Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2753 Tons of “Surprises”

Alsim, who was tasked with raising a son to carry on the family lineage, knew that he did not dare to stay in the icy and smelly cold water for too long, at least not for his little brother.

After Ma Liu finished the last task at hand, Alsim, who signaled to the company officer that he could evacuate, planned to stay and set fire to the explosives. This was already agreed upon.

He admitted that he was indeed not as good as Alsim in terms of skill. He even didn't even do ink. He nodded to Alsim and looked at him with firm and encouraging eyes. Then he immediately turned around and crawled out before the German guy could do anything. When the work is finished and the goods are moved, the last opportunity is to evacuate immediately.

In his hand, he had already uncovered the tarpaulin wrapped outside, and held the fuse of the explosive bag attached to the underside of the rail car.

Now as long as the company's lieutenant retreats to a relatively safe position, Alsim can immediately pull fire and evacuate.

The length of the fuse was enough for him to crawl and evacuate to a safe place before it burned out. The scrapped subway car used to hide his team could now be used as a temporary bunker. The steel body made with German craftsmanship was enough. It can withstand the explosion that can blow up the rail car.

"Hurry up, here, the last few boxes are here, move them out."

"Speed ​​up the action! Come on, hurry up!"

Alsim was still counting down the time in his mind and waiting for the last time. He never thought that the Germans on the platform who were busy just now suddenly started making loud noises, and it sounded like they were moving from the warehouse again. I don't know what's coming out, I'm going to get it on the rail car.

It was already clear at this point that the German army regarded the equipment maintenance warehouse set up in the subway tunnel as some kind of safe and concealed underground material storage point.

Not only can this avoid the Red Army's reconnaissance, ground shelling, and aerial bombing, but you can also use the subway to quickly allocate and transfer supplies at any time when necessary. It has many advantages such as concealment, convenience, safety, and speed. It must be admitted that it is a good idea. .

Alsim couldn't understand what the German guy above was chattering. He just wanted to get over it and leave quickly. At least he had to stand up from the water and not let his numb little brother continue to soak in the water. Suffered.

But I don’t know if I’m just being lazy or just taking a breather before moving on.

When the chirping voice of the German leader, who was obviously the commander, gradually left, probably back to the warehouse to supervise the work and moving things, the two German soldiers who were only a few steps away from the rail car seemed to Unable to carry it any longer, the officer stepped forward with his front foot and immediately put the large wooden box on the ground with his back foot, which the two of them worked together to lift.

Coincidentally, the place where the box is placed is right at the edge of the platform, almost to the point where the wooden box is suspended in the air.

Alsim, who was hiding under the car, was also curious to see what was going on. It would be great if he could find out what these German guys had been playing with for most of the day.

It's a pity that it doesn't matter if you don't look at it, but when you look at it, you are scared to death.

When half of his head quietly stuck out from the bottom of the car and glanced at the platform, Alsim was shocked when he saw the familiar wooden box. If he hadn't been stable enough and experienced, he would have been able to He screamed on the spot.

Combat engineers are also engineers. No matter how they fight, they are still a type of engineers. As long as they are engineers, they cannot do without dealing with one thing - explosives or high-energy explosives.

Alsim knew what the Red Army's own explosives looked like. Due to his professional nature, he also had a clear memory of what the Germans' standard military explosives looked like and the packaging boxes they used.

At this moment, the box placed on the edge of the platform in front of him was none other than the largest German explosives packaging box. The style of the box and the German-style explosive warning symbols marked on it made Alsim estimate that he would never I can't forget it, let alone now.

"Damn it, do you mean these nazis have been carrying explosives from just now to now? A car full of explosives???"

Alsim could hardly believe his guess, let alone imagine what the result would be if this guess was correct and he didn't even look at it just now.

I was so stupid that I pulled the fuse like a Sukka, and then I thought I was done and climbed to the back of the abandoned subway car. I continued to hide with my brothers thinking I was safe, waiting for the total amount of more than 20 explosives. Four kilograms of explosives blew up the Kraut's rail car.

So what's the result?

The result is that if, maybe, hypothetically, it is probably true that there are so many military explosives in three carriages, it will kill all the Germans on the car, all the Germans on the platform, all the Germans in the warehouse, and all the Germans hiding in the car. Alsim's team after scrapping a subway car not too far away.

Together with the rail car and the entire subway tunnel, they were all blown to ashes and became dusty history buried under the city of Berlin, never to see the light of day.

More than twenty kilograms of explosives are far from capable of destroying a solid subway tunnel. Alsim, who was an engineer himself, knows this very well, but what about two tons of military explosives?


Alsim couldn't help but swallowed his saliva and shook his head vigorously. He looked at the wooden box again and saw that it was exactly the same as the German explosives packaging box in his memory.

And in my impression, when the largest military explosives box is fully loaded, it does require two people to work together to lift it relatively easily. From all angles, it is very consistent with the actual situation seen at the moment.

It is better to believe that it exists than to believe that it does not exist.

Those who got off the train plus the Germans who were already on the platform have been busy moving them for so long. Alsim estimated that if they were just moving explosives, the stock on the rail car would be damn close even if it didn't have two tons. In short, it would be enough. All the gadgets, life and death, in the entire section of the tunnel were removed.

Alsim himself was not afraid of dying if necessary.

In order to carry out the tasks personally assigned by his comrade, he was willing to go to the mountains of swords, to the sea of ​​fire, and even to death. Alsim, who had reached such a level of fanaticism, even felt that it was an honor for him to die for his comrade.

But he is also a comrade of the division commander. Alsim still remembers Malashenko’s words to all grassroots commanders, including himself, which he told all grassroots commanders, including himself, to never forget and to keep in mind.

"Never treat soldiers and comrades who have entrusted their lives to your command as victims and stepping stones on the road to your own meritorious service and to realize your self-worth. No matter how great and upright it seems, it is not a reason."

He is now unable to communicate with his brothers. They are still waiting anxiously for him to go back behind the scrapped subway car, completely unaware of what is happening here. Not to mention what authority he has to let so many comrades die with him in a daze, leaving their lives to be completely buried in this smelly ditch.

But it was even more impossible for Alsim to just give up on the mission and return without success.

There is no such operation in Alsim's military creed. What's more, we have reached the final step and are about to be completed. How can we just give up?

Determined to complete the mission, Alsim could only change his plan immediately. After countless emergency measures flashed through his mind, he decisively chose the one with the highest feasibility, but the actual risk was still extremely high, and then turned around. Climb in the direction you just came from.

Completely ignoring the company mate who had already waded through the water and crawled back to the scrapped carriage, and all his brothers, were now anxiously waiting for the company commander to come back before the explosion.

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