Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2769 They are afraid of us

"Help, someone help me"

"Hey? Hey! Wake up! Hold on, boy! There are survivors here, come here and give me a hand!"

"This way! Quick!"

Miracles will always happen, even on the battlefield.

The leadership medical team's efforts to search for survivors among the dead were not in vain, and they finally gained something.

A faint cry for help came from under the piles of corpses mixed with Red Army and Nazis. Following the direction of the sound, they swarmed up. The military doctors and health workers who were scrambling to open the corpses discovered the corpse at a glance. Survivors who are still alive.

It was a young face that looked like he had just grown up. The blood and war ashes all over his face had already turned his face into a mess.

The shin bones shattered by bullets made it impossible for him to stand and walk. At the same time, his two arms were injured by shrapnel, making it impossible for him to move his body by crawling.

Three of the person's limbs were lost, and there were many wounds all over the body, although the vital parts were not injured, but the blood was still flowing and slowly surging.

Sometimes you have to lament the greatness of life. The strong desire to survive and the firm will superimpose and help each other, which finally makes a soldier tenaciously survive until now even if he is injured.

"Carry him down and get into the car! Call the medical center to prepare for emergency rescue. The wounded need blood transfusion immediately, hurry!"

The Medical Team of the Leader Division, carrying abundant medical supplies, was busy here. Whenever they found a survivor among the dead, they immediately concentrated the on-site medical force for emergency treatment, and then immediately loaded the vehicle and sent them away.

In stark contrast, on the German side opposite, the Germans, who lacked medical care and medicine, did their best to find survivors and were busy. But even if survivors are found, whether it is on-site emergency treatment or the speed of evacuation of the wounded, they are far behind the Red Army who are also rescuing people on the same battlefield ruins.

What kind of vehicle does the leadership division use to rescue the wounded?

Private car.

Once a survivor is discovered, an ambulance team that is already on standby not far away will immediately pull out a vehicle and be ready.

As soon as the stretcher team and the accompanying medical staff got on the bus, they started off without any delay and headed straight for the nearest field medical center in the direction of the block as quickly as possible.

The Kulbalov brigade, which definitely has enough wheeled vehicles, specially deployed enough suitable vehicles for this operation to perform the task.

In addition to the ambulances from the brigade field hospital and lower-level medical clinics, Kulbalov also asked Malashenko to secondment a group of ambulances from the division field hospital, but in the end it was not even enough.

In the spirit of "even if you don't use it, you don't want to use it without it", Kurbalov put all his brigade commander's vehicles in it, and added the command-type Gaga equipped with a vehicle-mounted radio station. The small Jeep simply packed up the back seat and storage box and turned it into a temporary modified field ambulance.

It can be said that the state of rescuing the wounded here at the leadership division is "vehicle waiting for people". The driver comrades who were left in the car are now all lining up, eagerly waiting for the wounded comrades to be escorted down, and then hurriedly step on the accelerator and set off.

What's going on with the German guy opposite?

A bunch of people are waiting for a car, and at least three injured people are needed to start the car.

Why, you ask?

Why else.

The Germans who suffered such a huge defeat on the Zelo Highlands and lost their troops and generals were miserably defeated, and then were shut down and beaten by the Red Army. The Germans were beaten violently in the city. Now, how can there be so many transport vehicles to call upon? ah?

The transport convoys of sufficient size were either destroyed on the Zero Heights, or were left behind by the embarrassment-escaping German troops outside the city, suburbs or streets of Berlin. The logistics system on the verge of collapse has left the German fleet with almost no reliable maintenance support. If you want to repair a broken part, you will most likely have to disassemble it from another vehicle of the same model.

Even if there are a few cars that can barely run, where does the gasoline come from?

The armored forces still didn't have enough fuel and had nowhere to replenish them. They were almost constantly fighting. Whenever possible, oil will even be pumped out of combat vehicles that have been destroyed, paralyzed, and cannot be recovered.

Your car team can't go to the armored troops who are almost begging for food and say, "Let me pump some gas from the tank," right?

This is not realistic.

The current reality caused by this is that the German army has only a few vehicles and cannot support the discovery of a wounded person and the immediate evacuation of another. If you really do this, the entire evacuation line will collapse for you in minutes.

The wounded found in the front were just sent off, but before the car could return, the wounded in the back could only wait to die helplessly, even if they had been dug out of the pile of corpses.

Apart from the simple bandaging that was better than nothing and lacked medical treatment, there was basically no essential difference from the original state of lying in a pile of corpses waiting to die. Even after experiencing a round of "despair-hope-despair again" torture of waiting for death, the degree of despair in the last moment before death is even heavier than the original period of lying in a pile of corpses and waiting for death with no hope.

No matter what you Germans think or how you face it, this is the most contrasting reality happening before your eyes.

"Those German guys are quite honest and don't do any tricks."

Alsim was leaning against the wall and was bored. He even started to smoke a cigarette and worship God on the spot.

Sulovechenko is also a veteran, but not as perverted and "Slavic superman" as Alsim. Of course, Sulovechenko will not choose to be a low-key second-stringer. He came up and said something stupid to Alsim, "This is not the right place to smoke, please put it out immediately." This was the same even if the two men had completely equal military ranks and positions and were both captains and company commanders.

There is a truth in any army that is good at fighting: only the strong are qualified to preach, otherwise it will be ridiculous.

Coincidentally, both Alsim and Sulovchenko are firm believers in such truths, and Alsim, who has a notorious reputation, is exactly what Sulovchenko believes in. Strong people deserve respect.

"Tricks? You think too highly of them. You must learn to understand the psychology of prey so that you can hunt more efficiently."

"They don't bring guns to kill, let alone to die, they just want to protect themselves and survive. These evil beasts are afraid of us, the leader, and the name of the comrade, just like an old wolf seeing a hunter With the shotgun in his hand, he couldn’t help but tremble before the gun went off.”

"Beasts like wolves are cunning and slippery. They are one of the most difficult opponents a person can encounter in the wild."

"After old wolves have witnessed how efficiently humans hunted their companions and survived, fear will accompany them for the rest of their lives and derive their sanity. They will not hit the fire-breathing pipe in human hands like the young blood. , no seed, but able to survive. The same is true for these Germans in front of you now. They are no different from beasts on all levels. "

"After seeing with your own eyes how we massacred their comrades, you should feel fear."

"They're afraid of us, but something has to be done, and that's the way it should be."

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