Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2754 Stand still

"What are you doing, comrade company commander? Why is there no movement yet?"

"Did something happen? I don't feel good."

"Fuck you! Comrade company commander is in danger, company deputy, let the brothers fight with these bastards! Let's rescue the company commander!"

A full two minutes have passed before the agreed evacuation time. Alsim, who got under the rail car, has not moved until now. There is no news about him, as if he has completely disappeared. An increasingly ominous premonition hangs over the company, including the company. The thoughts of everyone, including the deputy comrade.

"Wait, wait, wait"

"Alsim won't lose to the Nazis that easily. I believe in his ability! He will be fine. We haven't found any signs of him being exposed. Just wait patiently."

In terms of personal friendship, Alsim and I have been company mates who shared the same meal in a ruined building since the Stalingrad war. They can definitely be regarded as Alsim's good brothers who share life and death together.

Not to mention abandoning Alsim, even Alsim has not made any move yet. He is more anxious than anyone present, and he wants to immediately copy the guy and rush to get people.

But at the same time, even the deputy comrade knew that such a method would never work unless it was a last resort.

Why did he and Alsim risk so much to lurk and bury explosives just now? Isn't it just that we are responsible for the lives of our comrades, and we must never use human lives to block the Germans' machine guns and machine gun muzzles?

So now you are furious and ordering people to rush up in order to get people under unknown circumstances. So you have been busy for a long time. What is it if you don't take off your pants and fart, which is a pure waste of time? It would be an understatement to say that it was a complete waste of time from start to finish.

On the other hand, the company officer who knew Alsim as well as himself could definitely trust his good brother's skills and abilities.

I still remember that Comrade Malashenko, the division commander, once said this

"If I were to choose a guard captain, my first choice would be Alsim. It's a pity that this stage is too small. There are positions and places where he can show his abilities better, instead of following me as a bodyguard all day long."

When it comes to physical combat and shooting skills, as well as technical and tactical levels, Alsim is the best in the entire combat engineer force.

His physical fitness was at its peak and his combat experience was astonishing. While others were still sitting in class reading and writing and asking for advice from the teacher, Alsim had already begun to live a bloodthirsty and life-thirsty life with his old man.

How could such a number one person be quietly killed by a German under a car under the watchful eyes of so many people?

Instead of letting the company officer believe this, you should let him believe that the Shampoo will hold the white flag tomorrow and lead his gang of grass-roots teams to find the Red Army to surrender voluntarily, and the Patriotic War will immediately declare a complete victory and end.

The company deputy believed that Alsim just encountered some problems that he might not have thought of for the time being because he was not at the scene, and that these problems must be solved by him personally.

Whether it’s a premonition or trust.

This inexplicable feeling made the company deputy comrade decide to remain on hold and postpone taking action until the Germans who had been busy on the platform for a long time started to make noises and noises again.

"Do you want to evacuate with us?"

"Of course, the warehouses have been emptied. There is no point in staying here. All we have seen after staying here all day are rats running around. What do you mean, Russians? Hehe, there is not even a Russian hair on his head. See."

"Oh, then you should go and take a look on the ground. The Russians on the ground are many and cruel. It won't take long for you to see them."

"Whatever, I don't care anyway. I've had enough of life and death. I just want this life to end soon."

Most of the conversation was nonsense and awkward chat, but this did not prevent the company deputy comrade who was proficient in German from accurately grasping the most critical parts.

"Evacuate? Are these Germans going to evacuate!? Or everyone together?"

It’s nothing strange to leave after moving things, it’s just natural.

But if all the Germans withdraw together, then this is different.

At the very least, after all the Germans are gone, we can safely start blasting operations and blow up this place, without having to take the risk of attacking this damn armed rail car and paying bloodshed.

All that is needed is to wait a little longer.

But who would have thought that at this moment, an erratic and weak light suddenly came from below the rail car, flickering.

Although the light was dim and there was almost no direct light at all, even this faint spot of light under the dark rail car was enough to attract the attention of the company officer and his team on the opposite side.

"Look there! There's light, under the car!"

Of course, the company deputy comrade could see the flickering of the light spot, and instantly understood its meaning the next second.

"This is the signal from Comrade Company Commander, continue to stand still! He is fine and wants us to wait here."

After adjusting the handlight to the weakest mode and sending out the signal, Alsim, who was sure that the Germans had not noticed his movements, endured the bone-chilling cold that had begun to shiver all over his body and his upper and lower rows of teeth were chattering, and continued on. The final work began in the cold water beneath the car.

But Alsim may not have looked at the almanac when he went out today, because it was too much to memorize.

Before the work in hand was finished, the German voice came from the rail car overhead again.

"It's almost done. All the moving is done. Let's start the car and get ready to leave here."

Alsim couldn't understand what the German was muttering. He just focused on the last task at hand, and just wanted to finish it before his body completely lost temperature, so as not to lose his life in this horrible place.

But the company deputy comrade who was hiding behind the carriage with his team understood the meaning of these words, and what happened immediately after made him freeze for a moment.



The electric-driven German rail car actually started to start again. The trembling body had slowly moved and started to speed up. However, Alsim has not come out from under the broken bottom of the car until now!

"We don't have time! We'll run over people to death. Let's get in, first officer! Ah!?"

"Damn it!"

Just at the moment when the company deputy comrade was about to speak his next words and had already reached his lips, a faint light flickered on the dark bottom of the car again, and this time it was clearly visible to all the comrades in the team. .

"Stand still and execute the order!"


Alsim, who knew that his brothers would no longer be able to wait any longer, had to send this signal. No matter how tight the time was, he had to send it because he could not let his comrades risk their lives for his own plan that he had temporarily changed.

And Alsim also firmly believed that he had already completed 99% of the work at hand, and he would be able to finish it before the German rail car completely started and completely left his operating scope.

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