Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2770 But Comrade Commander values ​​you very much

"When you kill those naughties? How do you feel?"

Perhaps because he is a popular person around the division commander, there are quite a lot of rumors about the legendary combat engineer company commander Alsim in the leadership division.

Sulovchenko has heard of several kinds, all kinds of weird ones. Sulovchenko is very curious about which of them are real and which are fictitious, such as "To Alsim." "It is said that killing a person is as senseless as trampling on an ant."


Alsim, who usually doesn't like to talk to strangers and avoids strangers when they see him, rarely answers such questions.

However, when Sulovechenko asked, Alsim became interested. Since he rarely mentioned it to others, he might as well take this opportunity to talk casually.

"I don't feel anything. If you insist on saying that I do, then I can only say that it is similar to the feeling I had when I was fifteen years old and was left alone by my father to hunt on the hunting ground."


Sulovechenko felt something was not right. Why was the actual situation more "sensational" than the rumors? What kind of family does a father have to leave his 15-year-old son alone in the wild to hunt?

"I still remember what my old man said to me at that time."

"A hunter may die at any time as long as he doesn't put down his shotgun. Hunting is relative, and who hunts whom also changes dynamically. You can kill an animal a hundred or a thousand times, but the animal only needs to kill you once. enough."

"A hunter's family cannot be without men. To be precise, it cannot be without men who can hunt alone and bring meat back to the family."

"Maybe tomorrow, I will die. At least you have to believe that my death is imminent. Learn enough things from me before I die and train yourself to be a real hunter. Only in this way can the son defeat his father's pile After being buried with only a few pieces of rotten meat left by the beasts, I picked up the bloody shotgun and hunting knife and continued to support the family. My beloved mother would not starve to death in the cabin."


Not to mention that he had never heard of it from others, even if he read books and newspapers, he had never seen such a "violent life of eating hair and drinking blood". Now he felt as if he was listening to some violent fairy tale.

"Did you sum it up yourself?"

Sulovechenko was a little unbelievable, but when he thought of Alsim's shocking past record, it seemed that only such a story was appropriate for him.

"No, it has nothing to do with me. The old man in my family figured it out by himself and told me when I was 15 years old. Didn't I just tell you everything? That was the first time I hunted alone in my life. Once, that’s why I remember it so well.”

"There will be no special changes in the future. Hunting again and again, killing one after another. Carving out your heart and lungs for the prey, witnessing the live organs beating vigorously in front of your eyes, and the warm blood flowing from the palm of your hand, Soon I fell in love with this feeling and became obsessed with challenging more powerful prey to amplify the pleasure.”

"When hunting the most powerful beast in the forest could not satisfy me and I started to feel bored, I was 19 years old and a comrade major who passed by my door took a fancy to me. And when I refused his offer When I invited him, he smiled and told me that killing enemies is much more interesting than slaughtering a few animals. I didn’t believe it at the time, but later I found out that it was indeed true.”

"I just don't know how the comrade Major who told me this is doing now. Is he still alive? Suka, maybe he has been buried long ago. But now that I think about it, I do still owe him a 'thank you'."


At least based on what he has heard so far, Sulovechenko, who is quite speechless, has finally determined one thing: regarding "Alsim kills people without blinking an eye, killing Na Na is like killing chickens and dogs." "The general rumors seem to be true.

No matter what state Sulovchenko was in, Alsim, who calmly threw the butt of the cigarette he had finished smoking at his fingertips at his feet and raised his foot to stamp it out, remained calm and chatty.

"Don't make that expression. Your worries are unnecessary."

"I know what I am doing and how to control myself. No matter what happened in the past, no one who died under my hands in the past four years was innocent. Do you know that hunters also have codes? I will not aim. The pregnant she-wolf pulled the trigger and swung the hunting knife, and now the same thing happened to the Germans, and those unchallenging upright prey didn't interest me."

Sulovechenko certainly knows what "those" refer to. Indeed, in a group like the Leadership Division, there is nothing more stringent than military law.

To say that in the eyes of comrade the division commander, he could tolerate a murderer who could only recognize the word "slaughter" in his eyes was to follow him. Sulovechenko felt that this could be regarded as a rumor and slander against the comrade division commander.

If anyone dared to say this in front of him, he would probably get a beating.

"You know? Some people say that everyone who knows you is grateful that you are a teammate and a comrade, rather than an enemy on the opposite side. Now I think I am beginning to agree with this view."


Hearing this, Alsim shook his head, but smiled inadvertently but sincerely.

"I'm just an illiterate who only knows how to kill. I have nothing to be thankful for. I'm only qualified to do this lowest level of primitive work in my life."

"But Comrade Commander thinks highly of you, doesn't he?"

Sulovechenko suddenly said this without any warning, as if he had hit Alsim's fatal wound invisibly. Alsim, who had been chatting and laughing just now, seemed to have his smile frozen as if the pause button had been pressed.

"Even I know that you are the popular person around Comrade Division Commander. Look at our division, brother, I can count the popular people around Comrade Division Commander on one hand. They are all big shots with high status, such as deputy division commander, brigade commander, and political commissar. But you are different, you are special, you are the only one who fights bloody battles with the Germans at the grassroots level and is so highly regarded by the division commanders and comrades. "

"I guess he must have some ideas about your future plan. My intuition tells me that he is. I heard that when Comrade Senior Commander was valued, the person who valued him was named Zhukov. Who said that the same story cannot happen again with a different protagonist? ? To be honest, I really envy you, brother."

It cannot be denied that what Sulovechenko said was completely wrong. Alsim, whose eyes flickered for a moment, did not continue to speak. His expression was as if he was holding some complicated but unspeakable questions in his heart and was unable to speak.

But at this moment, the Germans, who were on good terms with the Red Army and were busy with their own affairs, suddenly did something unexpected and made Alsim frown. Wrinkled, eyes staring.

"Garbage time is over, let's go take a look."

Alsim and Sulovechenko, who reacted equally quickly, had just taken a step forward. The Germans who came forward with stretchers not far away had already been "focused" by the soldiers on guard around them.

"Don't get me wrong, we don't mean any harm, we just want to talk to you so we can talk about cooperation and helping each other."

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