Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2767 Late Night Meeting

"The 6th Infantry Division? These bastards are the old elite troops of the Germans. Most of the Wehrmacht field divisions with single-digit and double-digit numbers are not simple. This time we can kill a big fish."

Lavrinenko, who came to meet Malashenko after the battle, also learned about the latest situation and seemed a little surprised by the destruction of the German 6th Infantry Division.

"But how did they get here? I haven't encountered them on the battlefield before. This is the first time we have fought, right?"

In fact, Lavrinenko is not the only one who is confused. Malashenko also feels privately that "I don't quite understand."

If Malashenko remembers correctly, the 6th Infantry Division in the existing history was finally destroyed east of Prague. In 45 years, it was surrounded by the Red Army and had to lay down its weapons and surrender.


They are indeed elite. After all, they gritted their teeth and endured until the last moment of the empire's demise. They were even later than the shampooers.

But judging from the fighting in the past few days, Malashenko felt that he could easily suppress and solve the enemy with little effort, and basically did not feel the battlefield pressure brought by the enemy's "elite division".

Are they elites in vain? Or is it that the leader is too capable?

I don’t know, and Malashenko doesn’t want to get to the bottom of it. This is no more important than why the Sixth Infantry Division, which was not involved in the Battle of Berlin in the existing history, died in its own hands.

History has changed beyond recognition. The Yankees' 101st Airborne Division was unable to withstand the Germans' crazy attack in the current timeline. They were either killed or simply practiced French military salutes and went to concentration camps to experience life.

Malashenko is used to facing all kinds of surprises and surprises. Even if the hair-washer is successfully assassinated by someone around him tomorrow morning and the war ends early, to be honest Malashenko doesn’t think it’s too much. Something to be surprised about.

"It doesn't matter how we got here, as long as we know they are enemies and we did succeed in killing them, that's enough."

"From 1941 to now, are there still few so-called "elite elites" who have died in our hands? The list is long. One more bullshit "Sixth Infantry Division" is no big deal. Just tonight I We have to hold a press conference, but now we don’t have the material that we could use at first? The lieutenant general’s suicide note will be enough for the people in the newspaper office to keep busy for a while.”

"Press conference?"

Lavrinenko, who sounded obviously surprised, thought for a moment, then blurted out words with some doubts and confusion.

"Tonight? The battle hasn't made any breakthrough yet, and the Southern District hasn't been completely won yet. Are you sure we'll start tonight?"

"Yeah, sure. It doesn't matter if you open early or open late. What I'm worried about is that the later I go, the less time I have. It's better to open it once first and at least have an explanation. I won't be able to find time next time. Know when it is.”

Malashenko and Lavrinenko were discussing what needed to be done next and determining the details. On the outskirts of the neighborhood where the fighting had just subsided, the junction of the Red Army's actual control area and the German actual control area was at The area around the square where artillery fire and bullets were flying like a storm two hours ago.

Unable to bear his temper, Alsim chose to lead his group of brothers to stay near the boundary of the battlefield where the smell of gunpowder smoke had not completely dissipated. Now he was leaning in a dilapidated building at the edge of the square area, beside the third-floor window sill without even a window frame, quietly looking at the construction area shrouded in night at the end of the square opposite.

"Your name is Alsim, right? I've known you for a long time, and I've heard of you a long time ago. You are very famous in our division. Everyone has heard that you are a powerful character that can only be found in legends."

Alsim, who rarely took the initiative to chat with strangers, tilted his head against the wall and glanced sideways in the direction of the person. When he saw the person's appearance, he couldn't find it in his memory and then spoke quietly.

"I've never seen you, where did you come from?"

"Oh, I forgot to introduce myself, my question."

The man who also had an AK44 assault rifle in his hand smiled and sat next to Alsim, also leaning against the wall behind him.

"Sulovichenko, I am in the same brigade with you, commander of the 2nd Motorized Infantry Company of the 1st Regiment, 2nd Battalion. I have wanted to meet such a powerful person like you for a long time, and today I got my wish."

Seeing that he had finished speaking, the "cold" Alsim beside him still didn't speak. Sulovechenko, who knew that he had to start the topic by himself, didn't mind, so he used his brain to think about it and looked for a topic. Then he continued to speak.

"Those scumbags just refused to surrender. They locked themselves in a grave big enough to bury them, waiting for us to send them to the west with artillery fire. I bet we can deal with them tomorrow. It will definitely work. What do you think?"

Being enthusiastic is just "being enthusiastic" when facing teachers and comrades.

Alsim, who treated other people, especially strangers he met for the first time, as if he had a completely different personality, just said calmly.

"Maybe, but it might only take half a day."


Sulovechenko, who was about to say, "I didn't expect you to be more optimistic than me," didn't have time to say it. Alsim, who had just ignored him, seemed to suddenly become interested and went on his own. He continued talking and asked questions.

"Did you take down this building?"


He was just a little surprised by Alsim's capricious "personality". If he really wanted to answer, he would definitely say whatever he had to say. Sulovechenko immediately spoke truthfully.

"Yes, we captured this place when it was still dark. Most of the nemesis in the building ran away at that time, leaving a dozen wounded soldiers with weak legs and feet who were left here. At first, we wanted to fight stubbornly, but after a while, The shuttles knocked down a few and they all surrendered, and then we can sit here and watch the night view. "

"Then your company is quite good. Anyone who dares to rush into the building is considered a hero, at least to me."


It was completely unexpected that this "rumored tough guy" who seemed extremely cold-hearted would actually say this. Sulovechenko seemed a little uncomfortable with the sudden praise.

"Then I should say thank you for the compliment, especially from Alsim."

"Heh, if you want to say it, just say it. It's whatever you want."


It must be said that the rumors about "Arsim is difficult to deal with" are true. Sulovechenko, who was talked to death by Alsim again, was thinking about what to say next, but Alsim Mu's head start was obviously one step faster.

"I see you're okay. It's interesting. Do you want to go on a job with me?"

"What? A job?"

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