Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2776 Your Educational Qualifications

Chapter 2776 Your Educational Qualifications

The photos that were just distributed to the reporters in the audience were taken by the propaganda officers within the leader's own staff.

The contents are almost all kinds, and they are not all the same, but the themes and themes involved are similar or even consistent.

In this photo, the leader is setting up distribution points for supplies on the streets to provide relief to war refugees. Berlin citizens are queuing up to get numbers and receive free supplies on a per-capita basis. The queue stretches to the next street corner and ends as far as the eye can see.

Just looking at this black and white photo is quite visually impactful, let alone the scene when the incident occurred.

The next photo shows the leader's field hospital, which is receiving a pregnant woman in labor who has just been delivered by ambulance. I saw medical staff inside and outside the car, hurriedly carrying the stretcher down from the car. In another photo accompanying it, the infant child was being carried by the young Red Army soldier just after he was born. A warm scene in the arms of a female nurse.

Oh, it’s worth mentioning that the pretty little nurse in the photo is our sister Anya.

This is not because Malashenko deliberately flatters Anya. It is purely because Anya has rich experience in assisting on the operating table. Most of the nurses in the field hospital have never done such work as delivering babies. , the final result of volunteering to sign up for battle is nothing more.

No matter what others think or see, whether they think these photos are staged or deliberately staged.

Malashenko always firmly believes that something must be done, and doubts and slander cannot be a reason for inaction.

Just like I ordered to help these war refugees, the reason at the beginning was not just to create material for a few photos.

What other Red Army field divisions do is the business of other division commanders. I, Malashenko, am too lazy to care and I have no control over them.

But as long as I sit in this position as division commander, my unit will move one day closer to the goal of carrying immortal legends and collective heroism.

No matter how unattainable this goal seems, I will persist as always, even if I am "always on the road", I will still never look back and do whatever I can. Just like the leader's heart flowing with passionate blood, it is constantly beating and regenerating, guiding generations of inheritors to inherit the achievements and glory of the martyrs, always on the road to the future.

"Are you kidding!? Are the Russians fooling us with this shit? I will never admit it in my life, never!"

The American reporter who just said this has now been named by Malashenko and stood up.

Of course, he lowered his voice and complained softly to his colleagues next to him. It was impossible or he dared not let the big Russian man on the podium, who was over 1.9 meters tall, hear this.

With his small frame of just over 17 meters tall, his calves are not as thick as Malashenko's unicorn arms, which he had been trained to use when he often helped his crew carry replenished artillery shells. It is probably not an exaggeration to say that Comrade Lao Ma can fight ten of these little bastards. It may even be an understatement.

But when it comes to talking skills and comparing his ability to tell the truth, this ordinary American reporter who calls himself a "higher elite" is really not afraid of the powerful Russian guy on the stage.

"General Malashenko, I would like to ask you how to explain the unauthorized detention of the American press group. All of us have been locked up by you in this shitty German city for a whole day. You have violated our basic human rights. and freedom, for which you must give a reasonable explanation.”


Malashenko could predict that the Yankees would take the opportunity to make trouble. In fact, Malashenko just wanted to wait for the Yankees to "get into trouble" before he could "put on a good show." You can even understand that the press conference itself is a trap specially set by Malashenko for the Yankees. Any news broadcast is secondary and incidental, not the main purpose.

However, Gui Neng could have expected that this was not directly related to Malashenko's current slight surprise.

To be honest, Comrade Lao Ma really didn't expect that the Americans would jump out to find trouble in such a stupid and stupid way.

Is this still elite? That's it? ? ?

At least, can't you come up with a more sophisticated method that will make me, my friend, look down on you Americans more?

The arrogant question hit his face, but Malashenko on the stage did not rush to answer immediately. Instead, he calmly focused his attention on the core C seat in the American press box. Glanced.

Captain Jefferson, who was sitting in his seat, was just sitting there motionless like a bastard, directly arranging his head, without the slightest intention of scolding his subordinates for their rude behavior.

But when this guy was standing still, there was actually a little bit of teasing and expectation in his face, and he was waiting to see a joke.

After witnessing this scene, Malashenko basically understood the situation and knew who was responsible for such a bad thing happening now.

That's fine. Although the first scene was a little unexpected, it still did not prevent Malashenko from starting to implement the plan that he had already prepared, and then blurted it out towards the arrogant American reporter.

"First of all, this anonymous American journalist from whom I don't know, I guess you must not have read the venue rules carefully, and you are almost completely ignorant of the basic professional ethics of journalists. Only when two Soviet colleagues have already given you After being demonstrated, I don’t know what to do when I stand up from my seat.”

"In our Soviet Union, even primary school students who have just learned how to do addition and subtraction know without a doubt how to answer the teacher's questions after two children have demonstrated it in class. It is precisely because of human beings that they have Only when there is order can one be called a human being. A chaotic bipedal creature with no order at all is called a naked ape.”

"Oh, maybe I'm a little rash in saying this, and I shouldn't make subjective assumptions about your academic qualifications. But please allow me to ask one more question out of curiosity. In my own name, have you really never gone to elementary school? Huh?"



Not only the Soviet press box, but also the adjacent American press box, and even the coordinators and security guards who maintained order at the venue could not hold back for a while and laughed out loud.

The laughter was not loud, but it was extremely insulting.

Coupled with Malashenko's extremely sarcastic words before he finished speaking, an American reporter who was blushing and thick-necked for a moment and completely lost the nostrils he had just turned up was unwilling to admit defeat.

"This is not the point of the question, this is sophistry! You should answer the questions I raised!"

"Oh, of course, I didn't say I refused to answer your question, right? Then why do you assume that I won't answer your question? After all, I really went to elementary school and I know how to maintain and abide by it. order."


Before Malashenko finished speaking, the press boxes of the United States and the Soviet Union were collectively unable to hold their nerves for a while.

If it weren't for the fact that the basic venue order still needs to be observed, I am afraid that the current venue will only be filled with a happy atmosphere of laughter for a while.

When the snickering subsided and the venue became quiet again, Malashenko, with a mysterious smile on his face, continued to speak slowly.

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