Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2747 Metro 1945 (Part 1)

"The smell down here is quite unpleasant, Alsim. It smells just like sewers. Aren't those nazis just claiming that their lives are much better than ours? Is this what they call a good life and a good environment?"

I don’t know since when, at least in the area where the leader is located, the power supply of the subway, at least the lighting power supply, has been cut off.

Except for the moment when I first entered the stairs, I could barely rely on the sunlight coming from the ground at the entrance of the subway station to illuminate the area in front of and around me. I could clearly see the stairs extending downward without falling into my lap.

The world further down is completely cold and dark. Except for the last bit of light coming from the surface, I can barely see clearly that the stairs going down have reached the end. Now I am stepping on the soles of my feet. is truly beyond the ground.

What is the world going forward like, and what is hidden in the darkness?

Alsim doesn't know or can't see it, but at least the unpleasant smell wafting in front of his nose and the continuous complaints are true.

"Stop complaining. At least it won't stink to death. This place is better than bullets and cannonballs flying everywhere on the ground."

"Well, it does have to be stronger, provided there are no scumbags waiting to plot against us."

Alsim and his party, who temporarily stopped, quickly lit up the hand lamps they had prepared. Although this may lead to the risk of being exposed, there is a risk of being exposed, but there is no useful night vision for individual soldiers in this world right now. Equipment, if you go further, there is no electricity, so you can’t really go forward in the dark, right? Everything has to be realistic, right?

Alsim took out the map from his pocket, spread it out on the ground, illuminated it with a hand lamp, and called on the accompanying company deputy, platoon leader, and squad leader to discuss it on the spot in a low voice.

"Now we are here, marked as Platform 1 on the map, and our target is here, the intersection leading to Platform 3 and connecting to Platform 2, the subway tunnel hub."

"The design drawings show that there is no subway platform for passengers to get on and off, but there is a small warehouse designed to maintain and repair subway trains and store spare equipment."

"Cut a line across the location of the small warehouse and blow up the subway tunnel dome on this line to cause it to collapse. This will block the subway hub and cut off all interactions between the three platforms at once. That's also The mission goal of our trip must be completed no matter how difficult it is. Comrade division commander is waiting for our good news, do you understand?"

Several squad leaders and platoon leaders who gathered around Alsim to listen to the mission briefing nodded their heads. Alsim chose to leave the mission briefing until the last moment. There must be a reason for him. The comrades present who believe that their company commanders should be prepared to go all out without any worries, are determined to achieve the goal just as Alsim said.

The only problem comes from Alsim's good brother and deputy partner: Comrade Lieutenant Comrade, this good brother who can always prevent Alsim from going berserk and keep calm at critical moments is the same now. If there is a problem, just say that he is in Alsim. Sim's consistent style in front of him is to try his best to ensure that no accidents occur, which is naturally the best situation.

"Just one question, are you sure that the Kraut subway trains are completely out of service now?"


After hearing this, Alsim raised his head and glanced at the company officer in front of him, who was also half-crouching and looking at a map. When he saw the serious expression on his face, Alsim quietly spoke.

"I have no relevant intelligence, and there is no sign that Berlin's subway system has been completely paralyzed. Maybe the Germans will still use the subway to transport troops, just maybe, but we will definitely walk the whole journey without transportation. There is no need to transport our own troops. My life is on the enemy's broken car."

"Then I hope we won't encounter a German subway with headlights on the way. We are going to take the railway, right? I hope we have better luck on this three-kilometer route. I don't want to go with the Germans. The subway is as tough as a head.”

If you are willing to think about it, it is not difficult to imagine what it would be like if you were a group of infantrymen, walking on the subway track, and suddenly a high-speed subway train with headlights roared towards you.

Not to mention whether you can avoid it or not, just being frightened can scare you half to death. If you fail to dodge, you are almost certain to be smashed into a pulp. That's why the company deputy comrade is so worried.

"The subway line is a two-way street. If a subway train hits you halfway, everyone should move quickly to another track to avoid it and wait for the train to pass before continuing forward. This is the only way."

"Then what if trains arrive from both directions at the same time? I guess if the subway was used to transport troops, the trains would definitely not start according to the original schedule."

Before Alsim finished speaking, the deputy's question came out of his mouth immediately. What was even more amazing was that Alsim answered without even thinking about it.

"Then see you at the Martyrs Cemetery. If you are really unlucky, there is nothing to say. This is a war, not a kid playing in the mud."

As he talked, Alsim packed up the map and made up his mind.

Of course, even the deputy comrade just said it casually to let everyone be mentally prepared in advance so that they would not be caught off guard or off guard. If they really wanted to take action, they would definitely do what they should do without compromising.

"I thought you always had a way and could always solve the problem."

A group of combat engineers who had packed their gear and loaded their bullets had already begun to move forward with lights on. Alsim's reply was just a casual smile without any emotion.

"How is that possible? Then go find Comrade Commander. He is the only person who meets your requirements."

"Let's talk about it after we finish"

The combat engineer team advancing in the dark returned to silence. Only three hand lights in the front, middle and back were left in the team for lighting and warning.

This is the minimum to meet actual needs. The smallest possible light source will avoid the risk of exposing more people. Of course, it cannot be too little. Otherwise, the Germans who sneak attack in the dark will spank you without knowing where the enemy is. Don’t think too much about the two-pole body.

"There is movement ahead, do you hear it?"

"I'm not deaf yet."

It would be unrealistic to rely on gestures to communicate in the dark. Comrade Lian and Alsim could only talk in a low voice as low as possible. The sounds and slight words coming from the corner of the passage ahead were clearly heard by both of them at the same time. heard.

"Prepare to fight, search and move forward, enter!"

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