Team Alsim's mission was accomplished, but in a very unexpected way. 【】

Although we experienced many accidents and hardships along the way, the end result was still relatively good luck. At least there were no attrition due to this errand. It was the greatest success that all the people came out unscathed.

"The movement just now was loud enough. I bet the shock wave must have reached the ground. If not all people on the ground were protected, they thought it was an earthquake."

To be precise, the few explosive packets placed under the car by Alsim and the company mate were just a primer at best.

The one that accounted for more than 98% of the main power of the explosion just now was the whole carload of engineer explosives that the Germans carried on their shoulders and worked for a long time from the warehouse to the rail car for transportation.

The strong explosives detonated not only the Germans in that car, but also the rail car, which was instantly restored to the factory or fetal settings, shattering the bones and ashes.

The powerful explosion severely damaged the structure of the subway tunnel, and it was like a wound forcibly torn open by an external force. It caused chain collapses that affected the whole body. It only stopped at the intersection of the tunnel due to exhaustion of energy.

Therefore, the initiator of such a powerful explosion was neither the explosive package Alsim and his company mate buried under the car, nor the hurried departure of Alsim's team to reduce their load during the evacuation process. He took off the explosive packets from his back and threw them into the water.

It was the Germans' own railcars of engineer explosives that led to the current result. All Alsim did was to ignite a small spark in the powder keg, nothing more.

Listening to the constant complaints from the sidelines, Alsim, who was reminiscing as he walked, had to admit something.

The earth shaking and the mountain shaking just now were as powerful and terrifying as a volcanic eruption. It was indeed beyond my imagination.

Who knows how many boxes of engineer explosives you Germans carried to that rail car to cause such a powerful explosion, which spread the shock wave and destructive power for hundreds of meters in a narrow space.

"It doesn't matter, as long as the result is good. Don't expect the Germans to use the subway lines in this area to transport anything now. The good days of nuggets running around under our crotches are over."

Compared with Alsim's indifference and carelessness, the thoughtful company deputy comrade can think of longer-term things.

"Well, it's just temporary. We only destroyed a regional subway hub. There are who knows how many more subway hubs like this in the entire Berlin city. Maybe it will be our turn to bomb the subway tunnels next time. I hope that next time It can cause less trouble."

The return journey was much easier than when they came. After completing their mission, Alsim and his team greatly reduced their load and passed through the rest of the place where the smelly water was everywhere and the water level was rising higher and higher as quickly as possible. On the way, we finally returned to the subway platform not far from where we met the group of German female refugees.

"Someone is coming, give the signal."


Alsim's original plan was to board the platform as soon as possible, but he did not expect that Russian shouts would be heard from the platform at this moment. I subconsciously stopped and looked around, but I could only hear the sound but not see the person.

"Big Salmon! Don't shoot if you are one of us!"

Comrade Lian Fu, who reacted one step faster than Alsim, took the lead and took the initiative to step forward toward the platform and loudly announced the code for the response.

It wasn't until the voice in response to the secret signal faded that a group of heavily armed people finally appeared from the shadows on the platforms on the left and right.

"Comrade Company Commander? I didn't expect you to be back! We just felt the strong vibrations and explosions coming from the ground on the ground, which is the direction you went to perform the mission, so we quickly brought people down to see what happened. Something happened?"

Standing on the edge of the platform, he extended a helping hand to the comrades under the platform, preparing to pull them up first. However, the person holding the hand and asking questions was the remaining platoon assigned by Alsim to stay at the entrance of the subway station. Platoon leader.

"Use a truck of German explosives to blow up the German subway tunnel. The mission is accomplished. I will talk about the details later. Suka, I'm covered in ice. Do you have any dry clothes? Bring me some. Oh, no, yes. Two, and one for the company officer."

Among the whole team, Alsim and the company mate were the most wetted by water. Although the others also got wet, they were just splashing with their feet in the water at best, or they were blown away by the wind in the tunnel during the explosion. It flew out, but only one side got wet.

It was far from the level where Alsim and the company and deputy brothers threw themselves into the water, crawled forward and struggled for a long time, and their front and back were completely soaked.

Especially Alsim, who was on the verge of hypothermia after soaking in cold water with a temperature of only a few degrees for so long.

The reason why he was able to complete the final task of connecting the fuse and pulling the fire was, without exaggeration, because of Alsim's inhuman and perverted willpower. The only thing that can transcend the limits of the body is strong willpower, and Alsim's ability to handle it is the best proof.

But once he got over the gritted teeth and held on, Alsim, who was pulled up to the platform by the platoon leader's hand, felt that there was no place in his body that was not trembling, as if he had died Malaria trembled all over, as if it had fallen into a hole in the ice.

Alsim, who has rich experience in surviving in the wild, knows that the first and most important thing he needs to do now is to quickly change into dry clothes and dry himself to avoid taking away the remaining water in the body due to the evaporation of water on the body surface. The temperature is low and the temperature continues to drop.

Seeing how virtuous his comrade company commander was, the platoon leader didn't dare to neglect him. As soon as he helped Alsim sit down temporarily, he immediately turned around and instructed his soldiers, who were nimble and reliable, to quickly get a set of clean clothes.

There is a military joke in the 21st century that is called "In the Russian infantry fighting vehicle, you can find anything you can think of or can't think of. Including but not limited to huddled in a ball, waiting to save enough for laundry day." "Stinky socks, dirty clothes, and half-packed leftovers that were not eaten at noon and were waiting to be warmed up in the afternoon, and in some cases the two items would be stuffed in the same storage box."

As the saying goes, "the laws of the ancestors are immutable." Where do you think the future Russian army will inherit this habit?

Not long after the platoon leader rushed back, he returned the same way with something that Alsim urgently needed—some bastard stuffed a bunch of dirty military uniforms into the storage box under the seat of the chariot. , the size of the code coincides with that of Alsim, and it is very suitable for emergency use now.

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