Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2763 Dynamic War

"Where were they hit? Report the situation, quickly!"

The furious Malashenko rushed upstairs as if he had stepped on a hot wheel. He opened the door and entered the command hall. The first thing he asked about was the latest battle situation.

After hearing this, Kulbalov, who was leading a group of staff members at the brigade headquarters to discuss the situation, quickly handed over and distributed the remaining tasks at hand, and then immediately walked towards the division commander with the folder in his hand. Come.

"Breakthroughs have been achieved in both Block 1 and Block 2. The troops have passed through the final defense line of the block and are heading towards the South District Square, but the current situation is a bit anxious."

"The Germans simply withdrew all the troops that had retreated from the main streets, as well as the troops that had been blocked from attacking the streets. Now the enemy troops in each block are like hourglasses, and are withdrawing from the defense zone with all their strength and heading toward the South Square. The confluence seems to be to form a rope, shrink the troops, reorganize the defense line, and use the favorable terrain of the square area to fight against the trapped beast. "


While flipping through the report handed over by Kulbalov, he pricked up his ears and listened carefully to the detailed explanation from Kulbalov.

Malashenko, who spent less than a minute to understand the latest situation, already knew it in his mind. The next action was not to issue any orders immediately, but to turn around and come to the war zone map hanging on the wall. Stop and stare.

"What orders are the troops executing now?"

Hearing Malashenko, who had been staring silently for more than ten seconds, suddenly ask a question like this, Kulbalov, who remembered every detail, answered almost without thinking.

"The order is being executed according to the original plan without any changes. The troops are continuing to move forward along the established attack route. Among them, the troops in Block 1 and Block 2 are already trying to organize forces to attack the outside of the square area after making a breakthrough."

"But the progress of the vanguard troops was not smooth. The main reason was that a large number of withdrawn German defense troops continued to cause trouble and were unable to concentrate on attacking the defenders of the square area. In addition, because some of the German troops who retreated first have retreated, the defenders of the square area are now The force has also been strengthened, and it is expected to be more difficult and time-consuming than planned. "

"Stop fighting, stop it! The original plan ends here, don't fight anymore."

Faced with Malashenko's sudden order, Kulbalov, who was not expecting it, just looked stunned and blinked.

"No fight? Comrade Commander, did I hear something wrong?"

It was normal for Kulbalov to be confused, mainly because Comrade Lao Ma hadn't finished what he said, and there was still half of it left to say. After thinking about it for a while, he blurted out the final order.

"Not fighting does not mean withdrawing. It means not fighting according to the original plan. Now we must change our fighting style immediately."

"Isn't the German commander on the opposite side trying to collect his broken troops and reorganize his defense? Okay, then I'll kill his broken troops in front of him. I want to see if he can just watch it."

"Inform the main siege forces in Blocks 1 and 2 to immediately break away from contact with the enemy forces in the square area, and then advance from east to west, flanking the retreating enemy block defense forces in other blocks. Be sure to block the enemy's evacuation channels. , we can no longer allow the strength of the square area defenders to continue to increase, and concentrate our efforts to annihilate all remaining block defenders on the spot! "

Malashenko's idea is actually very simple, and it is not difficult to understand when broken down.

After breaking through the main street, the remaining final target of this stage of the operation is a small group of buildings standing in the north of the square area.

It includes administrative buildings and a small number of medieval buildings in the area. The map shows that there is also a large department store. It is said that it contains material reserves, food, drink, and artillery shells that can be used by the defenders of the square area for a month of fierce fighting. Enough bullets for all. It is a garrison force in the southern direction of Berlin. Since a few months ago, it has been focusing on building a warehouse of war preparation materials.

If possible, Malashenko did have a lot of energy from the beginning, continuously penetrated the defense line, and quickly captured the square area without giving the Germans a chance to breathe, announcing that the leader's division had basically penetrated the defense in the southern area of ​​​​the city.

But at present, it seems that the original plan is indeed difficult to realize.

Some of the German troops who retreated from the main streets have merged with the defenders of the square area. The garrison strength of the entire square area has indeed been strengthened in terms of troop density alone. What's worse is that the German garrison troops who have withdrawn from several other blocks are now scrambling to escape to the square area in an attempt to unite.

The answer is now very obvious.

What the German army is doing is not the response of individual, isolated individuals who are forced to flee after being defeated, but the German commander of the entire southern district of Berlin, after overall planning, issues unified retreat and shrink defense orders to the troops in each forward defense area.

This was an organized retreat and reorganization of the defense. Because of this, it was obviously not feasible to pursue the original plan of chasing down the defeated troops and breaking through the defense line in one go.

The two main siege teams currently trying to attack the square area are not going well. Even without arriving at the scene, Malashenko can guess what the current situation there is like based on the war zone map.

The topography and building distribution of the entire square area are the same as most large squares in the world.

Most of it is an open area with no obstructions. A small but dense number of tall and solid buildings stand like bamboo forests at the end of the square area, forming a small building that is small in scale but condescending and thick in attack. group.

On this occasion, the Red Army acted as the attacker and launched a charge. The German garrison, with its excellent vision and wide range of fire, was able to pour out as much firepower as it wanted, destroying all weapons with sufficient range and power. Launched.

Even though the leader division had an extremely powerful heavy armored siege force, without any preparation for a fire attack on the buildings in the square area, it rashly crossed the open area and launched an attack on the enemy garrison with a complete defense system and a stable position. .

It may not be a total loss, but it will definitely cost a lot of paper losses.

That open, unobstructed square was the German buffer zone entrenched within the building complex, and it was also a literal killing zone.

You have to say that the Germans do not intend to make a fuss in such a good defensive area. Malashenko feels that the brains of the German commanders on the opposite side have not degenerated to the level of a pig.

Plans cannot keep up with changes. Plans need to be adjusted at any time to respond to changes. This is dynamic war.

Cutting off the Germans' attempt to shrink their defenses, Malashenko's answer was Malashenko's answer.

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