Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2775 Disaster and War

If we really want to say that the annihilation of the 6th Infantry Division is actually not a big deal for either Malashenko or the leading division.

As for the reason, there is only one very simple one: too many Germans died at the hands of the leadership division, and there were too many famous so-called elites who were killed by the leadership division.

The SS had the Viking Division, and the Wehrmacht had the Grossdeutschland Division.

These two troops are the ones with the most famous names that truly died at the hands of the Leader's Division. The latter was even more heavyweight and was destroyed by the Leader's Division twice in total. It can be regarded as a literal enemy.

However, as the saying goes, "It is better to die well than to die wisely." The 6th Infantry Division, which was very cooperative when Malashenko needed it to die, happened to be the latter.

The press conference here needed news, and the Sixth Infantry Division, who was afraid of delaying Comrade Ma's big event, hurriedly delivered a piece of pleasant news, which really moved the leader.

When another round of warm applause came to an end, Malashenko, who was in high spirits on happy occasions, began to scan the arms raised like a forest of people in the audience again, and it didn't take long for him to focus his sight again. In the Soviet press box at home.

"That one, the gay man wearing glasses, the one on the far left in the third row."

"Thank you, Comrade General."

The male reporter, who was called by Malashenko as he wished, stood up with thanks and blurted out the questions he had prepared.

"Comrade General, I am Vasily Kashin, the war correspondent of Pravda. There are rumors in Berlin recently that the Nazis are robbing civilians and using them as soldiers to capture young men. The vast majority of ordinary homes have also been looted by SS thugs. , basic living supplies were looted, making it difficult to maintain daily life.”

"Are the above rumors true? What response methods did the Red Army adopt? What is the actual situation in the Berlin Liberated Area under your rule?"

The reports in our own media are definitely positive and uplifting. This is for sure.

To be able to raise this question, I must have some inside information. Baobuqi came up with this question after seeing something the leader did in the actual control area. Now I just need the leader to give an official statement. Just answer to confirm.

It is no exaggeration to say that Malashenko was even 70% sure that the reporter who asked the question should have prepared the press release he needed.

All you need to do is get an officially confirmed answer from Malashenko, and then slightly revise and polish the manuscript and you're done. In fact, many of the jobs of media people can be prepared in advance. Not everything has to be handled until something actually happens.

After all, news is somewhat predictable and timely, and only those who make good use of it can go further and climb higher in this industry.

"Thank you to the Pravda reporter from the motherland for asking the question. This is indeed a very meaningful question."

"First of all, I want to confirm one thing to everyone. Just as the journalist comrade just said, it is true. There are indeed a large number of humanitarian disasters in Berlin, which have already happened and are happening now, and in the upcoming next stage. It will continue to happen.”

"This reminds me of something that happened not long ago."

"A beautiful American journalist once faced me and asked me face to face why I ignored such a huge humanitarian disaster and why I sat back and ignored the ongoing disaster."

"The answer is obvious. We try to help everyone within our capabilities, just like we distribute free food, supplies, and all available humanitarian relief to the residents of Berlin on the streets. Supplies. Even provide necessary medical treatment to Berlin citizens, if it is really critical and conditions permit.”

At the moment when Malashenko was speaking, several venue order coordinators who had been arranged in advance, and several young staff members from the leadership division who served as temporary guests, began to walk to the press box in the audience and hand out tickets to the reporters. The photos that have been prepared by Qi Qi, including American reporters of course.

"But at the same time the other fact is we can't help everyone all the time."

"It is true that this is a huge humanitarian disaster, but at the same time, it is also an ongoing war. A final and decisive battle that can be recorded in the annals of human history, it is extremely bloody and violent."

"I, and all my comrades, and countless Red Army soldiers. Each of us must be clear about the purpose of our coming here. This is not an international humanitarian rescue team coming to rescue war refugees from hostile countries. "

"Only on the premise that it does not hinder us from completing our main military objectives, any humanitarian relief operations can be gradually implemented."

"When these evil-doing Nazis were rampant in the streets of Berlin, and when they saw men of military age and even old men, children, and women who were not of military age, they were forcibly taken away and arrested. It was the leader who brought these companies alive. The elderly, frail, women and children who had no hope of survival brought food, medicine, drinking water and all daily necessities with hope, and were able to survive this darkest and most difficult time."

"I have always firmly believed that war, as a kind of violent conflict that will always appear intermittently in the long history of mankind, is not the mainstream. In the long run, it will only be an episode in the process of human development. The development of human beings will still be Peace will be the main theme.”

"What the leader does is to leave more seeds of hope for the peaceful development of mankind, hoping that more innocent creatures who have been devastated by the war will live to see the day when the flames of war dissipate. The only way This has never changed.”

Pah, pah, pah, pah—

Click-click-click click-

Warm applause and the sound of camera shutters were heard one after another.

Malashenko has undoubted excellent speaking skills. Even though he is completely separated from the manuscript and performs on the spot, he still has the outstanding ability to conquer the media elites present. The continuous applause and the sound of the shutter that freezes this moment are preserved. This is the best proof.

However, the transition between good and bad things is often only in an instant that is difficult to detect.

When Malashenko, after the applause stopped, pointed his finger at the third and first American reporter, this "good show" had just begun in the true sense.

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