Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2755 Believe me!

The German rail car was finally fully activated under electric power.

The German troops, loaded with cargo and evacuated personnel, began to turn on the lights and drove back in the direction they came from. Alsim, who was not exposed or made any sound from the beginning to the end, was still lurking quietly in place. In that puddle of smelly water.

The German armed rail car did not shine its lights to the rear opposite to the direction of travel. As a result, Alsim, who was able to escape quickly, immediately climbed up from the cold and smelly water. He finally breathed a sigh of relief and returned to an upright position.

But he didn't have time to care whether he was lucky not to be run over by the rail car. He immediately spread his legs and sprinted over.

"Are you okay? Are you okay? What happened just now!?"

Even the deputy comrade was anxious to ask questions, but Alsim didn't have time to ask any questions. He just ran over and waved his hands.

"There's no time to argue. Get out! Everyone, run! Get out as fast as you can. Get out of here! Hurry!"


"Retreat! Shut up! Run!"


The confused company deputy comrade no longer cared about asking specific questions. The instinctive trust from the bottom of his heart made him immediately choose to follow Alsim's words and withdraw and run first, no matter what happened now and next.

Alsim's team, which had been squatting behind the scrapped carriage for a long time, started running wildly without any warning.

He ran wildly in the direction he came from, toward the fork of the tunnel, in the opposite direction to where the Kraut train left. He was walking in the middle of the team. Alsim, who didn't even have time to explain the situation, still felt that it wasn't fast enough and glanced around him. The costumes of the brothers then shouted and spoke again.

"Throw away everything! Throw away the explosive packs and all the useless weights!"


The company deputy comrade, who was running wildly but with all kinds of confusion in his mind, was puzzled. Even while running through the water with difficulty, he still had to ask Alsim questions.

"These are all used for our mission! If you throw them away, why use them to blow up the tunnel!?"

"Stop talking nonsense and throw it away quickly! Throw it away and run fast! There are as many explosives as you need, that's all!"


Even the deputy comrade is still confused. Until now, he still doesn't understand what Alsim, the Riddler, is saying or what he is doing now.

But looking at the anxious expression on his face, just seeing this was enough for the company officer who continued to trust Alsim unconditionally.

"I heard it all, throw it away quickly! Throw all the explosive packs away!"

One person carries two on his back, and the two add up to a full 15 kilograms or 30 kilograms.

The heavy extra weight was instantly released as the order was given, and the combat engineers, whose steps were immediately brisk, immediately increased their speed. Only the water under their feet still hindered their speed, which was annoying and irritating. But he had no other choice but to run with all his strength.

The end of the tunnel was right in front of him. Alsim could already see the intersection of the tunnel dome, and the hope of escape was very close at hand.

But at this moment, something unexpected happened to everyone except Alsim.

Boom! ! !

In an instant, it was like the earth collapsed and a volcano erupted. A huge explosion so powerful that no one could withstand it instantly came from the depths of the tunnel behind.

There was no need to even be affected by the flames and fragments of the explosion. Just the blast of wind that swept violently from the tunnel was enough to knock everyone, including Alsim, up to two times at full combat weight. The 100-pound Slavic men were thrown upside down and fluttered in the wind in the turbid and hot tunnel air like paper figures after a strong wind.

"Uh-ahem, bah!"

I don’t know how long it took, maybe twenty seconds, half a minute, or even longer.

Alsim, who felt that his hearing, vision, and control over his body were gradually recovering, began to spit out the smelly water that had been poured into his mouth because he had just been thrown into the ditch, and tried to crawl from the ground. rise.

Beside Alsim, the brothers who were also drowned in the stinking water were gradually recovering, and began to move their bodies, which were soft and uncontrollable like mud, and tried to get up.

The terrifying explosion was over, but I didn't know if it was temporary, but it did look like what a one-time explosive explosion should be.

Before Alsim could finish vomiting the foul water in his mouth, Lian Ming, who was struggling to get up from sitting on the tunnel wall, looked up at the surrounding environment and then at the tunnel dome above his head.

At this time, I can't help but thank you German guy for your sincere engineering quality, which actually saved my life at this time, as well as the lives of all the comrades present. At least the one-way tunnel at the other end of the tunnel intersection has not been bombed. collapse.

"What the hell just happened? The whole other end of the fucking tunnel intersection exploded. What on earth did you do to be so energetic?"

Hearing the Lieutenant's words, Alsim, whose chest was still heaving violently and feeling a little out of breath, subconsciously looked back.

Good guy! The subway tunnel that our team just ran out of, together with the other two subway tunnels on the left and right, a total of three subway tunnel intersections, have now been completely buried by collapsed rubble.

Fortunately, the chain collapse effect caused by the explosion stopped here. After passing the intersection, the deeper space of the intersection with a stronger structure and wider space seemed to completely withstand the attenuated impact of the explosion.

There may have been cracks in the dome above his head and it had become a "dangerous building", but at least for now, Alsim felt that his luck was not so bad that he was killed by the tunnel collapse of the secondary disaster just after escaping. .

After all, the teachers and comrades have said, "If you survive a catastrophe, you will be blessed later."

"The Kraut rail cars are all full of fucking explosives, and the cargo those Krauts are carrying on the cars are explosives, the standard high explosives used by the Kraut engineers!"


The company deputy was not interested in asking how Alsim knew, because everything that had just happened had confirmed that what he said was absolutely true. In addition, the company deputy comrade could not even think of anything else that could have such a terrifying effect. power.

But the question is, how did Alsim do it?

How did he get the German's car of explosives to start and detonate in a delayed manner after driving so far, and then successfully blew up a total of three tunnels, which was equivalent to completing the mission in disguise.

Fortunately, Alsim could see the confusion of the company deputy comrade, and he had no intention of selling it off, so he told him exactly what he had been working on under the car for so long.

"The fuse was not long enough, so I went under the other two carriages and removed all the fuses from the remaining explosive bags. Then I turned around and went back to the middle carriage to connect the fuses. All four fuses were pieced together. This delay effect was wrapped around the beam under the German guy's car, so that it couldn't fall into the water, and he was pulled out before the German guy's car drove away. "

"I'm telling you, even if it's even a little bit missing, now we'll all be buried under those ruins, and we won't be able to see anyone alive or dead, and we won't see our bodies."

"What the hell is luck? Huh? This is fucking luck and body protection! Sukka!"


Alsim, who straightened up under the stunned and speechless gaze of the company deputy comrade, felt that he had recovered 80%. At this time, Alsim even did not forget to make a joke that made people unable to laugh at all.

"I told you to throw away the explosive packets if they are useless. What now? I said that there will definitely be enough explosives. Trust me!"

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