Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2752 Alsim’s Marriage

Successfully approaching the Germans' eyes and the bottom of the rail car, this is still not the end of the mission for Alsim and the company deputy comrades.

The explosive packs carried on their backs are the real work that the two of them are going to do on this trip. However, it is not easy. They have to place this thing unknowingly and unknowingly under the rail car that the German is stepping on. It will cause trouble. It doesn't even make a sound. If you are not careful, you will lose everything and die suddenly on the spot.

As agreed in advance, Alsim and the company deputy began to split up: one person installed explosives on the front of the car and one person on the rear of the car. Then they met under the central rail car, moved forward from both ends, installed the final explosives, and then finished. Evacuate.

The premise is that if we can really evacuate smoothly.

These high-energy explosives specially prepared to collapse the subway tunnel dome are indeed very powerful, as they are powerful enough for their weight.

A single 5-kilogram explosive pack contains only a small portion of the package weight, and the rest is a solid high-explosive charge. The charge alone of an explosive pack is larger and more powerful than a 152 high-explosive grenade. Stronger.

There is no way, who makes the Germans these days really have a sincere mind when it comes to infrastructure construction and repair projects?

For example, the walls of the German houses on the street are indeed not as thick as the Soviet-style buildings that need to be protected from wind and cold, but the main load-bearing structure of the building is made of sufficient materials, and there is no trace of shoddy construction.

The quality is so good that in most cases, a direct hit of a 122 grenade cannot completely destroy it. It must be at least a 152-level or TOS-1 310 mm radish to be able to confidently say that a single round can destroy a German building like a soul. Load-bearing structure. And it may only be a part of the load-bearing structure. When a cannon is fired, only part of it will collapse, leaving another part, which needs to be repaired.

It's not easy to build an ordinary private house. If you want to deal with a subway tunnel that was originally designed and built according to the standards of an underground bunker project, you have to give the Germans more powerful medicine.

"I hope there's enough left to blast through the tunnel dome, I hope."

According to the calculation results given by the Corps of Engineers with reference to the design drawings of the Berlin Metro, the explosives Alsim and his team brought to carry out the mission this time were indeed not very rich. Although there was a certain theoretical redundancy, that was based on the availability of explosive packages. The fault tolerance rate of failure is mainly to prevent extremely rare unexpected situations.

The current explosive packs used to blow up tunnels are used to blow up rail cars that are not within the scope of the mission target. It is really unclear whether the explosives used to blow up tunnels will be enough.

But if the current problem is not solved, it can only be said that it is completely unnecessary to think about the future. Alsim can only deal with the current problem first and then think about the future.

After installing the first explosive package tightly under the chassis of the rail car, Alsim began to slowly move towards the central flatbed car in the middle.

After all the explosive packages are installed, there is no need to pull the fuses one by one to detonate them one by one. As long as one of them is exploded, all the remaining explosive packages will explode in a chain within a close range of only a few meters apart.

I hope this kind of power can completely blow up this rail car protected by armor plates. To be honest, if a single one is more powerful than a 152 grenade, four high-energy explosive packs stacked in one breath can't destroy your German train. In the rail car, Alsim, who had climbed directly under the central carriage, felt that this was outrageous.

The cold, turbid sewage was no longer limited to Alsim's boots, but spread all over his body due to Alsim's crawling on the ground, soaking every part of his clothes.

To put it bluntly, Alsim now only feels that his bird is almost unconscious due to the ice, as if the place is empty, empty as there is nothing there anymore.

"Damn it, I haven't passed on the family line yet, I'm the only one in our family."

Alsim, who was born into an Orion family, actually values ​​​​the continuity of the family line. This is a concept that has been solidified by the influence of his old hunter father since he was a child.

Living in the bitter cold land and barren mountains and rivers of Siberia, if an Orion family does not have a male, it is either almost or completely destroyed.

how? Do you still expect women to go out with shotguns and machetes in their waists to compete with gray wolves and brown bears in face-to-face combat?

Hunting is a man's business, let the women go away.

I thought of my old mother who sent me a letter home last month, and told me to go home and get married as soon as the war was over, because I heard that the boy from the old Alsim family had become a living hero and a true legend in the leadership division, so she came to visit. There is already an endless stream of people proposing marriage and introducing their own girls.

According to what the old mother told her in her family letter, it probably meant that when Alsim returned now, he would immediately select the best girl within a hundred miles to get married. I heard that even the mayor of the nearest town was interested in making Alsim his son-in-law. He sent people to the house to arrange matchmaking and betrothed his daughter, who had just grown up, to Alsim, an old bachelor who was over thirty years old.

Alsim's old father, who had been fighting with wild animals all his life, had never seen such a battle. According to his old mother's book at home, his mouth was grinning happily to the top of his ears. Alsim's family is now a famous "House of Heroes" from all over the country. If you go to the local area and ask around, you will find that even the little kid playing in the mud at the entrance of the village has heard the story of the "great hero" Alsim.

Therefore, Alsim can not care about other people's opinions and evaluations of him, but he must care about his little brother's poor state that is almost frozen to death at this moment.

If this little brother is in trouble and has no choice but to have his wife and children on the hot bed, no one else will tell him, not even the stubborn and unreasonable old father can get around him.

Alsim has not been afraid of many people in his life, but in his childhood memories, his old father who was able to fight wild wolves with bare hands and even strangled the wolf to death was definitely one of them. Even though today Alsim has already killed so many people that he feels uncomfortable all over if he doesn't kill two people a day, he still has to be honest and well-behaved in front of the old man, not daring to say no.

Of course, not to mention the inability to continue the family line. Alsim couldn't even imagine what his old father would be like when he heard this.

The only thing that made Alsim a little confused was.

I don't know why, but when I think about getting married, the figure and face of a German woman always flash in my mind.

Alsim didn't know the reason, but it was true that he hadn't seen her for some time.

"I've done it here, what about you there?"

With the faint light coming from the platform, the company officer, who had already met Alsim directly under the middle carriage, had installed the last explosive pack on his body and was making the famous barely visible gesture towards Alsim.

Alsim, who was slightly distracted but did not stop working on his hands, noticed the gesture, and then he gestured to indicate that it was done. Then he only needed to pull the fire to detonate the last process. Evacuate.

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