Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2749 Metro 1945 (Part 2)

"This old woman knows a lot?"

"Of course, she told me that the subway is still running, and that a group of bastards left here yesterday. If she doesn't know anything, why should I waste my time here?"

Alsim doesn’t understand German, or he doesn’t understand it very well. Even though he fought all the battles in 1941 and now, he still can’t speak a complete sentence in German. He can barely understand it. To the extent of a few words.

Alsim, who couldn't read a word and couldn't even write in his native language, had a somewhat mediocre language ability that was completely inversely proportional to his ability to kill people.

Alsim, who had been watching for a long time, could only tell that the matter was not simple. The deputy director was still having a lively chat with the old woman, so he must have had some information in his words and asked for useful things.

"Then ask her, besides the trains, are there any idiots patrolling the subway tunnels? Also, is there a way to know when the train is coming from the subway?"


There may be some way to solve the first question, but for the second question, Comrade Lieutenant-General only thought of one word - hanging.

Even so, the understanding company deputy comrade still acted as an interpreter, translating Alsim's words into German and repeating them to the old woman in front of him.

"I have never seen Nazi soldiers on patrol. They come to the platform to gather on the bus. It seems that they don't see us at all and don't ask us. I don't usually see them."

Before the old man finished speaking, the company deputy comrade immediately began to explain to Alsim the translator.

When the company deputy comrade's voice gradually faded, the old woman, who had thought about the answer to the second question, spoke again in a very cooperative manner.

"When the train is about to enter the station, the bell will ring on the platform. At least it did yesterday and before. The lights have stopped working for a long time, but the bell still rings for some reason. It's really magical."

This was indeed a fruitful harvest. The information revealed by this plain-looking old woman was much more useful than Alsim expected. It almost solved all the key problems.

The premise is that the old woman is not lying.

But there is no time to care about this now. At least knowing this information is better than not knowing it. It is more or less a reference and psychological preparation.

The rain on the surface seemed to be getting heavier and heavier. In the dark subway station, the scene on the surface could not be seen, but the water leaking from the ceiling could be seen flowing down the river. There is also unknown source of sewage flowing across the platform, and when it encounters low-lying areas, it gathers into a smelly puddle.

Obviously, not only the lighting system on this platform was out of power, but also the water pumping and sewage system that is necessary for any subway station. The lack of power supply may also mean that the drainage pump has stopped working.

After realizing this problem, I then thought about one of the plans I had considered in the original plan, which was to blow up the large drainage and sewage pumping stations in the subway system and divert underground water to flood the area. This was a convenient and quick solution to the problem, but in the end it failed. Because of the tens of thousands of war refugees scattered throughout the entire subway network, we had to give up.

Alsim, who was hesitant to speak, hesitated for a moment, but finally whispered a few words in the ear of the company deputy, who then relayed the words again.

"The drainage system of this subway is likely to fail in large areas. At that time, a large amount of groundwater will flow into the subway and cause flooding. Moreover, the environment here is very poor and will breed diseases. You are not safe here. It is recommended that you move to the subway as soon as possible. On the ground, the Red Army will not harm unarmed civilians."

Just because the Red Army didn't take action against large sewage pumping stations doesn't mean the Nazis won't blow them up.

What kind of virtue you are has been fully demonstrated so far. There is nothing impossible, only unimaginable, and there is no lower limit at all.

The only factor that restricts the naive people from doing the most evil things is whether they can think of bad ideas in their heads.

Even if the subway does not flood, the infiltrated groundwater and rainwater that cannot be drained out are already flowing into a small river in the subway. Even the maintenance was not complete, and the excrement seeping from the sewage system was also mixed together. This was probably the source of the pungent stench Alsim and his group smelled when they first got off the subway.

They are a group of old, weak, women and children with poor health. In a few days, they will not be able to survive and may die of illness and starvation. Staying in such a dirty, dark and humid environment that is prone to breeding diseases, Alsim felt that after a certain period of time, if these German women did not cause a plague, it would be called evil.

As soon as there was a plague, the man panicked and ran to the ground again.

Good guy, are you, the German guy, spreading the plague to the leader? Will the leader be busy fighting the battle or treating diarrhea and fever?

No matter what, once the plague, a weapon of mass destruction that does not distinguish between friend and foe, spreads, especially in the area controlled by the leader division, there will be absolutely no good things to say.

It is unrealistic to expect people like Alsim to take the initiative to care for the German war refugees. It is the greatest kindness for this murderer to ignore you and pass by the German.

To put it bluntly, Alsim still thinks about his own people and his own family.

When you reach the position of company commander, you have some basic vision and foresight analysis ability. This has nothing to do with the level of education, it is purely a result of the experience and ability of a commander.

"Thank you, Mr. Officer, we will consider it. But now there are explosions above our heads. I don't think we will leave yet. Do you have anything to eat and can you leave us some?"


Alsim couldn't understand the too complicated German, but at least he could understand the word "food".

After all, it is indeed quite commonly used, whether by German prisoners or German civilians.

"Give it to her, I didn't bring much anyway."

A few packages of biscuits, a few unopened chocolates, and a half-eaten piece of Da Lieba wrapped in paper.

As heavy infantry, combat engineers carry most of their load to carry equipment and armor. Ordinary infantrymen like these don't carry much portable rations with them. With the introduction of infantry fighting vehicles, in more cases it is already Just leave it in the car without taking it with you, and just go to the car to get it when needed.

The amount of money that was collected at the moment was just something that a soldier who liked to chew snacks casually put in his pocket. But this seemingly insignificant amount was as big as the weight to the group of old, weak, women and children war refugees in front of him. It's a gift from heaven, and I'm grateful for it a thousand times. All I have to do is hold my head in my arms and cry.

Especially the young mother who was trembling when she saw the company just now. After taking the food, she burst into tears on the spot. While crying, she also worshiped Alsim and the others as living gods, thanking her for saving her. A child's life.

There was some indescribable feeling in his heart, but that was all he could do. The company officer did not stay. After quickly solving the matters at hand, he set off on the road again with his comrades.

After jumping off the platform, Alsim's team moved forward with the black stinking water flowing up to their ankles in the subway track. Feeling the dual torment of soaking their feet in water and the rising stench, the Alsim team moved forward like this. Be cautious and alert to avoid any near misses.

However, as the old lady said, we did not encounter any German patrol teams along the way. It is estimated that even the Germans themselves may not be willing to take this stinking water.

After wading armed and nervously on foot in a dark subway tunnel, we marched as fast as possible for nearly three kilometers in order to avoid a long night and sleepless nights.

Every combat engineer, including Alsim, was sweating and exhausted physically and mentally. If the smelly water under their feet hadn't reached their ankles, they would have wanted to sit down and take a breath first.

Alsim, who knew that the longer he stayed in the water, the more his physical strength would be taxed, did not intend to stay. He looked around at the forked road that had begun to turn into many forked roads, and then looked up at the subway above his head, which suddenly became much wider. The dome of the tunnel is still seeing water, and the situation is not good.

Alsim, who knew he was waiting for his time, was about to give everyone more energy and finish the work in one go, when he heard the man next to him, who had just taken off the water bottle behind his buttocks and drank some water, suddenly screamed in a low voice.

"There is light! The tunnel ahead is coming towards us!"

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