Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2746 Hell Joke

"I thought what we were going to fight today was so mysterious. After working on it for a long time, you didn't get a good job, Alsim."

A small number of German soldiers who resisted were killed and their corpses were left lying on the streets. The chassis of the Panzer IV tank, which had been knocked off its head by a shell from IS6, was still burning, turning into a corpse that was sizzling from the inside. The giant barbecue grill was emitting oil and had a bit of barbecue aroma, but the aroma of barbecue that smelled okay really didn't make people want to have any appetite.

On the street, on the sidewalk, next to the covered entrance of a building connected to the underground building, Alsim, who had just personally led the team to a quick victory, was guarding his position by the stairs, looking down, and heard a series of "complaints" beside him. He just replied with a calm expression.

"When have I ever gotten a so-called "good job" after leading a team for so long? Don't you feel tired of fighting on the streets all the time? Come on, let's go to the underground world today. You have to be good at discovering surprises."

The city of Berlin, which extends in all directions, not only has numerous and dense above-ground buildings to deal with. As a key part of the enemy's transportation hub and means of troop delivery, the subway system that extends in all directions below the ground and connects the entire city of Berlin also needs to be dealt with.

German tanks were running on the ground, and German infantry were running under the crotches.

Malashenko had no time and asked his troops to blow up the Kraut's various subway entrances one after another.

To take a step back, even if you blow up all the public entrances to subway stations, block the exits with masonry debris and construction debris.

But how can you ensure that these bastards who are just like gophers don’t have any other hidden entrances to the secret passage?

It might be a maintenance entrance in peacetime, or it might be an unsealed equipment lifting shaft left over from a certain subway construction period, or it might even be a small tunnel exit newly dug by the Germans who mobilized manpower.

The siege detachment in front is fighting to the death and pushing forward with all its strength. The Germans under the crotch are scurrying around like rats in the sewer. They suddenly come out from behind you from an unknown direction and give you a sap.

It's not very harmful, but it's extremely insulting. Malashenko doesn't want his troops to get stuck in the quagmire of security warfare and fight guerrillas with the Nazi fanatics running around the streets all day long.

Therefore, a once-and-for-all solution was put on the table by Malashenko - blowing up the key hubs of Berlin's subway network. This would at least paralyze the subway network in a region, making it impossible to go up, down, left, right, or backward.

The good news is that Malashenko has a complete map of the Berlin subway line in his hand, and it is not a conventional civilian map, but a design drawing of the Berlin subway during its construction phase.

This thing is much more useful than those shown to tourists and citizens. It even clearly marks where to blow up and where the load-bearing structures are that will collapse once blown up. There is no need to waste time studying it yourself. .

Thanks to the efficiency of the comrades in the intelligence line lurking inside the Germans, this high-value information, which is extremely important for siege operations, had been received by Malashenko from the army headquarters before the Battle of Berlin kicked off. Put it on your desk and study it carefully.

The bad news is that Malashenko had a simpler and more efficient solution, but it doesn't work now.

The location of the Berlin subway's water pumping and drainage system is also clearly marked on the design map. If conditions permit, under the most ideal situation, the Red Army does not even need to blow up the hub points of the subway network, but only needs to blow up these water pumping and drainage systems. , the raging and violent groundwater will pour into the subway network like a dam bursting.

Theoretically, this is the most time-saving and labor-saving combat plan with the least casualties.

The assault troops who went down to the subway only needed to place explosives at the preset target location, and the rest of the task of eliminating the Nazis was left to Flood.

But there's a problem, a very serious collateral damage problem

Intelligence shows that the entire Berlin subway network has now become a refugee concentration zone.

Those frenzied Nazi thugs not only took a large number of Berlin refugees into air defense towers, but also herded even larger numbers of refugees, voluntary or involuntary, into the subway to serve as "human shields."

There are tens of thousands of Berlin citizens trapped in the subway network. Once Malashenko decides to flood the Nazis, it is not known how many Nazi thugs will be drowned, but there will definitely be more Berlin citizens drowned than armed Nazis, and Much more, that's for sure.

This is the most disgusting part about your deathbed.

If you blow up all the entrances and exits, you will bury tens of thousands of refugees alive. If you pour water back into the subway network, you will flood the people.

It seems that no matter what is done, the blame and shit basin will be placed on the Red Army.

To put it bluntly, blowing up the hub nodes of the subway network was just Malashenko's last resort.

At least this method can preserve the one-way subway station exit, allowing people enclosed in the subway tunnel to come out without being buried alive in water.

"This bunch of nazis really get crazier as we get closer to the end of the world. It is absolutely clear that tens of thousands of their own lives are being used as a shield. The city is full of black dog squads of the SS catching strong men for food, street lamp poles and telephone poles. There are more bodies hanged than on the streets of Warsaw.”

"I really don't understand. Being ridden by such a bunch of inhumane fucked-up things, are all the German civilians in Berlin just pigs in a pigsty? Just let the knife be held against you. Don’t they know how to fight back and forth on their necks?”

When he first formulated the plan to destroy the subway network, Lavrinenko, who encountered all kinds of unheard of and even shocking things after arriving in Berlin, repeatedly refreshed his views and limits, and once moved towards his own goals. My best friend and old classmate once said this.

But all he got was a bland answer from Malashenko, whose face remained unchanged and his heart did not beat.

"This is how a gang of highly legitimate gangs get together and give orders. What you see is just the essence of the gang."

"It's not like you haven't seen what happened in that horrible place in Auschwitz. Compared with that place, these little fights in Berlin today are like a nursery. If you can time travel, you can live in Auschwitz. Those struggling people in Xinli were thrown into the current city of Berlin to free them. Not only did they not scold you, they even secretly had fun and were grateful to you: What can such a good thing happen in the world? "

The jokes Malashenko told were so "hell" that Lavrin's subjects were stunned and speechless with their mouths half open.

But in the end, I have to admit that what Comrade Lao Ma said is indeed a fucking fact and it is fucking true.

Professional work is left to professional people. This is a classic truth that applies at all times. Going deep into enemy-occupied areas and engaging in close combat while blowing up subway network hubs is a hell-level task. Naturally, it must be left to someone who can not only do it. Complete it by fighting combat engineers who can also explode.

Moreover, it was the people named by Malashenko himself - Alsim and his gang of "brutal hunters" who "looked like the company commander".

I'm a little uncomfortable today, brothers. I caught a cold and had diarrhea. I'll update it for now and I'll give it to everyone tomorrow.

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