Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2764 A turn of attack

The German defenders in the building complex at the end of the square area quickly noticed the changes on the battlefield.

After paying a certain price, the Russians were about to cross the open area of ​​the square area and were about to touch the edge of their own defense zone for actual fire contact. At this moment when the harvest was almost about to begin, it suddenly receded like a wave that had reached its climax.

"Oh, the Russians have retreated? This"

"Damn it, am I reading that right? Where did this happen? Those Russians just withdrew like that? They obviously still have so many tanks and soldiers."

"Ha, maybe the supplies can't keep up. I guess these Russian guys came here with their last breath, and now they just can't hold on anymore."

"The Russians have retreated! Haha, they're going back! Long live the hair-washers!"

The German soldiers were all surprised, confused, stunned, or ecstatic, but this group of people with different expressions actually had one thing in common, that is, none of them knew that another group of their own friendly troops The end is already here, not far away.

"Yes! The first and second regiments are facing each other, tie my pockets, and block all the main streets in the block! Cut off the German retreat from the square area to the block, and annihilate any German standing in the square, but Don’t chase them, just drive them in the direction of the building complex.”

"After the pockets were tied, the noose was tightened, and the troops began to advance inward to compress the enemy's living space. The order of the comrade division commander was to eliminate all the remaining German soldiers in the block, and they must not be allowed to join the defenders in the construction area!"

Kulbalov, holding a radio in his hand, was transmitting orders from Malashenko to lower-level troops.

But our Comrade Lao Ma still stood in front of the map, looking at the situation between the enemy and ourselves, analyzing it secretly, and at the same time lifting his watch from time to time to estimate the expected time of the action plan.

"There is not enough time left to organize an attack in the direction of the building complex, but we must deal with the remaining enemy forces in the block at once. This nail cannot be left until tomorrow, otherwise we will not be able to sleep well in the middle of the night."

"While the dumplings are cooking in the pot, you have to lift them outside the pot. The thieves come to snatch the dumplings in the middle of the night. If they are uncooked, they will be uncooked! You must eat this pot of dumplings before dark. The Rocket Assault Battalion belongs to you now. Bring it to me. Use all your firepower to blast upward!"

"Yes! Comrade Division Commander, the First Brigade promises to complete the mission!"

Malashenko's order was accompanied by a mountain of military orders personally promised by Kulbalov.

The remaining German troops who were running for their lives and were about to escape from the neighborhood immediately ushered in their doomsday moment.

The Kulbalov brigade, which withdrew its fist from the attack on the building complex, changed direction. The two regiments that participated in the main attack mission and had formed a breakthrough began to confront each other. Like a pair of closed scissors, they were about to cut off the last lifeline of the German army in the block. hope.

The fleeing German army was caught off guard because the original attention of the two main siege teams on the left and right was not on them at all, but on the construction area. They did not take this group of Germans as defeated dogs from the beginning. When it comes to dishes, I basically don’t take it seriously.

At most, they only mobilized part of their troops for lateral defense, and made certain fire contact with the defeated German defenders in the neighborhoods, without any close combat, to prevent them from breaking up the offensive formation. This does not mean that these fleeing German troops are really capable of fighting and can compete with the main siege force of the leading division.

But now the situation is different. Following the order from Comrade Division Commander, the two siege teams began to attack the fleeing German army at the same time.

It doesn't matter if you don't take it seriously. If you take it seriously, it will be a bad thing on the spot, a bad thing caused by the Germans.

On the left and right, there were Stalin heavy tanks that were spraying thick black smoke and blaring machine guns. They were rushing forward fiercely. The small Russian tanks that could spit out infantrymen were flying at high speed. They stepped on the accelerator and died on the paved road in the square area. Turn on racing mode.

These German troops, who had no bunkers to rely on and no official business to defend during their retreat, were so unlucky that they had no way to deal with these violently charging steel behemoths. During the retreat, a large number of anti-armor technical weapons were abandoned in order to reduce the load and speed up the retreat. Now, in the hands of these routed German troops, only a few mop sticks, iron fists and tank killer chimneys are left.

Do you expect to be able to block Stalin's punch? Standing in the square and fighting against heavy tanks as a human Gundam?

The Aryan Superman might be able to do it, but the Nazi guy really can't.

"Load high-explosive bombs! At one o'clock, the German troop transport truck is five hundred meters away. The gunner is ready!"

"Good high-explosive bombs!"


"Send them to heaven!"


A powerful and heavy 122 grenade roared in, and a Lightning Opel troop transport truck that was running towards the construction area in the square was directly blown away.

The huge explosion completely tore the entire troop transport truck into parts. What was carried up to the sky by the fire shock wave was not only the metal debris and fragments, but also large pieces of German soft tissue debris, more than half of the legs, and half of the arms. , and even half of the intestines hanging from the buttocks were flying in the air with flesh and blood flying.

This was an overcrowded troop transport truck filled with nearly two Band soldiers. The floor in the middle of the truck was filled with wounded people lying on stretchers.

However, all of this was canceled after just one shot, and they all ascended to heaven together, sending Stalin tanks one by one.

Including the two running German guys who were relatively close and were blown away, the gunner who got 30+ heads with one shot was simply too good to be satisfied! There is nothing more rewarding for a tank gunner's efforts than watching the wreckage of his enemy being annihilated by his own gunfire.

Scenes like this are not just isolated cases, but a common phenomenon that is happening crazily on the contact line in the entire square area.

The Stalin heavy tanks raced into the direct fire position one after another with full firepower. The roaring 130mm and 122mm main guns fired a huge amount of communist grenades crazily.

The German vehicles listed as the first priority targets, regardless of whether they are tracked or wheeled, combat or troop transport, are all targets of hunting and tearing by the Soviet steel behemoths.

"Mom! Mom!!! I can't bear it anymore, I can't bear it anymore! I want to go home! Mom, ooohhhhh-"

The collapse of adults sometimes only occurs in a short moment, let alone the 17-year-old boy who was captured and sent to the army before he reached adulthood.

The young man who dropped the broken gun in his hand howled, cried, and ran wildly in the square in the direction of where his home was in his mind, regardless of what he thought.

But this scene did not last long. A 5mm heavy machine gun bullet fired from the IS7 heavy tank's roof machine gun ended everything, cutting it into two pieces and leaving the body in different places.

If you want to blame, just blame the gangsters who caught the children on the battlefield. The Red Army commander who pulled the trigger and fired the fatal projectile was still fighting, waving orders to the mechanized infantry who were advancing in coordination beside the vehicle.

"Crush German fascism! Comrades, move forward!"

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