Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2774: Executing the law on the spot on the battlefield

"Have you heard? Tonight's press conference is hosted by General Malashenko. I have only seen him in the newspaper before. Now I am so excited just sitting here."

"Who isn't? Irina, I struggled to get this opportunity."

"Don't just look at the stars in your eyes. Take notes later. You are here to work, not to watch a movie."

Although the protagonist of the press conference has not yet appeared, the media and reporters in the audience are already very lively. One or two people are all whispering and discussing. Even the American press box next to the Soviet press box is also talking constantly.

"Oh, Jimmy. The Russian general who can scare Nazis into pissing their pants has been locking us up all day. Is he going to set us free tonight? I think that's a bit much."

"How do I know such a thing? Man, if I knew, I would definitely be the first to tell you. Doesn't this explain the answer to the question?"

"Hey, hey! Gil, I heard that you have been with that general for the past two days. How did you do it? You can make Russia's famous heroes fall under your skirt."

The "gorgeous" lady is obviously the absolute focus of the eyes of several American female reporters present.

Being able to listen to the wind is like rain, and like to gossip. These are always the natural attributes that women have. They don't even need to learn when they are born, even during the Second World War, it was the same.

"Oh, Emily, what are you talking about? Mine is just a job like yours, it's just a job. Why do you think I slept with General Malashenko? I'm grounded like you. One day? Isn’t that outrageous?”

Why Jill thought that was her business, but obviously, the older female colleague who made fun of her didn't think so, even after Jill had explained.

"Well, that's a pity~ But if I had a face as beautiful as yours, things would definitely be different now."


After just a few words, she was made red-faced by a bunch of "good friends" and couldn't stand up. Jill, who was very selfish and very competitive, wanted to argue some more, but she never expected to be interrupted by the sound of footsteps that followed.

"Here he comes, he's here! Jill, the man of your dreams is here, look!"

"Oh God! Look at his clothes, look at his inverted triangle upper body, and those two long legs! I have never seen such a perfect body shape in my dreams, I swear."

The female reporters' eyes were full of stars, and their heart-pounding discussions continued and reached their peak. However, this made the American male reporters on the side feel unexpectedly embarrassed.

"Well, which team won yesterday's game? Carl, football, I said football, that's right."

"Damn it, don't you usually watch football? Do you think I should change the subject?"

“I watch it occasionally, not much, but I bet $10 yesterday, which is a huge sum of money.

The people in the audience were chattering, which was no different from the early morning vegetable market in Malashenko’s future memory.

However, this was not an important matter. Malashenko, who had seen many big scenes, could handle it completely, so as usual, he followed the original plan and calmly took the file bag that the political commissar had prepared for him. Podium.

The first thing to do is to take out your press release from your portfolio.

"Relying on so much? Is this wrong???"

Although he appears calm on the surface, of course he must remain calm.

But when I saw that the so-called "press releases" I had just taken out of the file bag were piled up in a big pile, I guess they were about the same thickness as the IS6 operation manual, but this scared Comrade Ma so much that he said " Heartbroken."

I casually browsed through a few of them and found that they were all about recent highlights and highlights, questions that may be asked by reporters and how to answer them. I also attached specific details collected and sorted out for your reference. Reference, that is, these materials account for the vast majority of this pile.

"Fuck, forget it, I'd better keep this manuscript and put it in the archives later."

Malashenko, who really felt that he was not sure that he could handle the manuscript without making a fool of himself, simply put the thing he had just taken out on the podium and made a rather bold decision to "give an unscripted speech".

That's right, Comrade Lao Ma is determined to win over the reporters in the audience with his "eloquence", and he firmly believes that he can do it just like his constant victorious companions on the battlefield.

"Ladies and gentlemen, all comrades here, I am very happy that you can come to this press conference hosted by Malashenko."

"Here, in the name of all the commanders and fighters of the Leadership Division and myself, I would like to express my gratitude to you for coming and for your trust in security. This special field press conference will now officially begin."


Pah pah pah pah——

There was a burst of enthusiastic applause from the audience, which made Comrade Ma feel a little uncomfortable.

Why do you feel that this press conference looks a bit like a speech ceremony? It always feels like something is not quite right.

It's just that Malashenko didn't have much time to think, because the reporters who had just finished applauding and then started raising their hands would not give Comrade Ma a chance to be stunned.

"First, the female reporter over there, third from the left in the back row."

On the stage, Malashenko raised his hand and pointed, and someone in the press box with arms raised like a forest immediately responded.

Of course, it was the Soviet reporter who got up from his seat, not the American reporter. Malashenko still understood that the first priority should be given to his own family.

"Hello, respected General Malashenko, I am Anna Pova, TASS's special correspondent on the front line in Berlin."

"I would like to ask Comrade General, there are rumors claiming that the 6th Infantry Division, the elite force of the Wehrmacht, was annihilated by the leading division in today's daytime battle and the entire army was wiped out. The enemy chief, Lieutenant General Otto Hermann Adolf Bruck, was killed and the division commander was beheaded. , I want to confirm with you whether this situation is true? This will be another victory for the anti-Fascist war of all mankind."

Ha, you are indeed one of my own family! It seems that he came here to ask after getting inside information.

Yes, that’s a good question indeed! When I asked my brother, I felt like I was thinking, this big sister really knows how to get things done!

Malashenko, who has been waiting for the "moment of showing off", can only be said to be elated now. I have to say that his own family is reliable in doing things. If he announces the good news first, isn't that a good sign for a good start?

This thing is auspicious!

"Thank you to the beautiful journalist comrade from the motherland for asking the question. I must admit that the professionalism of your work is just like your appearance, which left a deep impression on me."

In the first sentence of the opening sentence, first translate "Man, I'm very happy" into actual language and release it.

Amid the envy, jealousy, and hatred of the female reporter and the blushing heartbeat of the sister involved, Comrade Ma raised his two big hands to the stage, and Comrade Lao Ma, who was "swallowing mountains and rivers with anger", started to get to the point.

"First of all, I would like to confirm to everyone the authenticity of this good news."

"Yes, the enemy's elite 6th Infantry Division of the Wehrmacht was surrounded by our leading division in the south block of the city in the battle this evening and was annihilated with heavy blows. This group has brought countless pain to the motherland. The armed thugs who had committed numerous crimes and crimes in the Soviet Union, together with their leaders, were executed on the battlefield by the brave and fearless Red Army soldiers in the name of their leaders. "

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