Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2760 Please give me instructions!

Malashenko here had just given the order and put down the phone. Not far away, Kulbalov, who had just compiled the latest battle report, immediately came towards Malashenko with the folder in his hand.

"The situation in many locations has been confirmed, Comrade Division Commander. You are right, it is indeed not an isolated incident. The three nearby streets, including the main road, are completely destroyed. It's like the ground was cut down with a big knife and a big hole was opened. Holes were the same, roads collapsed, houses collapsed, and everything on that surface fault line was not spared."

Malashenko, who kept looking at these documents, obviously cared more about something than the newly released report in his hand and Kulbalov's briefing analysis.

"What about the troop casualties? Have any of our men been trapped?"

It must be said that it was the greatest good news in a sudden accident. Kulbalov's words that followed finally made the nervous Section Malashen breathe a sigh of relief.

"It must be said that we are very lucky. Everything is fine with our people, comrade division commander."

"The sudden fracture zone on the surface is not here, but on the German side. Although the distance is very close, it almost collapsed against our faces in the nearby small neighborhood, but fortunately the Germans there were Conduct a counter-assault, try to push our people down and stabilize the defense."

"The result was that before they could really press up, the ground suddenly collapsed. The German tanks and men fell down one after another. The forward siege team sent a report saying that the whole street was filled with Nazi screams. , there were also the sounds of walls falling down and houses collapsing. The scene was once so chaotic that it didn't look like a battlefield, but it really looked like an earthquake scene.

"Phew—it's okay. Our people are fine. That's good."

The sudden "natural disaster" swallowed up the Germans who were stubbornly resisting, and when the war situation was anxious, the leading division defeated the powerful enemy in front of them. And it was "very lucky" that it did not affect the leader. Although there was such a brief danger, it was successfully avoided in the end, which was indeed a blessing.

As far as the outcome of the incident is concerned, this can be regarded as a good thing anyway.

But what Malashenko still doesn’t understand and still needs to figure out is what caused all this to happen? Why did the smooth battlefield surface suddenly collapse? What is that sudden disaster that is as powerful as an earthquake but is obviously not an earthquake?

Malashenko, who was worried, was determined to get to the bottom of the case, and at the moment, he had to find out the truth as soon as possible.

Thinking of this, Malashenko, who was about to add an order and order an investigation as soon as possible, had no time to say anything. The "division commander's hotline" phone on his desk behind him rang unexpectedly again.

"We'll talk about it later. You go and do your work first. I'll call you later."


Kulbalov took the order and left. Malashenko, who turned around and passed by, grabbed the microphone that he had just put down and still had some residual warmth in his palm. However, he did not expect that the familiar voice on the other end of the phone spoke quietly. It will be him.

"Comrade division commander, are you okay? I have not let you down. I have led the team to complete the mission! There are zero casualties among all members. Please give me your instructions!"


Malashenko, who was holding the microphone in his hand, was stunned for a moment. He blinked twice and did not speak directly. Instead, he raised his hand and glanced at the time on his watch.

"So fast? I repeat, do you mean that you have completed the task and completely destroyed the German subway hub in the area?"

Alsim led the team to work at an unbelievable speed, and Malashenko was even surprised by how efficient his "powerful contractor" was. This was almost an hour ahead of schedule. Alsim called to say that the task was completed?

Then he was blowing up a subway hub. Instead of blowing up a few rat holes, it took a long time just to plug explosives into the selected blasting points on the tunnel wall. How did this guy do it?

The surprised and surprised Malashenko on the other end of the line did not let Malashenko wait too long. The person on the other end of the line was holding the phone that the signal soldiers had put all the way to the fire line. It was also Arsi who had just come up from the subway tunnel. Mu immediately answered.

"Yes, I can confirm it, comrade division commander. The enemy's subway hub has been completely blown up. We have completely destroyed three subway tunnels and buried the intersection with collapsed rubble. Now the Germans can no longer get under our crotches. It’s easy to come and go, the subway system in this area is paralyzed.”


Malashenko, who was holding the phone, narrowed his eyes slightly and fell into a state of deep thought. He was noncommittal and did not reply to Alsim's report on the other end of the phone.

Alsim, who didn't hear the movement of his comrade, was a little puzzled. He thought something was wrong with the situation, so he planned to say something more. Unexpectedly, he was quietly interrupted by Malashenko who spoke again after a moment of silence.

"You were talking about a complete blow-up and tunnel collapse, is that right?"


Alsim, who had never hidden anything in front of his comrade, was stunned by the question. He was holding the microphone in his hand and was in a daze. Then I thought that Comrade Division Commander must be confirming the situation. Alsim, who had never lied to Comrade Division Commander in the past and certainly would not do so today, immediately responded.

"Yes, Comrade Commander. We used excess explosives to completely blow up the entire subway tunnel. What happened was a bit complicated and unexpected. It was not easy to explain on the phone. In short, many accidents happened, but in the end Everything has been solved, the task has been successfully completed, that’s it, eh.”

"Then come to me and explain it. Speak it clearly. I want to hear it immediately."

? ? ?


Before Alsim, who had a question mark on his face and half-opened chin on the other end of the phone, could say anything, the next sentence of Malashenko's machine-gun-like continuous orders had already blurted out from the phone.

"Take your people, pack your equipment, and come to see me at the forward command post immediately. Your brigade commander is here. You know the location. I'll wait for you to report to me in person. The call is over."


A blind sound echoed in his ears. Alsim, who was staring blankly at the phone in his hand, was a little at a loss. Until now, he didn't know what the words on the phone were about or what happened.

"Why do you have such an expression?"

"It's nothing, but the comrade, the division commander, wants to see us. He wants us to go there now."


Not only was Alsim confused now, but even the deputy comrade who acted as half of Alsim's brain and emergency reason no longer knew how to deal with it.

"Perhaps he wants you to report the battle situation? After all, this is an order he gave personally. Now it is reasonable for us to go there immediately. He needs and has the right to know all the details. After all, you can complete the task much faster than planned. "


Alsim had never thought that he, who had always been straightforward, would have so many confusions, doubts, and speechlessness like now.

After thinking about it, he didn't have any better insights and guesses than Lieutenant Commander. In the end, he could only pick up the AK44 stuck on the corner of the table again, stood up from the broken chair, and looked at the brothers around him who were in the same shabby little shop with him. .

Then he blurted out words that he had no better ideas or solutions.

"Then let's go. If you don't want to go, you have to go. If you go, you will know why."

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