is fully absorbed in the battle. It doesn't matter whether there is fighting or bullets flying in front of you.

Compared to Malashenko, whose face remained calm and his heart did not beat, Lavrinenko seemed a little more excited.

Such a large battle was exactly what he had always dreamed of seeing, and the ultimate judgment against Nazu finally arrived in such a magnificent and unprecedented manner. For Lavrinenko, who played every game from 1941 to 1945, how can he not make people feel excited and excited?

"Then what do you say? Do you really want to lead the team up in person later?"

"Not necessarily. It depends on the situation. Which of the three main attack directions needs me and which one I should go to. The inability to deploy the troops is still the primary problem. The strength advantage cannot be fully utilized. This time, even if the three routes attack at the same time and the standby reserve team is included, , a total of only a brigade of troops was invested.”

Lavrinenko, who had quietly arrived at Malashenko's side, was crouching in front of the table and looking at the war zone map on the table that Malashenko had personally calibrated and drawn. Three red arrows were advancing in parallel, penetrating into the black defense line, and the attack momentum was abnormal. The conspicuous, south-to-north offensive represents the forefront of the Red Army units in the entire Berlin theater at the moment.

"Street fighting is like this. It is a good thing to keep some reserves. When Kurbalov's brigade is tired, Varosha and his brigade can be used as the main attack. You are not at the division headquarters these days and you are always in the city. This kid is no less They come to me to complain, saying that if they want a bowl of water to be balanced, they can’t just sit on the bench, and they are very resentful.”

Malashenko, who completed the last mark on the map, kept in mind all the tactical nodes and key locations required for the next phase of the operation, and was quietly thinking when he closed the compass in his hand used to draw the coverage of the shelling circle. Open your mouth.

"No matter how much dissatisfaction and complaint you have, you should hold it in. War is a precise science, not an emotional one. Whoever wants to fight will be killed."

"Two lines of attack belong to Kulbalov, and one line belongs to Varosha. Just because the tasks are clearly divided for him does not mean that the burden on his shoulders is not important. If he fails to fight on that line, I will still remove him from his post without discussion. "

"In these days, we have cut out almost half of the German defense zone by cutting sausages. Compare it with the map of the German defense zone we obtained. If we go the same distance to the north, we will be able to penetrate Germany's first defense zone and completely The remaining defenders on the left and right flanks were separated, leaving them isolated and unable to care for each other."

"Today's battle is particularly important. The three siege teams must meet at the border of the northern district."

"The enemy will quickly determine that the defense zone is at risk of being penetrated. Once we stop halfway, the Nazi scum from other directions in the city will come towards us from all directions. The best case scenario is that they rush to escape and shrink their defenses. , the worst case scenario is that we are used as a protruding part to pull out nails, and we are busy attacking and organizing defense. No matter which situation is considered good, we must work hard to achieve the tactical goal.”

Looking at the complicated and intertwined situation between ourselves and the enemy on the map, I felt that this battle might not be much easier to fight than East Prussia a while ago. Lavrinenko took a deep breath and couldn't help but sigh.

"How do you say that sentence? Just that Khitan saying that you often talk about, what is the mountain and what is the rain?"

"The rain is coming and the wind is blowing all over the building."

"Yeah, I think that's what we're facing now, but that doesn't stop us from getting it done."

"It happens to be windy and rainy at this time, Sukka"

Alsim didn't know and didn't care whether the raindrops that suddenly started to rise from the misty night sky were a good thing for the Germans, but it was definitely not a happy thing for his side.

"We will fight out of the pouring rain to kill them, and their blood will flow into rivers with the rain! In their own capital, on their own land!"

"Alsim, see you in the evening, remember to stand up straight and come to see me, don't lie down! Haha!"

The rough shouts from the radio echoed in the small tail cabin of the infantry fighting vehicle. Alsim, whose ears were constantly echoing, didn't even bother to reply to the screams. It was from another combat engineer company commander near the main attack direction. "Calling the formation" to yourself.

"Aren't you going to answer him?"

"That's not necessary."


Pulling the charging handle to push the bullets filled into the magazine into the gun's chamber, the roar of war that accompanied the opening of the car door was the sound that Alsim was most familiar with.

"Get to the finish line first and then get back to him in person. Let's go!"

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