Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2751 Shallow Water Shadow

"You guys wait here, I'll get in. We won't be able to do anything today unless we blow up this old car. As soon as I get it, I'll start attacking immediately and kill all the naughty people here first!"

"What? Are you crazy!?"

Alsim's plan is nothing short of amazing.

There were so many Germans here, one after another, in small groups, but the plan proposed by Alsim was that he would go alone, and use some method to raise the armed rail car, completely blowing it into a pile of scrap metal. Then his comrades will coordinate his actions, launch an attack, and annihilate all the Germans who are still standing here in one fell swoop.

The plan seems okay? But the company officer who was visibly anxious on the side didn't think this would work at all.

No matter how awesome and legendary Alsim is, this kind of behavior of touching a group of people and blowing up an armed rail car composed of three carriages can be regarded as a suicide.

If he is not careful, Alsim will be shot and killed in this smelly ditch without a burial place. And those comrades who were ordered to stay behind by him could not do anything meaningful except watch their company commander being beaten to death in a pool of smelly water and died on the spot. Watching so eagerly.

"No! No way! Your plan is too risky. Do you know how risky it is?"

The company deputy comrade looked anxious, with visible disapproval written all over his face. However, Alsim, who faced him, still had a calm expression.

"Then if you have a better plan, I'm all ears. Don't tell me that you plan to soak in this cold water and let the comrades wait. Your, my, and everyone's bodies are almost reaching the limit. How can you be sure that those Germans Are you leaving soon?"


As Alsim said, soaking in cold water and waiting is definitely not a good idea.

The pumping and sewage system has stopped operating, groundwater and sewage are backing up. The subway tunnel dome overhead is still seeing water. Now, except for the elevated rails, the icy and smelly water is already ankle-high and completely submerged. Everyone's feet.

I don’t know whether it’s because the groundwater is too cold or because the subway tunnel is cloudy and damp. The sewage that is filling the boots is extremely cold. It goes from the soles of the feet straight up to the heart and forehead. Everyone’s body temperature is rising due to this. The cold and smelly water drains quickly.

If you don't understand this, it's very simple. Take a basin of tap water and put it in the refrigerator compartment to freeze it until it is a few degrees above freezing. Then take it out, then put your feet into the basin to feel it, and soak it for an hour. Remember to change a basin of water in the middle to keep the temperature low. The feeling after an hour is the state of Alsim and his team at the moment.

The biting coldness of the groundwater pouring up is really not comparable to the tap water flowing from the faucet.

The worst situation doesn't stop there. If it's just cold water and no feet, it's actually bearable.

The more serious problem is that Alsim and his party came armed and wading through the water and on foot.

As a heavy infantry combat engineer, the total weight on the body is far greater than that of ordinary infantry. The bulletproof armor made of pure steel alone is enough to stagger people. What's more, these combat engineers also carry an excess of grenades, rocket launchers, explosives and other explosives used to perform tasks, which adds a lot of extra weight.

In such a state, after wading for three kilometers in the dark and cold subway tunnel without seeing the light of day, Alsim said that everyone including himself has reached the limit of physical fitness and cannot wait any longer. Go on, this is not alarmist but a real fact before our eyes.


He looked at the German armed rail car that was already close at hand and the small platform where the maintenance warehouse was located, and then turned back to look at Alsim who was still looking directly at him.

The situation has indeed forced people to this position. The company commander has no choice. The mission must be completed. Any other conditions will be considered based on this. If we continue to wait like this, we will really not even know whether the mission can be completed. There are huge risks.

Although he was reluctant and felt that doing so was risky, the company deputy comrade obviously had no choice now.

"Okay, no problem, just do as you say. But there is a prerequisite. I will go with you. The risk for two people is bearable and the efficiency and success rate are much higher."


Hearing this, Alsim did not speak, but took half a second to check the company officer's eyes, and then immediately began to remove the equipment from his body.

"Take off all unnecessary things and let's go through the water."

"Do you even need to say this?"

The portable shoulder bag, the chest strap filled with magazines, the thick bulletproof armor and the steel helmet on top of the head

Alsim, who strived to be light and simple, stripped himself down to his military uniform. The company deputy comrade beside him made the same move as Alsim and completed the unloading almost at the same time.

"Pack of dynamite."

The extra redundant explosive packs that were originally carried to ensure the completion of the mission of blowing up the tunnel were now the best and only props for Alsim and the company mate to carry the German armed rail car. .

Taking into account the problem of water backflow in the subway tunnel, waterproofing treatment was specially carried out. The explosive bag designed as a pull-fire type can be used normally as long as the outer waterproof cover is not damaged and removed.

Each of them had two explosive bags, totaling four, on their backs. The two brothers, holding their own AKs and loaded bullets, looked at each other, and then half-dive into the water under the watchful eyes of all the comrades left behind.

The entire body lies down in the water to reduce the exposed area, and uses the cover of accumulated water to eliminate possible noise during movement. Alsim and his two company officers, who could indeed be called "daring", just lay in the water and slowly moved towards the German armed rail car.

The two people, who were not far apart and were almost walking in parallel, had just climbed out. A German soldier, who didn't know whether he was just too busy or if he really noticed something, suddenly got up from the rail car and came to the edge. He raised the flashlight in his hand and shined it in the direction of Alsim.

"Oh shit!"

Seeing that the situation was not good, Alsim did not dare to be negligent at all. Without saying a word, he immediately stopped moving on the spot with his gun and held his breath. He faced down and fell into the water on the spot, letting the cold and biting smelly water completely disappear. Even if it doesn't reach my back, it won't be able to move.

"The water level is still rising. It's higher than before. We have to move quickly. If it's too late, we won't be able to leave."

"You guys come with me and help in the warehouse. Get more people. Quick!"

The ordinary German soldier who used a flashlight to check the water level left, but did not notice that a large living person was completely submerged in the turbid and smelly water, lying just a few meters away from him. Before leaving, he even called a few guards who were staying behind on the flatbed truck, and together they went to the warehouse to help carry things.

Alsim, who quietly raised his head again, could only say that he couldn't help but feel secretly happy when he saw this scene.

The more those Germans who get in the way have their eyes open, the less likely it is that you and your company will be exposed, and the higher the chance that you'll be able to pull off the ruthless job successfully.

Without any hesitation, Alsim and his company officer continued to move slowly in the water and crawled towards the target. Now they were only a short distance away from the German armed rail car.

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