Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2768 We will meet for real soon

"The firepower range of those high altitudes covered most of the square, and they were not dealt with during the daytime battle. Many of our people are still in the square, and we must at least bring them back."

Of course, "bringing them back" does not refer to the living people, but to those comrades who have sacrificed their lives.

Through the relatively bright moonlight tonight and his good eyesight, Sulovechenko could indeed see many silhouettes of human figures lying on the ground in the square, motionless. Of course he understood what Alsim meant by this. .

"It was the German guy on the opposite side who first proposed it. They asked to treat the wounded without being attacked. Heh, to be honest, I don't think there are still people alive among the dead, but there is no guarantee that there will be accidents."

"It just so happens that our big leaders here also think so. After an analysis, we feel that this is also our opportunity. We can pack up and carry back the bodies of our fallen comrades, and maybe we can find a few who are still alive to save them."

"Someone has to do this, and I'm a little short on manpower. How about it? Are you interested in coming along?"

Sulovechenko suddenly felt that as long as he started talking, Alsim was actually a relatively easy person to talk to, and he wasn't the kind of person who couldn't communicate at all.

"No problem, but I have to ask my superiors for permission, at least for permission."

"It's up to you, but I can't wait too long. If you don't come later, I will find someone else.


Maybe it was because of some deliberate arrangements in advance, but at least the process of requesting instructions and getting approval went smoothly.

Sulovechenko, who was thinking that he had been either a guard or working as a corpse collector for the past two days, felt a little strange, a feeling that he couldn't put into words, but he followed Alsim without thinking too much. start to act.

"The Germans will come over first and watch their movements. In addition, we have to protect the medical teams and keep our spirits up and keep our eyes open."

Alsim, who once again acted as the leader of the team, looked at the surrounding environment and issued orders.

The unobstructed and unobstructed square became cold and desolate at night. Although it was not cold compared to the winter in the Soviet Union, it seemed a bit eerie in the environment where there were piles of dead people everywhere.

As for whether the Red Army soldiers are afraid of such an environment, that is a completely unrelated matter.

"Quiet, come on! These German guys arrived on time."

In the construction area at the end of the square area, a long string of lights that broke through the darkness came towards us in the form of a motorcade and drove out slowly. They drove not too fast along the way and stopped slowly in the center of the square.

I saw a German officer getting out of a barrel truck at the front of the convoy. In the middle of the night, I would not have known how old the officer was or what he looked like unless I had deliberately looked closer. I could only guess based on the momentum of his walk. It should not be an official who is too small.

"As agreed, we are here to treat the wounded and collect the bodies. You can come out. I know you are here, the Russians."

"Damn it! This bastard is talking like we are afraid of him and deliberately avoiding him!"

The combat engineer soldiers lurking in the shadows and standing still cursed angrily. Alsim, who led the team on this mission, didn't care about this, at least he didn't seem to care. He quickly appeared from behind the bunker and left on his own initiative. Got out.

"I thought this was going to be an ambush and you would take the opportunity to shoot us to death. It seems I was wrong."

The German guy opposite speaks fluent Russian, and he even sounds like he has a Western Ukrainian accent. I don’t know what his previous resume is or what he does. Anyway, he can speak Russian, so he can do his own thing. Alsim then replied with a sneer.

"No, you will die under our cannons and fire explosions. Only a very small number of people can enjoy the death given by bullets, just like those of your comrades who were killed in the streets."


Don't slap people in the face when you hit them, don't curse people when you scold them.

As soon as Alsim came up, he gave the German guy a hard slap on the face, and now he was almost scolding his German guy's mother.

The German officer opposite was severely humiliated and obviously felt "uncomfortable". However, the deep sense of powerlessness brought about by the comparison of strength between the form and the person did not allow the angry German officer to do so from a rational point of view. , to defend and refute something.

In the end, he could only let out a long sigh of relief like a deflated rubber ball, and then continue to speak calmly.

"Then can we start now? You have work to do too, right?"

"Oh, work."

This was a body collection operation in which neither side was disarmed. The reason was simple.

The two armies who were fighting each other just a few hours ago now no longer trust each other. The Germans are afraid of being ambushed and attacked. Naturally, the leading division cannot imagine that the enemy is too kind and must save a hand.

In this case, the two sides do not meet each other with guns blazing, which is already the biggest way to give each other face.

Alsim's AK was hung on his back, and the MP40 submachine gun of the German officer on the opposite side was also carried on his back. But even so, it still couldn't stop Alsim's ominous aura in his laughter. Make enemies tremble.

"My job is to kill a lot of scum like you, and killing two-legged beasts like you makes me feel extremely happy and happy."

"But that's not tonight, it's just tonight, so you'd better finish it and get out, otherwise you'll stay with the dead people on the ground. If you're interested, you can apply for an experience with me. I don't mind doing it for you. Free service.”


The strong ominous aura did not seem to be fake. Just standing in front of this man, the German officer who had been looking directly at Alsim from the beginning felt that this could not be a show of force. It's just pretentious, not even a joke.

Having pissed off the gloomy and mysterious man in front of him, he might actually be able to do what he said and translate it into actual actions, or at least try to achieve it.

Having said this, it seems unnecessary to do any more unnecessary nonsense.

Knowing that he didn't have much time, the German officer immediately turned around and waved an order. The German soldiers behind him who had already got out of the car and were on standby immediately dispersed and ran towards the nearest street fighter wearing their own uniform to take a look first. Is anyone still alive and breathing?

The German army began to take action, and the Red Army certainly did not fall behind.

The stretcher team and medical team protected by Alsim and his party immediately stepped forward and took the time to start work on the spot.

But inadvertently, Alsim, who was standing next to the wall and responsible for leading the team on guard and keeping an eye on the Germans to prevent trouble, suddenly felt that there was a pair of unnoticed eyes in the shadows in a certain direction, quietly watching. Hold yourself.

Alsim, who had always trusted his instincts, felt that there was nothing wrong with it. This feeling of being stared at was just an uncomfortable feeling.

Subconsciously trying to find the source of that gaze but to no avail, Sora left a strange smile and slowly receded among the German figures opposite.

"Don't worry, little Russian, we will meet for real soon."

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