Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2777 Secret Exposed

“I think the main reason for this has been explained clearly enough before.

"I have sufficient evidence in my hand to show that the information you compiled involves major military secrets of the Leader Division. Before the corresponding investigation is completed, appropriate restrictive measures based on the framework of our cooperation are necessary."

"After all, neither of us wants to see the misunderstanding deepen. It would be good for both of us to cooperate with each other to get the investigation results as soon as possible, isn't it?"

As usual, Malashenko said what he said last time.

Military secrets are military secrets, and this will not change at all.

To take a step back, now that everything has been said, if Malashenko can still compromise on issues related to military secrets, then where will you put the prestige and face of Comrade Ma? As a soldier and a senior commander, he compromised on the military secrets of his own job.

If this is confirmed and spread, not to mention how others will laugh at it, Malashenko estimates that his military career is basically over.

Malashenko has already said this. If the Yankees in the audience understand, then it is time to back off and sit down. If you continue to struggle with the same issue, it is no exaggeration to say that there is a possibility of being kicked out of the venue for "disturbing order."

But I don’t know if the American took the wrong medicine or if he didn’t sleep well after taking too many flights last night, which made him feel a little confused and excited at the moment.

Faced with the "official reply" given by Malashenko, the reluctant Yankee just sneered.

"Oh? Really? So, General, can you please provide corresponding evidence to support what you just said? After all, we all know that it is empty talk. Of course, I don't mean to say this maliciously, I just want to include Everyone, including me, can feel at ease, and this is indeed the only way we can better cooperate with the investigation, just like what you said personally."

If you disagree, you are asking for evidence.

Well, in fact, this is not surprising. To be more precise, Malashenko has already predicted that the Americans will find trouble on this topic, so the corresponding answer is actually already prepared.

"It just so happens that we have indeed completed the corresponding investigation and are planning to announce the final investigation results."

“Of course the evidence you want can be shown, and you don’t have to change places or wait too long, it’s right now, right here.


Before he finished speaking, Malashenko raised his hand and snapped his fingers, and the crisp sound echoed throughout the venue.

Immediately afterwards, the projector, which was like an old-fashioned movie projector, began to operate. The light projected from the artificial light source immediately passed through the film in front and hit the curtain behind Malashenko, recording what was recorded on the film. The content was fully presented in front of everyone in the venue.

"Hiss this"

It can indeed be said that all of you here are elites in the media industry, and some of them are rich in military knowledge and are even war reporters who have retired from military service.

Looking at the clear image projected behind Malashenko, several knowledgeable war reporters recognized something unusual about it at a glance.

There is no doubt that the protagonist of the picture is the two huge tracked heavy armored combat vehicles that appear in the picture at the same time, passing one after another and crossing each other.

The reason why people are surprised is mainly because the experienced war reporters here have never seen an armored fighting vehicle like this, or heard about it.

Especially those war reporters from the United States. Many of them are senior experts who have connections within the US military, can enter the military camps to interview with the team, and have traveled back and forth on the Western Front battlefield several times.

But even so, their first reaction when they saw the two heavily armored behemoths in the picture was still a blank look in their eyes - they were completely confused.

It can be said with certainty that similar armored combat vehicles, at least on the US military side and the British army fighting side by side with the US military, do not have similar weapons and equipment in the strict sense.

This huge armored combat vehicle has the body of a heavy tank, but its head has nothing to do with a tank.

There is no common turret, nor a slender barrel. Instead, there is a large rectangular iron box like a giant shoe box, which is carried firmly on the body by the huge and strong heavy tank chassis, as stable as a mountain.

"What the hell is this! How come I've never seen it? Or even heard of it?"

"This thing is too big, Jimmy! I'm not kidding you, just look at the size compared to the Russian soldiers next to you. This thing is bigger than our latest M29 "Thomas" heavy tank!"

"But does this have anything to do with our restricted freedom? Is this the major military secret that the Russian general said?"

The American reporters in the audience were either horrified by this unprecedentedly powerful armored vehicle, or they were confused about the relationship between the two steel behemoths in the picture and their restricted freedom.

However, this will not last long. The doubts and confusion will soon be solved, and Malashenko, who has prepared all the answers, will speak again.

"Now please look here. According to our subsequent investigation, the content recorded in this film is the major military secret we are really looking for. This was captured on the film found in the camera of the American reporter. picture."

"What? Americans filmed our military secrets?"

"Sukka! Are these capital dogs spies? Are they coming to Berlin specifically to steal the military secrets of the leading division?"

Before Malashenko finished speaking, the Soviet press box, which was briefly surprised at first, was filled with indignation and suspected that the people sitting in the press box not far away were all fucking bad guys.

However, this is just Malashenko's statement, and not everyone can agree with it, at least the American reporter with thin arms and thin legs who is still standing does not think so.

"This is frame-up, your logic doesn't hold up at all!"

"Even if what you say is true, can you let the Soviet Union's military secrets be so openly shown to everyone? Now everyone here knows the military secrets you are talking about, and they have all seen it with their own eyes! Even so many Americans have seen it, is this a major military secret that you specifically emphasized and needs to be kept secret?”

"If this is the level of secrecy that your Soviet Union maintains, it's really not flattering."

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