Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2750 Dark Crisis

The sound of the company officer's reminder immediately brought Alsim's thoughts back to the front as he raised his head to look up at the dome. That thing that was clearly an artificial light was coming towards him from the end of the darkness. The originally tiny light point was coming towards him. getting bigger and bigger.

Seeing this scene, Alsim didn't have time to think too much. He blurted out the order to all the comrades around him without thinking in an instant.

"Turn out the lights, put them all out! Quick!"

Comrade Company Commander didn't even need to remind him prematurely. By the time Alsim blurted out this order at a very fast speed, the three soldiers with their own lights on had already put their hands on the switch, waiting for Comrade Company Commander's order. He immediately turned off the lights and turned off the flames.

"We can't stay here anymore, let's go! Go hide behind the car in front and move forward! Quick!"

Fate has not been unfair to Alsim, at least now it has left a chance for Alsim and his party - it was a subway car parked opposite the maintenance warehouse, and there was no sign of anyone's presence from beginning to end. It was completely pitch black, and I could barely make out a basic outline. It was a good time to hide in a bunker.

The moment Alsim blurted out this order, the company deputy comrade on the side knew that things would probably go wrong today.

Given Alsim's fighting and commanding style, it is impossible for him to give the order to move closer now, and it is absolutely impossible for him to secretly watch your German guy sit there and sit back and do nothing.

When the time is right, Alsim will definitely appear from the shadows and give you a big surprise. By then, both explosions and gunshots will inevitably be supplied in unlimited quantities. If a fight breaks out in such a dark and blind environment, the winner can only be said to be a matter of individual ability.

But at least Alsim felt that he would not lose, and the comrades around him also believed that they must complete the mission of this trip no matter what.

Even if the brightly lit subway train on the opposite side was the guards of the shampooers, Alsim would still have to lead his brothers to choke these scum to death in the stinking ditch. Then, the explosives carried all the way and carried by manpower were used to blow up the corpse of the Nasty who drowned in the smelly ditch, along with the warehouse and the tunnel dome, shattering the bones and scattering ashes.

"Be careful! Keep your body low and don't be exposed!"

Combat engineers can't do the job of scouts, especially for the elite Alsim team.

But Alsim himself still knew what kind of urinal nature his brothers had.

If you want to flip the German stick over head-on, pull out the German guy's intestines and wrap them around his neck to strangle the Nazi to death, then every one of these people under his command are all experts and experts.

But if you want to steal the German guy's ass secretly, or act in a group so close and under the eyes of everyone, to be honest, Alsim is a little worried. He was worried that his gang of powerful brothers would accidentally reveal their traces and start fighting before everything was arranged. This was not the result Alsim wanted.

"Is that old woman lying to you? Is there any electric bell here? The car is almost up to my nose."

He led the team to the edge of the abandoned subway car in the dark. Alsim, who kept his figure low and moved in secret, was a little dissatisfied.

It's not that I'm dissatisfied with my good brother, the company deputy, but I feel that the old German woman was not worth the food she sent out. Maybe the information was false and she was deceived.

However, the company deputy comrade, whose eyesight is indeed better than Alsim's, doesn't think so.

"Look carefully, that thing is not a subway train at all. We are in big trouble."


Alsim, who originally only saw the lights and didn't care what the car looked like, raised his eyes. Although he was not shocked on the spot, he did take a breath deep in his heart.

"Damn it Sokka! Armed railcar!"

The Germans often use various armored trains on the surface rails. Their main functions are to escort important cargo with arms, raid along the railway lines, and counter-guerrilla destruction.

For the Leader Division itself, the most famous armored train encounter was probably the encounter with the "Hermann Goering" armored train escorted by the "Hermann Goering" Air Force Field Division for its boss. .

It was a "Great Train Robbery" that could go down in history. Not only did the leader regain the most important historical and cultural treasures for the Soviet Union, he also overturned the favorite train and train of the Imperial Marshal "Hermann Goering". Return victoriously.

When his loving father Comrade Stalin, who was far away in Moscow, learned about this incident, he couldn't help but screamed and applauded loudly. He sent a telegram to Vatutin to praise Comrade Malashenko and inform him about his learning.

Alsim, who personally participated in that battle and led his team to capture the station terminal, once thought that it was probably the last time he would encounter an armored train on the battlefield in his life. After all, this thing is not usually there. The front line appears, right? Most of the time they are used for armed escort and counter-guerrilla operations in the rear.

But he didn't encounter a real armored train. Alsim never expected to end up here, encountering a "youth version" armored train in the subway tunnel of Berlin.

That thing looked like a mine car used in a coal mine to pull people and transport goods, except that the cart was not equipped with a dump truck, but a steel open-air bunker covered with armor plates and protected by various kinds of equipment. Various weapons, long spears and short cannons, and claws and claws, can be said to be fully armed.

With the faint light on the small platform of the maintenance warehouse, Alsim could see and recognize several types of weapons carried densely on the armed railcar with his naked eyes.

MG42 machine gun, single-mounted 20mm cannon, and the most perverted thing is the quadruple 20mm anti-aircraft cannon mounted on the rail car in the middle. It also has an artillery shield and small-arms bullets that will make sparks fly everywhere. The kind that makes a noise.

"What should I say? Should we bite hard or withdraw first? Or wait."

Things had progressed to such an extent that it looked like an armed rail car had come to pull goods, and a team of men were getting off to talk to the German troops waiting on the platform.

Although the German garrison troops left on the rail car were not on high alert, chatting and laughing, and some even smoked cigarettes on the spot, in the end no one left their combat positions, and even if they smoked, they would lean on the gun mount. Once there is a firefight, the artillery can be fired immediately.

Even a team as powerful as the Alsim Company had no confidence in being able to avoid so many pairs of eyes while conducting a surprise attack without making a sound, or the success rate was extremely slim.

Alsim, who was rapidly thinking about various possible plans in his head, could of course hear a series of small voices on the side but he asked questions seriously. It's just that Alsim's final answer after careful consideration was not at all within the scope of several possibilities raised by the company deputy comrade.

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