Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2761 Earthquake Maker

In a separate office at the forward command post, Malashenko, who personally summoned his "number one Slav superman", is now communicating face-to-face with Alsim, one-on-one, carefully understanding every detail of what happened not long ago.

But the more Alsim talked and the more Malashenko listened, the more outrageous and unexpected this matter became, far beyond his imagination and expectations.

When Alsim, who was quite articulate, finished speaking the last word and the syllable fell, Malashenko, who confirmed that he had completely sorted out the details of the entire process, spoke to Alsim again for final confirmation.

"That is to say, you used the little explosives you brought as a primer to blow up a rail car and several wagons of explosives pulled by the Germans, releasing several tons of explosive power in the subway tunnel. Not only has the mission been completed, It blew up the subway hub and caused a chain reaction that caused a large area of ​​the ground to collapse, cutting three streets into two pieces. Am I right? "


Alsim didn't know until he was on his way here, and saw with his own eyes when he was passing by, what kind of damage had been done to the surface of the street he had just left.

The buildings along the street collapsed and collapsed into ruins. The cracked earth was like tearing open skin that was originally intact, creating shocking wounds comparable to being chopped alive by a chainsaw.

The attack along the street that was still in progress has been interrupted and forced.

Even the Stalin heavy tank couldn't cross over the collapsed ground surface and the huge gap. If you really had to fight your way up, you would have to fall into the pit and be buried with the things below. In this case, let alone the infantry, which is the main force in urban street fighting. Do you expect the infantry to be able to overcome a hurdle that even tanks cannot overcome?

How come in the past, were all Slavic supermen pole vaulting?

Pure fucking bullshit.

When he thought that all the above problems were caused by his rough way of performing tasks, even Alsim, the most straightforward and uneducated person, could realize that something bad was going on.

But things have already happened, and the results are obvious in front of you. You have to admit it or not.

Alsim had no choice but to glance timidly at the eyes of his comrade. The age difference did not stop him from being in awe of the man in front of him. He had no choice but to bite the bullet and admit it. .

"That's true, Comrade Commander, I really didn't expect things to turn out like this. I hope there will be room for remediation and there will be no irreversible impact."

Faced with Alsim's "guilt", Malashenko was noncommittal and did not directly comment on it. He just changed the direction and continued to ask.

"You are the executor. What do you think is the approximate yield of the explosion that finally detonated in the tunnel?"

Engineers are blasting experts, and combat engineers are elite blasting experts who can both fight and explode, with explosive combat capabilities.

Alsim, who was really familiar with the knowledge and skills related to explosives, did not dare to delay. Before Malashenko could even finish his words, he had already started to think about it, quickly recalling everything he had witnessed and written down when the incident occurred. However, after a while, he hurriedly spoke again for fear of delay.

"It was too dark under the car at that time, and I had to consider the possible exposure, so I didn't look too carefully."

"But based on the time it took the Germans to move things on the rail car from the beginning to the end, if all they were transporting were the largest explosive boxes filled with engineer explosives, then with the manpower the Germans had at that time, they could at least provide If three to five tons of explosives are loaded onto the car, the rail car will definitely be able to load it and transport it.”

"Not only did they have their own people on the train, but there were also people left behind in the warehouse and on the platform. At first, some people were moving, and finally a group of people were called to help. Except for a small number of people who stayed on the rail car to guard, everyone else finally got on. I’ve been busy moving things around for a while.”

"Based on the manpower and time, there must be a total of three to five tons, but I dare not draw any conclusions no matter how precise the figure is."

"The mass of the explosive is three to five tons, which means it has an explosion yield of more than four to more than six points?"


Although this number sounds scary, the explosion equivalent conversion coefficient is rigid and fixed, and can be roughly guessed using a set of numbers.

Alsim, who understood this, didn't say anything more, or he didn't know how to continue. After a while, Malashenko, who was quite sighing, held his forehead and spoke slowly again.

"Listen, you put four to six tons of explosives in a narrow and airtight subway tunnel, and it exploded like that. It's no wonder there was such a big movement on the surface. You just did it. I got an earthquake generator, made of earth.”

What is the concept of an explosion yield of more than four to more than six tons?

To describe it in a down-to-earth way, the Red Army's modified Pe-8 heavy bombers carried out the "earth-shaking" bombing outside Berlin and on the outer defense line of the Zero Heights. The FAB-5000 used to launch it Super heavy aerial bomb.

It was just a super bomb with a total weight of 5 tons and half of the 5 tons of explosives.

Just like this, the German that is destroyed by one smash is calculated by the ton.

To be more precise, a 5-ton gas tank should have been smashed down, vaporizing as many Germans as possible.

Now, Alsim said that in a narrow and airtight subway tunnel, he ignited explosives with a total explosive yield that was probably equal to two Pei-8 gas cylinders, and possibly even several tons of more powerful explosives. .

This is no longer great fun, this can be regarded as a paradise.

After Pei 8 was massacred on the Zelo Highlands, the scene was full of deep pits like the surface of the moon, as well as the mushroom cloud and black smoke column that shot up into the sky when the 5-ton gas tank exploded. Malashenko still cannot forget it. , the memory is still fresh.

At that scene, after the troops went up, they were no longer collecting corpses for the Germans and taking over the captured enemy positions.

It was to grab a handful of floating soil and try to find the remaining human tissue fragments and weapon fragments of the Germans. It is no exaggeration to say that this is the extent.

In this way, everything will be correct, and it will be explained where the destructive power comparable to an earthquake comes from.

"What kind of punishment will I receive? Comrade Commander."


Malashenko, who was sitting on the sofa with his eyes closed just now, opened his eyes and glanced at the trembling Alsim beside him. The words he shook his head slowly came out with unexpected content.

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